If Widow Isn't OP Lend Me Some Help Then

How do I deal with someone who can one shot me at anytime, from any distance, and IF I am even able to get past their entire team to their position (which btw on certain maps with non existent and extremely obvious flank routes is impossible) will just use some mobility ability that sends them completely away from me to the safety of their team, or to an even harder position to get to. Forcing you to either attack them with a dive comp (which is just hilariously weak right now) or that’s it. Everytime you’ll try to dive them? They’ll just grapple away, or use whatever mobility they have.

I genuinely would love some tips because apparently I’m missing something.

There are situations where snipers are genuinely untouchable.

On 2CP and the sniper is in the back, while the enemy team currently has pushed in and gained space on to point? Too bad, you’re not going to be able to get out of spawn and deal with the sniper because either,

  1. Their entire team is pushed up and has control of point, so you can’t get past them.


  1. You need to contest the point or you lose.

(That’s just one of the examples I could bring up)

This is me asking for genuine help since “Widowmaker is not OP”.

(Not to mention most responses to dealing with Widowmaker is just “use sight lines” and I don’t know how people who say that, don’t see a problem with how a hero just forces you into a game of hide and seek for an entire match, locking down areas from simply scoping in.)


the only people who can help you are the devs-if they finaly realise how broken this hero is and finally nerf it


I swear people think heroes can’t be overpowered simply from the fact that they require aim :confused:


And all the counters she has… Naturally and hero based…

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do you know what i love more? people who get killed by a hero once and go cry on the forums for nerfs for that hero(most of the time genji and doomfist

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what counters does she have?(except herself)


I wish those counters worked against

That’s why literally the biggest counter to widow is widow because she can’t just grapple out of that. It’s dumb how she’s designed to force a mirror or go a full comp to counter her (which is genuinely dogsht right now)


Pray your widow wins the 1v1.


welcome to widowwatch-whoever has the person with more hours in cod/csgo wins every time!


Dive. Shields. Natural Covers such as walls and objects. Discord can make her life hard and so can a AMG boosted Ashe.
If she doesnt hit the first shot - a hero like Soldier or McCree CAN deal her a lot of DMG till she finally charges up her second shot.
But dive. Especially Winston and D.va. Also Genji.
And another Widowmaker


Maybe you guys dont play your cards right?

When I played on the US servers I found tons of Widows cheating every match.
She has many counters though. As long as I hide behind walls, I’m pretty much fine.
You can dive her, use shields, force her to relocate by doing poke damage, etc.


Of course double shield, the stopper of all things except doomfist.

Again forcing you into a game of hide and seek where you can’t even come out for a second without having the risk of being one shot.

Zen is the least played support in every rank and is weak.

True, but even then. Widowmaker will just one shot her as soon as she comes out, without the need of a damage boosted.

They both have falloff so, distance will deal with that “lot of DMG” quite simply.

Again, weak. D.va is probably the worst tank in the game right now.

Pretty much the only reliable one.


if she has an ana pocket, unless she is dived by 3 + ppl, theres no shot she diying

widow is ashes hardest counter

so countering her depedns on wheter she makes a mistake or not? seems ballanced, right?

i said besides herself


Tank = Ball, Dps = Genji, Support = Baptiste

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Leaving your other tank to play alone.

Grapple away to your team or to a better position and you’re fine.

Bap is just straight up weak.

Also just genuinely not sure how bap counters a widowmaker at all.


Widow’s effectiveness (and that of every one-shot/high burst based hero) is directly and indirectly tied to the impact that healing has on the game. Your problems will stay problems as long as:
a) supports remain as heal-centric as they are.
b) health pools remain as low as they are.

Even outright removing Widow wouldn’t solve anything, you’ll just start complaining about the next best hero (or combination of heroes) that can burst you down fast enough.

For a more elaborate explanation:

  1. If you take out the Widow thats worth
  2. If she just relocates to another high ground you can easily chase as Genji even without using cooldowns since you have wall climb. Deflect helps for oneshot protection and even if youre forced to use swift strike, its comes faster back on cooldown than grapple does for Widow. If the WIdow hides within her team, shes safe but also useless because she cant get any good sightlines on your team that way, She will be busy shooting shields.
  3. Bap has immortality field which he can abuse behind cover to challenge the Widow for free.

She’ll just grapple to her team, and the ball will 9/10 times get CC spammed out of there.

Again this is all if the genji can even get to her. Highgrounds, max distance while still being effective, her supports, and some of the garbage flank route designs in this game will still make it near impossible to deal with the widowmaker.

The widow wins. You’ve just forced them to use immortality simply to duel the widowmaker, where she can just as easily hide for the short duration it lasts. Now you’re stuck with immortality on a 20+ second cooldown and you have nothing to actually protect your team.

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The best counter to widow is the lucky event that you happen to play on a map with pretty poor sightlines for widow to use and it’s easy to play out of them, oasis university or lijiang control center for example.