Just nerf mercy and stop the joke

Stop using pickrates as a reason.

Tell why she is op.


Lol she doesn’t have an 100 percent pick rate across all ranks. Dang we should nerf Rein than because he also has a high pick rate as well.

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overbuff com/heroes

True, but if we are arguing that maybe we should nerf Zen because he’s so high picked as well

Maybe it’s time to nerf Zarya because of her pick rate


I can’t aim

that’s literally the reason

also when she ults, “i can’t counter ult”

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I’ll give ya a little scenario on why no one plays Winston and that’s coming from a Winston main.

-Winston goes in for her holding onto his jump-
-mercy presses shift-
-Winston jumps after her-
-brig heals the mercy shield bashes the Winston and gets melted-


“I’m angry cuz Mercy has a high pickrate. Therefore nerf her. Make her worse. Even though pickrate alone doesn’t dictate how powerful a hero is and she doesn’t actually have a 100% pickrate, because I say it needs to be nerfed, you guys should listen to me. Juzzcuzz…”

Fun fact for you:


Yup, I am all for a winston buff, but he still does well against her in my opinion as long as she has no support.

Well the more you climb almost always she’ll have a zen orb on her and she’ll be healing the zen, basically pocketing each other… I can understand the lack of team work in lower SR but eh basically winston is trash except if he has a Dva with him then maybe just maybe dive can work a little bit in this current boring of a meta.

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Instead of nerfing the rework even more they need to rework her instead. The rework was a failure from day one and is still a failure. It will remain a failure so long as they keep an ability, resurrect, as a standard ability that’s as powerful as most other ultimate abilities in the game. While Valkyrie is more like a slightly better standard ability with a longer duration.


Oh please.

Don’t just stop the joke, just revert Mercy and end this entire skit.


Well if they are spending all of their heals keeping the supports alive then their main group would suffer

you have to flank and catch one of them off guard and they’ll fall easy enough, zen even easier

Hey. Have you ever considered the fact that Mercy’s pickrate is so high… not because of her power, but because she has no competition in her role?

I mean what other main healers do we have?

Moira requires you to build the team entirely around her, and she absolutely sucks when playing with snipers on your team… in a meta where snipers are really strong. Moira also requires much more coordination among your team than Mercy, so she sucks at low tiers as well, even though snipers arent strong there.

Ana just plain sucks.

Mercy isnt the problem, Ana is.

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Yeah that was the initial job of Winston buy time for the team, distract the supports so your teammates can maybe pick something up, but then came brig :confused: now the main healer just ignores you lol

I’d agree with making her harder to play but I rarely see posts that do this most posts suggesting things that supposedly makes her “harder” to play makes her skill ceiling somehow fall even further

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I’d say brig is still really good right now for what she does, with winston I think he should have some sort of bonus if he’s inside his shield but idk

Nerf Mercy.


eh I think the first step is to remove Mercy’s ability to heal through shields, hence making Winston’s bubble stronger… eh idk what saves him tbh the armor hurts him a lot.

Maybe he just needs some sort of burst damage secondary fire to start off a duel with higher damage at the cost of a reload

eh idk I also don’t want him to be insanely op he’ll make Genji pretty much useless too… like Winston is perfect just brig ruined it all -__-

Rein pickrate had probably going down next patch with Hammond.