Mercy 3.0 [My take, with pictures] šŸ‘¼

This is more or less a follow up to my last topic about Mercy, What Mercy Changes Do You Want?

I have made topics in the past about Mercy changes i would want. I have been to different forums, viewed different opinions and views on what her character needs and what Mercy players feel when they play her. Some people want a rework, revert, buffs, or just flat out think shes fine. I personally think Mercy is a bit clunky to play as and her kit kinda fights itself. Now that i have had time to reflect on some ideas i got, last night i went to thinking and work on a Mercy rework that i think is a good idea and can make her much smoother to play. Say goodbye to E-Rez and Blaster, Mercy 3.0 is in the house! Keep in mind, i rushed these drawings, it was like 3 AM give me a break.

Caduceus Staff Changes

Firstly lets start off with the Staff changes. While in the depths of the forums i found an idea for Mercyā€™s staff that i instantly fell in love with. Instead of just flat out giving her 55 hps or 60 hps why not make it 50 hps + 2% of the max health of the ally you are healing. Here is an explanation.

While healing you would be healing 62 hps, because she is a 600 hp hero
While healing Reinhardt you would heal for 60 hps because he is a 500 hp hero
Sombra would be healed for 54 hps, so would the rest of the 200 hp heroes.
Tracer would be healed for 53

The reason i thought this was a good change is because flat out giving 55-60 hps might be problematic because healing dps might be a bit too potent, instead if she heals the way i described this would better off help her universally heal everyone the amount they actually need to be healed at. So now she can still do a good amount of healing to dps but actually solidify her role as a main healer because she can heal tanks better now.

However if this ends up being a bad idea iā€™d just at least let her test the 55-60 hps on the experimental build, help my girl out.

Caduceus Blaster Changes

Probably one of the more controversial changes i have on here, the Caduceus Blaster changes. I have decided that the blaster is straight up removed. Now before you get your pitch forks, let me explain.

The new blaster would straight up come out her staff. To do this you would have to both hold down Right click and Left click which would make your Mercy begin shooting. The pellets from the staff are basically the same as her normal pistol, but i decided to give her 10 more ammo, bring her full clip up to 30 ammo. I just feel the pellets run out quickly.

Now the big reason is, why? Why change the blaster at all? Well i think by making this change Mercy would be a bit more smooth to play, and easier to defend herself mid battle. Instead of having to pull out a whole new weapon, she could easily defend off flankers or help your team poke some damage at a Rein barrier without having too much healing downtime. This change could also make it more engaging to play Mercy with your team.

However, Blizz could take alternative routes in this idea, like reducing the time to switch her weapon, and her beam not breaking when she melees is a good start. Keep in mind this is my own personal idea of how this would be slightly better.

New E Ability : Cleanse

Say goodbye E-rez and welcome in Mercyā€™s next ability, Cleanse! Cleanse is pretty straight forward in how it works. When Mercyā€™s beam attaches to any ally she can activate cleanse. Cleanse gives the ally a halo, which basically makes it so all incoming CC, or previously applied CC, is removed. Also during the Cleanse Mercyā€™s healing is risen to 70 hps, giving it a use outside of just removing CC and giving Mercy a sort of burst heal.

The reasons i removed E-rez can be put into an entire forum of its own but iā€™ll keep it simple. I feel E-rez canā€™t be tuned correctly unless its under powered or overpowered, especially since Mercy has e-rez every 30 seconds. E-rez also removes the importance of the first pick for the enemy, or basically sacrifice two teammates if Mercy dies in the long cast. I feel Mercy simply cant have rez on an E because it feels like an instant ultimate ability, and is balanced as one. I feel Cleanse is a better alternative because it gives both a solution to the mass amount of CC in this game, a way for Mercy to compete with Ana in higher ranks, and a burst heal that Mercy low key needs.

Also i simply donā€™t think any cooldown needs to be as long as 30 seconds.

Time cleansed 3 seconds
Cleanse is on a cooldown of 12 seconds.

Resurrect and Valkyries Changes

These changes are probably gonna get the most talk about, from both sides so let me explain. So yes, Mass rez is returning, however obviously not in the original iteration of it. Also Valkyrie will also be staying as well, so let me explain.

Lets start with the Resurrect changes shall we?

Resurrect now has the same base as Mercy 1.0, bring back the team! However itā€™s got a few nerfs to compensate for the amount of power it has. First nerf to it is it now requires LOS, and mercy no longer has i-frames during the cast. This is to help get rid of the whole hide and rez strategy. Also during the cast Mercy has the Beta cast animation, and iā€™d say a 0.75 cast time. I like the beta cast time more firstly since it feels way less clunky and looks more appealing to use. The ultimate can also be stun cancelled. To help Mercy actually now finish the cast, Mercy gets a 20% percent damage reduction [I changed it from the picture] during the cast so she actually has a chance to use to ultimate. Also her passive healing is removed during the cast.

Now onto Valkyrie, which is actually pretty straight forward. When Mercy uses her ultimate and there are no dead allies she gets sent into Valkyrie. However this iteration of Valkyrie is pretty different than normal Valk. Firstly chain beams are removed so you have a better decision making aspect of who to target. Infinite ammo is still granted. Mercy also has her Blaster damage slightly increased. Also while using Valk healing and damage boost become one main beam, 65 hps [70 hps in the picture but i decided to give it a tone down] and 35 dmg boost. This duration of Valkyrie is 8 seconds.

When the startup cast of both iterations of Resurrect are finished, all living allies in range of Mercy will be given a burst heal and the cleanse affect. However allies Resurrected will not be given this affect.

A small change also could be when Mercy resurrects teammates she says ā€œHeroes Never Dieā€, and when Valkyrie activates she says ā€œI will watch over you!ā€


Small space for any edits i do to this forum.

Edit 1: Changed cleanse to 3 seconds duration 12 second cool down. [From 5 second duration 15 second cool down.


I dont know if the images are messed up, let me know if there is a problem and iā€™ll get a separate link

the images work just fine for me

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I like the drawings :grinning:


oh thank god, my google is just acting weird atm

thank you! i was doing them really late last night

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Iā€™ll say my thoughts on the changes but first, can I ask how you added pictures to your post? Iā€™ve wanted to add pictures for a while now but donā€™t know how


I uploaded the images to imgur and just copied the links and pasted.
If you need help go to Forum HTML tutorial

Well i edited to fix a typo in the post and they disappeared :pensive: but you get the idea.

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Ok thanks.
My thoughts on Mercy 3.0:

I think the Caduceus staff is an okay idea, but I think instead of 2% Max health, just increase the amount of healing to 55 or 60 for all heroes.

I feel the new ability isnā€™t a bad idea, either. I rather like it. Cleanse


These seem like some very interesting changes. I quite like the 2% max hp heal, but I also donā€™t think the devs would add it. It would certainly need to be explained in-game, and they havenā€™t been so great at that so farā€¦

With the blaster I think the best route is to have it be a different weapon as far as the gameā€™s code is concerned, but have it still use the staff model (so there is no need for a long swap animation). Itā€™d probably be too easy to accidentally press both LMB and RMB while swapping and end up with a very strange and unintuitive interaction (there would presumably have to be some delay, in order to avoid you mashing the mouse buttons to get a ridiculous volume of fire, and this delay would cause issues if activated unintentionally).

Valk when rez canā€™t be cast sounds like it could cause issues with timing (accidentally valking when you want to rez). The individual concepts seem fine however. Only comment is rezzed allies not getting the cleanse seems a bit counterintuitive - theyā€™re the ones youā€™ve just been putting resources into after all. Iā€™m sure youā€™d get used to it quite quickly though.

The pictures just disappeared for me, so my number could be wrong, but I think a 5s duration on the cleanse is a bit too long. Iā€™d decrease that and also decrease the cooldown, although that is at risk of becoming too similar to zaryaā€™s projected bubble.

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Yeah they left for me too, i edited something in the post and they left, however thanks for the critique!

Resurrects allies getting the cleanse effect to me seemed a bit much since they are being brought back from the dead after all, plus even alive allies would get this burst heal and cleanse affect anyways so i didnā€™t want to make resurrect the go to, i wanted Valk to have some place in her kit.

I love the Cleanse idea, but wouldnt it be too situational and only increases Mercy healing to 70hps if the enemy doesnt have any heroes that have CC or status changing abilities ? Im fine with the blaster and staff change, Ressurect could be balanced with thd nerfs you suggested, but i think most people wouldnt want it back even as a weaker version of the previous. I also think that people would most likely save their ult for Res instead of Valk so wouldnt it be useless to keep Valk ?

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Thats why i had added the 70 hps so she would have a use outside of just cleanse so it wouldnā€™t be useless against non-CC, i also thought it could give a small speedboost aswell?

For rez, yeah i thought the exact same thing. However i think in high play Valk would actually be used far more often for midfight potential, then again i could just remove the cleanse and burst heal in rez all together, giving valk some more room to be usefull

These are really great changes, I see you put alot of thought and time into it! Articulate reasonableness is scarce on these forums so this a nice change of pace :slight_smile:

My thoughts:

  • Caduceus Staff Changes

Awesome idea! Youā€™re bit at the end said exactly what I was thinking

ā€œif she heals the way i described this would better off help her universally heal everyone the amount they actually need to be healedā€

  • Caduceus Blaster Changes

Cool idea but I feel Mercy players will miss out on the absolute BM of dunking on greedy flankers with her pocket pistol. It for sure helps her fluidity bit this can also be accomplished by reducing the weapon swap speed like you mentioned.

  • New E Ability: Cleanse

I agree with why you wanna remove Res. In my opinion, any cooldown longer than 16 seconds shouldnā€™t be a cooldown. It means itā€™ll either be too strong or too weak (like Bapā€™s Immortality Field).
Weā€™ve been dying for cleansing ability on a support for a while and I think itā€™s fits Mercy well. My only critique is the 70hps, that seems way too strong. The Cleanse + the aforementioned Caduceus Staff Changes would probably be enough, the utility is already strong on itā€™s own.

  • Resurrect and Valkyrie Changes

Love pretty much everything you wrote especially the ā€œMain Beamā€ change.

However, Iā€™d suggest a slight tweak to how Res works. I think it would be better if she had 3 Charges of Res. Meaning you can Res three people INDIVIDUALLY, not all at once like 1.0 did. This would make Valkyrie more engaging and interactive with Resurrect since you have to incorporate good movement and game sense to pull off key resurrects when the enemy wants to shut you down.

Mercy has more agency in what she can do with it this way. Teammates down? Pop it and clutch. DPS or Tank gonna be super agro? Pop it and pocket. Widow badmouthing you in Match Chat? Pop it and teabag.

Iā€™d take away the burst heal/AOE cleanse affect, 20% damage reduction and blaster damage increase.

Apologize if my thoughts were too lengthy lol. I believe Mercy to be pretty well balanced right now. Changes like this should come when other key balance issues are ironed out first. Dope ideas nonetheless :+1:


Try these

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OH MY GOD THANK YOU! This is a life saver!


Thanks for the critique i can see your views and actually agree with most of them. I like your thought process for the Rez and Valk changes, i actually agree with most of your points!

As for cleanse, iā€™d say iā€™d have to give it some sort of use outside of just CC so i gave it the hp boost, maybe a burst would fit better, like cleanse than 50 extra hp instead of just healing 70 hps would be better.

Anyways i love your thought process!


I used to be a mercy main and I really like this I havenā€™t played her in so long because of how she feels. I think that the resurrect should be changed because itā€™s such a long cooldown and itā€™s really easy to cancel also some kind of burst heal would be great.

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I really like the idea of Mercyā€™s staff factoring in a percentage of the characterā€™s health pool as a sort of healing factor - thatā€™s a really smart solution to a big problem.

Right now Mercy canā€™t do any ā€˜addedā€™ healing, Moira and Ana and Baptiste and Lucio all have ā€˜amp upā€™ abilities that let them do not just primary healing but secondary as well. Mercyā€™s limitation on this is very punishing for her overall healing, but just bumping up her numbers is also punishing and makes her OP. Saying that she heals in accordance to WHAT sheā€™s healing, so that sheā€™s able to heal up the thick Tanks faster and get to work more is a really good solution to that problem.

I also miss Res being her ultimate, feeling like my choice had a real impact on the game. Right now sheā€™s much more ā€˜practical as a pocket for flimsy dpsā€™ than ā€˜Primary Angelic Healerā€™ as she should be. Good changes all around I think, if only Blizzard were smart enough to listen =/ They seem pretty deadset on keeping Mercy terrible.


Eh this is crazy enough to actually work I think. This should be looked into and maybe put on experimental I want to see how this actually plays out in game.

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