Gonna spit the truth here: I feel bad for mercy players

Well we ban them for being popular, why not buff them too.

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thats not…why they’re getting banned but ok

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It’s literally pick rates, so it’s exactly what it is. Popularity will inflate pick rates even on heroes that are good anyway. And higher pick rates means more chance of banning.

It’s not just because they’re strong.

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No no no no no no no.

This is what made her a must pick with busted Valk…and that was one with 4 rezzes in 20secs.

Yeah there is that cast time, but the fact is something like this just breaks the easier counter there was for MR…


MR wasn’t busted. Annoying, yes. Promoted toxic gameplay? Yes, and before anyone goes not all Mercy players, I know…some did regardless, BUT it was ALSO promoted by their teams who EXPECTED or DEMANDED them to hide. (The blame for the 'hide ‘n rez’ playstyle is on everyone who demanded it, not just Mercy players)

Shameless plug :nail_care:

This is the concept if blizz really is against ditching Valk

Here is the mass rez only iteration

I never feel bad for one-tricks. The game is designed to choose the heroes that best fit the situation and to become good at all of them in your role.

But busted valk had insta e rez, as her ability AND extra rezzes on valk
maybe the valk duration could be reduced though?

I just want my hero to be a hero again :frowning:

Why is it anytime a Mercy post is brought up someone has to mention one tricks ? Not all Mercy mains are one tricks. Ever think that there are people out there that main Mercy but also play other heroes ? If a Genji main asked for buffs, does that mean they are a Genji one trick ? Like what ??? Who do you main ? If you main x hero and ask for buffs for them are you a one trick now ?

Listen, I get what you’re trying to do-but multiple rezzes in Valk is what made Valk broken.

Like I think the farthest the devs would go is to reset the cooldown on Valk activation, and that be all. No additional charges.

Rez is awkward to balance in the state that the game is in now. The devs are pushing for fast matches. Rez goes against that.

I would love for Mercy to have some more impact with Valk, but making the only impact be “Valk grants more rezzes” really isn’t the best for her. We’ll once again get Mercys who willing hide before using Valk, or teams screaming and demanding their Mercy to hide so they can use Valk.

But it is to compensate for the removal of E rez?
What about less valk time? I only remember valk rezzes being good with the insta rez, too.

If you rez 5 people even with that cast time, you deserve to win the fight.

Again devs wanted to get away from the idea of have rez only being powerful in Valk.

Regardless as to how low and limited the duration is, multiple rezzes just no longer suits OW as it is today.

As I said, this negates the EASIEST tactic there was for MR in general-staggering.

This is why MR became less and less oppressive the higher you climbed/longer you played (I include longer you played because as you can see I don’t play comp but even I and friends I’ve played with were able to counter MR whenever we came across it).

Again, this does nothing more then bring back 'hide ‘n rez’. And the expected play of Mercy hiding, either by bad Mercy players doing of their own volition, or bad teams DEMANDING and harassing their’s to do so.

Also if this removes E rez in general…outside her ult she’ll be pretty useless. She’ll be an ult bot, and not a very good ult bot at that.

Idk then , If there’s literally nothing you think I can suggest I dont know what to say.

The point of the mercy is feedback is that people want her to feel “impactful” and have “flashy” moments. If multi rez can’t be brought back, even if it’s extremely easy to counter, Idk what to say.

It is not that people ignore it because of it’s another Mercy thread. This thread is made long after the whole Mercy spam.

This is just a case of it is too old of a thread that people stop caring about it beside the crazy Mercy mains up here. Hell I even put a couple of my comments on that thread and I don’t even remember what I said.

An AoE cleanse could be a good Ult, the devs mentioned that CC IS a problem in OW…granted they released Sigma afterwards…(love Sigma, just…hate they made that statement and release a hero with 2 forms of CC).

A simple shift in numbers for Valk-stronger main beam, and the aforementioned cooldown reset.

Change up HOW Valk chains work even-have it literally chain heal but going from one allies to the next without the radius but instead an distance restriction.

Yeah none of these are absolutely great but are healthier for what the game is now-ie not artificially extending match lengths by just resurrecting the team or the majority of the team.

Here’s the thing, a MR mechanic can and HAS worked in other FPS games. One being Dirty Bomb. The Guardian has an ability called Bionic Pulse, and it is an AoE revive. WHY it works there is because of four reasons;

  1. Larger teams
    2)Larger Maps
    3)Longer Matches
  2. They have a “down state”.

These are things that makes something like an AoE revive work. OW has none of these and that’s really why it’s so hard to balance it. If OW didn’t go into the “fast paced matches” mindset, then maybe a multi-rez COULD have worked. We’ve seen it works well in a PvE setting, and was actually well balanced in that.

But that’s sadly just not the state of the game as it is now.

I don’t think AOE cleanse would work

  1. It’s not really that more interesting of an ult
  2. It doesn’t please the mercy 1.0 players, The really loud ones who have been making those many threads.
  3. It doesn’t give them really “flashy” plays, like they’ve wanted.

Maybe as an E?

I mean me, personally, think it could be flashy and clutch if done right, but to each their own.

If we were to get rid of Rez, then yes a cleanse on E would be nice. Again lots of CC and we kinda need it.

There’s a lot of ideas from mercy mains if we got rid of rez.

But rez is her identity, Getting rid of rez could never work. It’s like getting rid of sombras hack.

It just cannot happen.

I HATE the devs even mentioned this.

Cause, no.

Rez was ONLY her identity AFTER the rework.

Before all this, her identity was consistency and how mobile she was.

Rez ONLY became her identity when the devs boxed themselves in a corner by trying to rework nearly her ENTIRE kit around it.

But it is and always has been.
Mobility is nice, but look at the cinematics, she’s all about rez.

Getting rid of it just won’t work. Tbh it’s either leave her as she is, bring back a form of mercy 1.0 or nothing. I can’t see any other solution.