I agreed with the post until you started going on about her rework. NO ONE enjoyed playing against (or with) Mercys old ult. It was way to powerful considering the fact that you could just press q from spawn or a floor down on maps like dorado.
Apart from that you are 100% right
How can I like a post more than one time? .
Nah she’s just slowly been increasing at a steady rate for the past 5 months.
No major spikes in pickrate.
Because shes not easy.
and the peopel who used her before the abuse started were actually agaisnt Mercy 2.0 as we KNEW she was going to be OP…but you see how the devs listened
I would actually join a Mercy religion…since she is basically a pacifist.
People forget the thing that actually made Mercy “op” was making her un killable…this single change enabled hide and seek abuse and could of been changed to DR instead and avoided a horrible re-work and the countless hate it received/inflicted.
good post thoguh dude(ette)
The hardest pill to swallow: Mercy is into Genji.
again, objectively wrong. jeff Kaplan himself said the reason for the rework was mercy encouraged people to intentionally die in the game to get use from her.
this notifies the mercy to be looking for me on the way in.
theres an entire part of the game she doesn’t need. the fact is every hero requires the same awareness and postioning she does, and they require aim this means the skill ceiling they have is infinitely higher than mercies.
its not a literal 7v6 its a figurative. if you have a mercy and the enemy team doesn’t, and both your widows kill each other at the same time guess what? its like you had a second widow on the bench waiting for the first to go down. making it figuratively a “7v6”
Consider the bolded text:
You are correct in that no one enjoyed it. The point made is that it was a result of the pros pushing the idea to devs to change her “due to hide and seek mercy not being fun”. We get the rework, and Mercy still needs to hide in order to res.
mercy’s pick rate is partially high because she can easily get to people who need healing that don’t understand grouping up. I pick moira or lucio if my team actually stays together, but I find myself picking mercy because my team decides to split up. I can keep up both sides while I wait for them to finally group up. Plus, she can heal through shields, which moira cannot do. Not to mention, moira is pretty hard to get FULL use when you’re in an open area. Sure, it’s possible, but mercy would be more consistent there.
I don’t understand why pickrate matters when it comes to class that has four (to six, depending on who you ask) viable picks.
According to this method, Rein needs to be nerfed because he has a 41% pick rate, and that’s ridiculous. His win rate is 52% – not far off from mercy.
Mercy’s pick rate is so high because reliable healing is more valuable than the utility other healers provide. They could remove rez from the game entirely and I would still pick her over Moira or Ana, unless we were running triple tank.
You forgot one.
Time goes by, devs can be wrong and/or change their mind. Mercy is OP and needs a nerf or another rework that lowers her overall power.
There are pills that are hard to swallow even for Mercy players. I swallowed it, you probably should too or you’re going to be in for a huge world of disappointment.
- Mercy is the only hero with rez
- she can rez every 30 seconds
- thats two rezes every team battle
- this is more powerfull then all other healing ults
- she should only be able to rez in Valkyrie
- or have an adjustment to rez timer
- or just remove rez because she would still be the strongest healer without it
- otherwise she will continue to be the only viable main healer in most situations
Do you realize how difficult it is to get rez off, especially at higher ranks? if the other team doesn’t punish the mercy for rezzing – IE standing still for 2 seconds – then they should be punished. Especially if she can rez twice during a team fight haha
The pros were doing it but the community was doing it too. I was playing with high gold/low play teams at the time and this tactic was incredibly prevalent.
All jokes and carefree attitude on my first post aside, I was going througha compilation phase in which I was compiling data from anything from who I died from the most as Pharah to how many times people wave hello back to me. I had actually been working on recording the games “Hide and Seek” occurred in, on both my team and the enemy team. Keep in mind again my games were primarily in the high gold/low plat range, but outliers included high plat/low diamond and high silver/low gold ranges as well. While no rank was directly correlated in the data gathering, H&S occurred in roughly 81% of the games from my team and about 73% of the games on the other team. One important thing to bare in mind is that I only recorded data for about 5 or 6 days of games because shortly after the new changes were announced and it didn’t matter anymore for what little point I was trying to prove with my personal data collection.
Zarya buble helps. Regardless if its executed the potential is there and it happens more often then not.
Amen! Say it louder for the people in the back.
A lot of abilities have a lot of potential if executed properly. Seems like a ridiculous argument. Again, Rein has the same win rate and a higher pick rate. Should he be nerfed?
Jeff mentioned both these points in his mercy rework video so it’s not objectively wrong.
You can’t compare rein to mercy. This is a healer issue that has to do with mercy being way OP compared to the rest of the healers.
The rez, yes. Rein can’t rez, but that’s just her hero ability. If wraith is executed properly, reaper has huge potential. If slash is used properly, it has great potential. Hell, if zens charge is executed properly, it has great potential. It’s just a weak argument. Plenty of abilities have great potential when used properly.
As for Rein, his pic krate is higher, and he has a similar win rate, so yes, by many people’s standards, that puts him at the same rank as mercy. This isn’t a healer issue. This is a community issue thinking “i have a problem with this hero so s/he needs to be nerfed.”
IF she’s OP compared to other heroes it’s because others aren’t viable right now. Moira can’t heal through shields, so it makes it hard when shield meta is common. Lucio becomes useless when hacked, which is going to increase in prevalence when new sombra is released. Ana overall is broken. Zen is fine, but he isn’t a main healer. Brigittes often forget to heal at all.
That leaves Mercy. She isn’t OP because the others aren’t viable.