I uninstalled Overwatch

Amen. Jeff & Co. have gone too far with shields and barriers as well as healing. Heck a support, Moria, can out damage the true DPS roster. But alas you won’t find people here admitting that. Nor will they admit that the game is over-saturated with shields and barriers.

I’m uninstalling the next time I bother to boot up my PS4. I’m not supporting devs who fix a severe bug and then immediately replicate the effects of said bug intentionally with no reason given. The only thing that was going to keep me around after ruining my playstyle with role lock was if they kept their promise on better balancing, and then proceeded to do nothing but nerf struggling heroes into the ground.

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Damn bro… this is very sad…

Anddddd? We need to care that you left ? Because you are a streamer of ninja stature ? I don’t think so .
Nobody cares .

Good for u mister sniper ball ?

Speak for yourself, I care immensely

So whiny, honestly

Shields are a part of the game, deal with it you ninnies

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I know for a fact that people above gold use rocket punch. Charging rocket punch 40% slower will affect his movement as well.

Not saying I support Doomfist’s existance though. He is really annoying.


That’s a lot of insane optimism.

Those PTR changes aren’t going to change anything.

As far as the Meta is concerned, it’s not going to change anything, and you’ll pretty much see that.

It will has as much impact as the Initial round of Brig and Zarya nerfs did for GOATs.

Honestly, they are being far too kind to Orissa simply because people cried for a year that Orissa was useless because of Dive and GOATs. She’s been power creeped too far, and they are simply not being aggressive enough in toning her down.

The Sigma nerfs are just like the initial rounds of Brig nerfs during GOATs. Yes, it will get some of the less skilled shield spammers to fail a bit more, or just stop playing him… but organized plat at higher ranks isn’t going to suffer nearly as much as people seem to think.

Sigma is overtuned, but his interaction with Orissa in the shield Meta is due to his design, more than how much out of balance he currently is.

And I don’t see Dive coming back as strong as many hope, as long as Mei, Reaper, and Doomfist remain as effective as they are (Doom is getting a nerf, though).

It’s hard to dive Lucio, Moira, or any of those DPS.

I’m really kind of pissed that the devs were so unimaginative that they had to put yet another Defense Matrix in the game, as well.

Edit: What’s viable also doesn’t change the fact that half the player base will play it, and it’s just not fun playing into it.

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K, what did players complain about?

Shame he isn’t in the offtank slot, tone down the damage on everything and let him pass off the extra shields he generates to his allies or something. But yeh the real issue is his slam shoot upper shootshootshoot combo.

wow BP, thought you’d stick around for a least 10 more years, I’d like to think if things were done my way, you’d enjoy overwatch much more How matchmaker should work (imho) QoL for the LFG Individual Hero SR How to Perfectly Balance the Game

Sure, but given the significant restructuring of the game, it was probably assumed this would happen regardless. There will always be those who desire for change, and those who like things as they are.

In regards to these forums though, take it with a grain of salt doesn’t even begin to describe how little can honestly be gleaned from these forums.

Even then, if what the devs want for their game runs counter to what the playerbase wants, its a failing on their part for not ironing out the desired structure of the game. They’ve incrementally increased the structure of the game overtime. All that can be gleaned from this forum is: People are getting let down by their inability to plan ahead properly before launching a game. If 2-2-2 had been how it was from launch, we’d probably be in a better place right now, as right now, its 2-2-2, but with all the balance issues of before its implementation. The devs are oddly working from the wrong end of things it seems lmao its so backwards.

They should rework doomfist and nerf sigma damage. Also nerf orisa on other ways.

And maybe put that stack two shields, penalize the team damage.

nerfing sigma’s barrier instead of his damage will either change nothing or have hog replace him.
the issue is that sigma does dps damage and main shield tanking, unlike rein and orisa.

Its very bizzare how Reinhardt has 75 damage with melee attack while Sigma 110 ranged damage that can go around shields, corners and has some aoe in it.


Never mind the size of the hit box on those spheres.

For me, between the long queues, the horrendous meta, the general shift in game direction that 2-2-2 itself brings, and something else I just can’t put my finger on just doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel like OW anymore.

I’ve not really played in a couple of weeks because of this, though I managed 3 games last night, first I guess I should have warmed up, but okay, next two, you start winning and then the other team just turtle up. It’s not enjoyable to play, evidently from their first choice picks, and it’s annoying and tedious to break down.

The development team has lost its way. They had something good, but are just looking to change things for the sake of change. Trying to fix things that aren’t as broken as they think they are, without considering the impact those changes bring on the things that are working well.

They’re no longer adding things to improve and add to it, to raise the peaks, and instead filling the troughs and shaving the peaks off to do so. The result of that is that it all starts to feel very flat.

That’s exactly what it turned into. Turtlewatch where there’s little flanking, hide behind shields and less gameplay which I kept on saying. They made this game so bad players feel good about themselves meaning less reason to adapt hence the most famous line “it’s only quick play”. Well you got it guys you won the battle at the cost of making many players and players who liked to represent them through videos.

Facts. Whatever counters a player specifically gets nerf. Players realized the trend and left the game. They made the minority happy, but the majority silently left the game. You rarely hear positive feedback about Overwatch these days unless it’s from a minority bunch because the loud noise died during late 2017.

Because it’s not. This wasn’t suppose to be the original direction for the game. They lost their focus due to negative wrong feedback while players such as I tried to inform them don’t listen to that crowd. They’re only complaining because they don’t like to be countered and etc. Role Queue defeats the purpose of their original concept.

This game was suppose to be about create whatever comp you like even if it’s 1 tank and 1 support. The game was still fun when it had those features, but here we are in the dreaded Western and Eastern Plaguelands. All that remains is us.

Can’t wait for sigma to become useless . I never hated a game character so much . I mean I literally t bag all the sigmas after I kill them . People ask me why I do that and I tell them, nothing personal, I just do that to all Sigmas .