2 things I wanna discuss

Not really. Noone is using Mercy rn as there are far better supports. If her win rate goes up its gonna be of previous statistics, not of ones made after this butching-nerf.

Also how nice of you to not even read the entire post and comment 20 sec after its posted. Hmm, shows your bias towards statistics. For some reason these aren’t outdated and aren’t in your favor? Do you want me to change em up a lil’? :thinking:


Well she’s got some pickrate to lose.


Well she is worse with this nerf so both decrease and most likely the win rate will decrease more than the pickrate because some Mercy mains somehow still have hope, they should be respected for that.


Ana and Moira are quickly catching up to her. Also can you tell me which of these Pokemon heroes has the lowest on fire rate and the second lowest winrate (being only 0.07% better than the first one.)

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In case you’re wondering, the price was dropped to $10 per skin instead of $15.

Hmm… Yes I’m going to have to agree with Ivan on this one. Also… Do describe your logic behind “low pickrates = high winrates”. I wouldn’t personally say that one directly affects the other. There’s certainly more factors to winrate other than picks.

While we’re on the topic. I feel like I should once again remind you, since you seem to always forget this, so I shall reference two of the Hard to swallow pills for Mercy.

These are pills… Pills that are hard to swallow.


Not exactly. Still high enough price how trashy skins. I mean hell, some of the OG legendaries look better than these… things

I still think that’s pretty steep considering the money goes to Blizzard and not to charity.

Maybe if we all buy them they can hire some more staff and release new content more than 4 times a year


Once people learn when to pick Mercy, and when to switch off Mercy her Winrate should go up.

A lot of Mercy players haven’t learned this, because there used to never be a bad time to run Mercy.

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God damn it Ivan. Those are my nerfs

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Fun how you completely ignored my question as it requires you to look at stats and they, ofc, prove me right. I love the hypocrisy <3

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There are nerfs for everyone, especially for Mercy

Here, have one


I think the rework was successful. It made her more engaging and deleted the team-fight eraser.

I just wanna say that if you would have saved owl points from watching the games then you would have enough to just buy it for free.

How generous of them. :roll_eyes:

It wasn’t a very good question, so I don’t see why it deserves an answer.

Not really unless the game is Mercy vs Non Mercy Team, because if it a Mercy vs Mercy then it will end up 1 win 1 loss.

If Mercy has Less Picks but more Wins, then that means she superior to the other supports, if she is high picks low win, then that means the other supports are superior to Mercy on her own.

If she getting less picks but her win rates stays relatively the same, then that means Mercy is somewhat balance.

@NeonLight We should also keep tabs on the Overall Pick rates across all tiers as Blizzard takes that into account.

2nd place with 11.32% Pick Rate with 50.40% Win Rate in the last 4 weeks (Somewhat inline with what Blizzards should be seeing)

Not. How is going to the skybox and delaying ur teammates’ death because ur heal is utterly useless engaging? Or are you referencing to pistoling in valk? In the second case ye, its more engaging.

Here’s the funny thing. How was anyone suppose to save up enough coins to purchase the abomination skins when we all just learned about them?

For all season people bought regular OWL skins cause they didnt know about these. Now they throw them out at us at the end of OWL.

How many people do you think actually saved coins? It was a cheap move on the devs part. They should have mentioned something way ahead of time instead of waiting the last second. All they want is more money by us purchasing OWL tokens.

Well, I mean it’s to support the League.

Nobody is required to buy them.