Gonna spit the truth here: I feel bad for mercy players

Then I would say lave her as is if those are the only options.

Mercy 1.0 would put her in an even worse spot then she is now.

I’m not saying 1.0, I’m saying parts of 1.0
It doesn’t have to be my suggestion, but you get my point.

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I understand, parts of Mercy 1.0 could have been MUCH EASIER to balance then what they did.

However you do need to look at how much the game has changed since then. Mercy, even though she’s not in a good place now, is actually a bit better then she was back then-and I’m not going to deny it’s for the best of reasons as to why.

Mercy 2.0 was a complete trainwreck and the devs were told many many MANY times it was a bad direction.

I would love to see Mercy being able to be a main healer again (and I ALWAYS played her as more of an off-healer cause I freaking lover Damage Boost), but that really requires the devs to acknowledge that the rework really wasn’t handled the best.

Really says something when Mercy mains and general Mercy players can agree that the best things to come from the rework…were bugs applying to her GA. (Again wished we got a rework that focused on her GA usage instead)

This is true, however, I still think it’s certainly possible to change to to be more like 1.0, AND balanced at the same time.

Unpopular opinion time! I don’t think she was ever a main healer, except before ana when she healed the most.

60hps or 50hps, doesn’t matter, it isn’t a main healer, Every other “main” healer has other abilities to increase their healing on top of base healing. Mercy has none, If she had one that worked like moira orb, grenade, regen, etc. She would be extremely OP.

Technically this can make Lucio a main healer by this mindset with his Amp it Up.

The thing is Ana set the pattern for the additional burst heal. So in other words, Mercy got left behind from the changes.

Like a lot of the original roster did.

Lucio has a maximum of 46HPS, even with his ability. This isn’t even close to “main healer” standards. Maybe when there were 3 healers, but not now.

Not only that, but the damage increased by a stupid amount. Don’t put all the blame on Ana.

So you should ONLY be using her for topping people up or using her for consistency. 60hps or 50hps, Doesn’t matter. She’s not meant to heal everything, unless you have nothing else to do.

In fact, buffing her to 60hps just makes her more obnoxious with dps. It will hardly change her when healing tanks, but make her insanely strong when pocketing DPS.

I know a lot of mercy players don’t like pocketing, So this is why I feel like this suggestion is important.

I’m not blaming Ana for that. Just pointing out that every support since her, has gotten a secondary burst heal.

Which is why she was bumped up to 60hps in the first place where we had less burst damage and less CC that could chain into other CC…when she was still a trash pick?

60hps didn’t encourage pocketing either. What it did was just made it easier for Mercy to beam juggle between targets because she simply could heal more and faster.

Yeah, because the devs realized “wow theres so much freaking damage in this game, maybe we need more heals than 50 or 60hps” xD

But that was with mercy 1.0, not mercy 2.0, where she was trash with 50hps.
2.0 is objectively better than 1.0. She became a better pocket healer in 2.0, also.

dude, if you try to dive a sniper/whoever she’s pocketing, it’s going to be insanely harder. Not only is it super consistent, but the heals are strong, too.
Could she be balanced with 60hps? Probably, But I just feel like it’ll encourage pocketing even more. Often you don’t have to juggle, One person will be targeted, so you heal that one person. If you really wanted to make her “juggle” better you would make it so she heals more for people who are at critical HP.

Also, looking at feedback from mercy mains. Most mercy mains say mercy is balanced, or close to balanced, It’s just they don’t like pocketing dps 24/7. 60hps encourages this, so it’s the wrong buff.

For Damage Boost, not for healing. She gotten better Boost Targets during the Moth Meta, ESPECIALLY with Hanzo’s rework.

Not to mention when Double Sniper came along, she was used for the back line rez.

Again not for her healing, but her boost and rez in particular.

She was falling out of favor with the meta, AFTER the damage boost “bugs” were adressed.

Her healing wasn’t what kept her in the meta.

Why? There are plenty of Mercy players saying 50hps is what’s making her pocket more.

60hps is the argument for the reasons I stated before: faster healing and more beam juggling.

How? Her damage boost was unchanged.

That doesn’t mean that NOW she won’t be used to make DPS super hard to kill. Backline rez was useful back then, so what? I’m pretty sure mercy made it super hard for like a genji to confirm a kill on a sniper, Making it really hard to have dive.

Really? I just looked at Greyfalcons stats, her pickrate was steadily increasing, It was almost the same pickrate as she had before the huge nerfs.

If that was the case, then 50hps would have no effect :man_shrugging:

I don’t understand this beam juggling, Like, cool there’s 2 people low, It’ll take 1/5 second faster (if my maths right, im kinda tired) to heal people up. Does this make a difference? No. But it makes it much much harder to kill a DPS.
edit: here you go

edit 2: BRB im going out for a bit.

Not a Mercy Main, but I like her current kit, overall, as well.

Now, I do have some issues with it, in terms of balance. I feel her healing is a bit low (or overall damage in the game is too high), and for such a long CD and basically a “Please kill me” button (in many situations), I feel Rez is UP in its current state.

But, yeah. If we’re purely talking kit design, as in E-Rez and Valk as an Ult, I like it. I don’t really find Mass Rez all that appealing, to be honest. Though, I do wish her current Rez was better, as I said (basically, I wish there was a middle ground between the two).

But rarely used.

And again new damage boost targets. Hanzo was a MESS of a beast of his rework, and Dragons, while boost was able to out damage Trans.

Damage Boost was seriously the sleeping power Mercy’s kit always had, but a lot of people had, and still do neglect.

However it did, because it came AFTER the “bug fixes” to damage boost, meaning that she lost that power she had.

You could literally alternate between two heroes while under fire and keep them from dying as they retreated.

KarQ’s old Mercy video with EeveeA showed how important it was to get the rhythm of beam juggling to sustain your team.

It seems that we’re not going to convince the other to see from our POV.

I don’t know how 60hps is ludicrous, but multi-rez isn’t for you.

I created this post.

well if they dont giver her a hps buff i be fine with combining both her heal and buff beams into one and make right click pistol shot, that would be a cool experiment on the ptr

Oh, yeah, man. Fixing her on fire meter would totally make her OP…


Seriously, man, what are some of these people smoking? Lol.

I mained Mercy back during the first two years of Overwatch. When she got reworked, I was down here in the forum trenches writing feedback essays on a near-daily basis for about two years.

It’s been a grueling experience, putting so much effort into a hero only for that effort to go up in smoke.

I practiced every day to master pre-rework Mercy. All my gains in efficiency and value meant nothing post-rework… because all of the value and impact that I put in blood, sweat, and tears to earn with Mercy is now either handed out for free, or flat-out gone from Mercy’s kit because she keeps getting repeatedly beaten with “band-aid fix” nerfs that never even adressed the actual problems.

I’ve written essays worth of Mercy feedback, analyzing her from a dozen different angles with each of her abilities, her position in the community, the meta, and even the theory behind her character design.

Most of them have been lost to the megathreads, either from shouting into a void replying directly to them, or from the threads I’ve created and replied to systematically being locked by the mods and all their replies being shoved into a megathread. There’s been multiple times where I made a Mercy thread that received overall positive response and agreement, but if a Mercy thread back then presented a danger of a starting movement among the wider playerbase got “too much” popular support, it would get mysteriously 404’d.

At this point, pretty much everything people liked about Mercy (more than her current version) is back in her 1.0 kit:

  • 60hps
  • The ability to damage boost midair projectiles
  • Rez as an ultimate

The only exception is Guardian Angel, which is in the best spot it’s ever been. Bunnyhop and superjump is the best-feeling mobility in the game, and recent further tweaks to the physics system have made it more responsive than ever before.

I would like the devs to dust off Mercy 1.0 and look at the issues she had. They were easily fixable:

Removing the i-frames on rez would have deleted the usability of “hide n rez”

Adding mercy’s current bunnyhop and superjump would have solved the “suicide rez” issue that lead to the devs giving Mercy rez i-frames in the first place: Mercy 1.0’s survivability sucked compared to the current Mercy, because she didn’t have GA tech back then.

The concerns about a main healer “focusing too much” on rezzing dead people could have been adressed by giving Mercy 1.0 some kind of healing ability on E… Mercy 1.0 didn’t have much of a choice but to depend so heavily on rez, because (unlike literally any other main healer) once Mercy’s healing beam gets overwhelmed… there’s nothing else she can do to keep her teammate alive. It lead to Mercy 1.0 players jury-rigging rez as a makeshift burst heal.

Mercy 1.0 had problems, but they were such easy fixes… Unlike Mercy 2.0; which is broken on a foundational level. Rez on a cooldown and Vakyrie were game design dead ends from the start.

Haha “Shouting into the void”, never looked at it that way, very true, the silence is deafening

2.0 was a scrapped pre beta concept that obviously failed with internal playtesting, and once again failed with internal playtesting when it hit ptr

Yeah they really gutted the fun factor of mercy.

The skill involved with her is a lot for such low impact. She feels super clunky now and the 50hps nerf was cherry on top.

I’d argue the same for zen but he really just needs discord nerf reverted.

Hey sorry for the late reply, i just had first covid 19 test, it feels HORRIBLE, a little stick gets shoved right up your nose, to the back of your throat.

I’m sorry dude but that’s extremely wrong. Look at how well mercy synergizes with it, we both know this.

You can already do that just fine, 60hps isn’t going to make much of a difference.
Like I said, 60hps only means you heal targets a fraction of a second faster.

Huh? Why? I kind of like the idea of multi rez if it’s brought back right.
I don’t think 60hps is ludicrous either, It just enables the playstyle you people are trying to avoid, Pocketing. Imagine how effective it would be to keep your carry alive with 60hps, while your ana/moira/bap does the big heals on the tanks. Way better than adding an extra pair of hands on your tank who doesn’t really need it.

Assuming it would. She’s played more of a pocket then she was back then with her hps, and the dumb damage boost changes meant for Bap’s ult.

Mercy in the words of the devs is the “go to for raw healing” and should “pump out more healing over the course of the match”.

NEITHER of which hold true.

And if those words don’t indicate a main healer, I don’t know what does.