If Widow Isn't OP Lend Me Some Help Then

Most of the time widow is not alone so even if you chase her, she will grapple away and the mercy with her will follow her and by the time you reach her a second time, of course her team will also catch up to the enemy because they are not gonna ignore a monkey and a DVA in backline (unless your in lower ranks)

just play the entire round behind walls and natural cover /s

“Just play sight lines and you’ll be fine!”

Oh yippee can’t wait to be forced into a game of hide and seek with Widowmaker like my lil cousins do to me irl :confused:

No but seriously people who make the argument of “just use sight lines” are hilariously hollow headed.

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Use environmental cover and get close to her, she’ll crack under the pressure and try to escape OR if she doesn’t notice you then its an easy kill due to her lack of mobility when scoped in.

Some flank routes are non existent and horrible on maps. And again with this “use your environment” sht. That’s the whole problem when the character forces you into a game of hide and seek the whole match.

Well so do other snipers and snipers in general, thats just the nature of them.

None of the other snipers in OW one shot. Other than hanzo but he’s much easier to dodge.

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Ashe sacrifices her ability to one shot with her faster fire rate and her dynamite, which is alot better than venom mine.

She can still put as much pressure as widow, and don’t forget that with a Mercy damage boost she can 1 shot 200 health heroes.

All hitscans are oppressive, the only balanced one is Soldier.

Cree’s fire rate is absurd, Widow is badly designed and Ashe has been buffed to a point she’s a god with Mercy.

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Solution: Play a character that can go invisible and sneak up on them without risk of detection

AKA Sombra.

But sombra bad so I can’t play her wah wah I don’t wanna win I wanna play meta characters

Depends on what role you’re in

If you’re DPS you could contest her as another sniper, Hanzo, widow or Ashe, or go sombra since you don’t make sound, making the “obvious” flanking routes a bit more useful (make sure to click her head)

As a tank, you don’t need to kill her, just contesting her and making her not get her kills is good enough, this can be done with dva, winston and sometimes sigma and ball
And if she’s close enough you can hog…

As for support my best bet would be ana to contest her/sleep her, bap because you and your team is immune to her one shot for 5sec
Reddit Lucio because fast as heck

just move around a lot tbh, makes you much harder to hit than if your just moving in one direction/standing still.

You are joking are you not? Sombra has 200hp, which means she can be one shot by widow.

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Yes because Widow can one shot a person behind her.

She can if she turns around.

She also needs to a) scope in b) hit the close range shot and c) not die to the sombra before she does these things.

Yes, you are right. “pray she misses” is my favourite form of counterplay, too.


Or ya know, get closer to her face. So she cant see you while aiming in. Meaning she can’t oneshot you

Flank her, you kill her by sneaking up on her while she has her face in the scope. She isn’t OP, she is a sniper, you can’t argue that sniping is OP because in that case basically anyone who can shoot far ranged would be OP.

Forum widow strikes again ladies and gentlemen.