What Mercy Changes Do You Want?

A new ability
A new rework
A revert
A buff
or the iconic “Mercy is fine”
What do you think she needs right now?


Honestly might as well add my opinion
I think mass rez needs to make somewhat of a return since E rez IMO is very problematic, i’d even say its only a bit better than mass rez [unless its moth meta god forbid]

Basically i like the idea of just scrapping pistol and making her reload button a fire button which could just simply, work better since she doesn’t have to change weapons and it makes it smoother to transition between her healing and damaging

I’d say buff her heals to 55-60 hps or just 65 but decreases to 50 while pocketing to kinda get rid of her just pocketing her dps all game.

Her E can be a cleanse and kinda of burst, upon activating the ally gets 40 burst heals and all CC does not affect the ally for like 5 seconds, maybe gives ally a little halo!

With rez and valk it can go a few ways but i’ll give my input

Rez now returns as an ultimate but can be cast without allies being dead aswell. Rez also has the LOS restrictions added. I-frames are deleted. This removes the problem of Hide and Rez. Now to valk. For this i think if Rez is activated without allies being dead, valkyrie begins, but will have to be heavily changed. I think a shorter duration would be fine but have some compensation. I’d say allies in range are given a burst heal and her staff does a bit more healing [65-70]. No chains, last like 8 seconds. Also maybe heroes who get the burst heal get a little halo!
Keep in mind this is my personal opinion, feel free to tweak and give feedback :man_shrugging:
Edit 2
Changed the name!

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  • Rez off E
  • Make valk her E
  • give her the ability to rez during her ult, perhaps not mass. or if it is mass then make it a limit of 3 with los reqs

A healing buff. 55 - 60 HPS.


Big googly eyes!



Mercy needs a day off from working and a buff


I’d like rez removed entirely and replaced with an ability that proactively keeps teammates alive. Resurrect is the only purely-reactive ability in the game and I think it’s the root of lots of problems.

The thing she absolutely DOESN’T need is a healing buff.


Either revert or rework


55 HPS and other main healers to be lowered to 65

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Mercy needs to go back to 60 hps


I think she needs Pink Mercy back


she needs a girlfriend


A new ability to make her more interesting and offer some utility. I don’t like the idea of a revert because it doesn’t solve previous issues players had with her. As to what it the ability is, I don’t know, maybe some sort of cc protection. For example - when receiving a status effect like Stun, Freeze, etc. prevent and clear only one instance of that effect for the next 1 second. I’m sure OW2 will have a lot of PVE skills that can inspire some ideas.

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A charges/resource mechanic that allows her to Mass Rez but takes a lot of skill on the mercy to stay alive long enough to use it. The resource drains once at max charges.


She “needs?”

Different people want different things from her

The head balancer, Geoffe Goodman, clearly wants her as a pocket bot

To be a main healer? A burst heal

To not feel so crappy? 60 hps

To be better balanced? The removal of resurrect entirely for something like… a burst heal or cleanse

maybe even pacify as suggested


more bullets, they run out so fast


yes we stan mercy and her girl

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Numbers shift in Valk:

Stronger Main beam
Shorter Duration

Either with weaker Chains, or ditch them and reset CoolDowns.

Would LOVE to have a healing incentive to distance GA’d to not only to play to her strength of spread out comps, encourage to swap teammates more often, and have things like Pharah and snipers help her play to a greater potential while she help them do the same.


honestly love this post

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I’ve seen someone suggest an anti cleanse CC ability that can be used as resurrect during Valkyrie (the ultimate)

keep in mind that it’ll be almost impossible for blizzard to rework mercy again, res will always be E and valk will always be the ultimate.

however, I’d love if they tune the resurrect to be more of an ability rather than an impactful move on a 30 second cooldown. maybe reduce the cooldown or lower the restrictions and penaltys like the movement penalty or the cast time, and to compensate, the ally gets resurrected with 50% health or less/more.

and make valkyrie a more impactful ultimate, maybe reducing the duration but increasing the other numbers or just make it 20 seconds at least.

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E Rez removed, replaced with utility.
Timing and/or resource mechanics for heal beam to allow for slightly burstier heals.
Valkyrie removed, replaced with proper defensive ult.