- Heroes aren’t balanced solely on pickrate.
- High pickrates don’t automatically mean a hero is “OP”.
- Making statements like “All Mercy mains are toxic.” Also makes you toxic.
- Not all Mercy mains are female or homosexual.
- Not all Mercy mains are “onetricks” who have 100+ hours exclusively on Mercy.
- Flirting with the Mercy on your team, does not mean that they will (nor should) pocket you.
- Pros do not have more knowledge of how the game should play than the devs who made the game itself.
- The “pros” are a minority in the community. That includes a lot of their views on heroes, such as Mercy. They do not share the exact same opinions of everyone else on the hero.
- Mercy’s rework was made due to complaints by non-mercy pro players on “Hide and Seek Mercies”. Most Mercy mains did not want a rework. Allow this fact to be repeated.
- Mercy’s rework was made due to complaints by non-mercy pro players on “Hide and Seek Mercies”. Most Mercy mains did not want a rework.
- “Hide and Seek Mercy” was a hyperbole. There is no data that proved that this was occuring in a large scale, and the justification of it was PR speak to push the rework. At large, it was a myth, because you mostly still need to hide, to pull off a successful res even today.
- Maining mercy is not a religion. There is no cult, church, or synagogue involved with playing the hero.
- Telling your fellow Mercy “I need healing,” is actually helpful. Spamming it 400 meters across the map or in some unreachable part of it, is not.
- Mercy’s mass res was not OP. She was actually underpowered when she had mass res, and the devs had to buff her to make her viable with invincibility.
- Mercy is not a “brain-dead” hero. If you were actually brain-dead you wouldn’t be able to play the game in the first place, let alone breathe or use your eyes to read this. The term is hyperbole. “Brain-dead” heroes in overwatch don’t exist.
- Mercy not requiring aim gives her a low skill floor, not a low skill ceiling. Proper positioning, priority, and spatial awareness are just as important to learn as aiming. Mercy not having the option to settle her fights through simply out-powering her enemies and “clicking heads”, makes her one of the most difficult heroes to master in this area.
- Rez does not make your team a 6v7. You have 6 team mates, one dies and makes it a 5v6. One is ressed and makes it a 6v6. The 7th hero, never existed.
- Jeff said that Mercy does not need changes right now. To the dismay of those who hate the hero, yes, that includes nerfs.
Feel free to share this thread to anyone who needs it. These are pills. Pills that are hard to swallow. So please, discretion is advised.
Was just about to make one of these posts myself. You’re right 
Just waiting for some of these people to come in and be like “lul she doesn’t need to aim tho, braindead GG”
Honestly. If she’s that easy then some of these complainers should just pick her and get to Top 500 in no time right??
Hmmm… I thought not.
This happens to me all the time… Then I speak at the end of the match and they realize I’m a dude.
This made me chuckle. I get this too, and when I actually speak and they realise I am actually a girl they even apologise for being silly hahaha
Why is it so hard to accept that she’s easy and too rewarding?
Hard to swallow pills.
They are probably going to need to nerf Mercy.
I think a lot of the backlash towards Mercy and more specifically her players comes down to people being sexist weirdos, but I also don’t think her place in the game is healthy right now.
There is almost zero reason to pick the other main healers over her right now, and there is already a surplus of healing in this game. She is survivable (the most in the game if you’re good), heals the most out of everyone in the game, singlehandedly messes with breakpoints with damage boost, and has rez on a cooldown (at least people make it earn it first. Torb scrap meter when.)
this is objectively wrong, on an interview the other day when asked about meta implications by seagull a dev said “you would know better than me”
That used to be the case. Until the rework. Well, couple months before and after the rework.
As a homosexual Mercy (Mercy mostly on this season), I disagree with your point on that lol.
Jk, but I really do see more females and other gays playing her for whatever reason
That win rate is normal, its the Zenyatta and Brigitte that are outliers there.
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Sticky this and hang it up on every OW players room.
Jesus Christ!
Winrate between 50-54% really doesn’t mean much.
ate these pills with water easy to swallow
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Except it was occurring at a large scale. Every match involving Mercy at the time was:
wipes team
Teammate: “did we get mercy/wait where’s mercy”
Wild Mercy appears HEROES NEVER DIE dead team comes back to life
I did it, my team did it, their team did it, mom and dad and grandma and grandpa’s team did it. Everyone was doing it, doing it, doing it.
Winston isn’t picked anymore, must be because they balanced him properly.
A lot of people that are stuck can actually still climb with Mercy.
Top 500 might not be in everyone’s reach, but playing Mercy makes the climb significantly easier. If you’re stuck at any rank as any other support, but then switch to Mercy, you’re bound to climb higher than you were before playing Mercy. Just because she’s easier than the others AND more valuable.
Nah it’s because Hanzo can easily kill Winston without headshots, and Brigitte cut his damage in half.
I wonder if something similiar happened with Mercy.