Genji desperately needs his damage back

Genji has a higher W/R than sojourn and soldier, so I guess he’s better than them?

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Just don’t use winrates off overbuff, ever. There’s too many skewing factors due to mirroring.

If this is taking into account the while roster witch is not the way to do pick rate on a role based game then genji is picked mkre often but is he truly because whats is the lows pick rate in dps we would need to combine them see the difrence from the acual total roster and find it from their

Which is what they are doing.

Hero Statistics - Overbuff - Overwatch 2 Statistics

So i guess ana is the best hero in the game time to nerf her her winrate and pick rate are to high

  1. I don’t care about winrates on Overbuff, and I haven’t for years.
  2. Well kinda I think they should swap 100% AntiHeal for +20% Damage received. Since more Support hero usage variety would be a good thing. And the main reason 100% AntiHeal exists is to deal with Hog’s oneshot. And Hog’s oneshot is going away.

What no its to counter his heal see you dont even under tank hero interaction and kiriko alread egsists to remove both that worse 20% damge and the anti heal

I’d argue that AntiHeal and AntiAntiHeal are very harmful to Support hero usage variety.

Okay one the only reason ana has a high pick rate is hog and the only reason hog has a high pick rate its becuase you nerfed one of his counters

You say this like I’d disagree.

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And they are going to get rid of Hog’s oneshot. Which means they no longer need a “delete roadhog” ability.

a solid half of the characters in this game have beam weapons or abilities, you simply have a skill issue or refusal to counterplay issue


No thats not how you balance a game sorry stop looking at it as this one hero beats this one hero that means they are strong that is the worst way to look at it anas anti also counter zen ult it couters moira ult if you remove it the same thing will happen when you nerfed sombra

I’m looking at it as a “It kinda doesn’t matter how many players they lose to fix Matchmaker/Queue issues” approach.

As long as they gain/maintain more players from fixing Matchmaker/Queue issues.

And 1/18th of the DPS roster, where DPS is probably about half the players. Which the amount that would quit would be at most 1/3rd.

Is about 0.9%. It’s very reasonable to lose 0.9% of the playerbase to fix Matchmaker/Queue issues.

So one support seam to have problem with ever hero in the game so guess we should nerf them all to fix match making baecause sure that will fix it lol as if. And seondly genji widow maker sombra hanzo all are high skill floor heros that need lots of work to get good at why should they not be rewarded for playing well why do we nerf heros one in the worst way by just changing numbers not addressing accualy problems and 2 how can we not see in 7 years of the game understand that if your put work in you should get reward out i have over 1000 hours on genji over my 4 accounts why should i not be rewarded for the time and effert i put it

Second question who next i see people complaining about widow makers one shot is she next to loose it all thise people who worked on her now just dont get to play the game because shes too good and where does it ebd zen hes has ama ing burst long ranve damge if someone practiced on him should he be not able to do that high damge because other heros cant no reward people time and respect it

Genji is the 3rd highest pickrate hero at all skilltiers of Comp.

Genji is the 1st highest pickrate hero at all skilltiers of Quickplay.

Genji is not a high skill floor hero.

That said, he should be. Which is why I’m suggesting that 30 damage shuriken, with 12 ammo.

To raise that very low skill floor.

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you don’t even play genji, your stats on genji suck, and here you are claiming to know how genji should be balanced and saying that he has a low skill floor

I’d wager I know a bit more about game design than most Pro players.

lol that’s literally what every bronze-plat would say

you don’t know what you are talking about, yet you are acting like your opinion is worth any salt

Well I wrote a serverside modification for TRIBES, which was about 52,000 lines of code, had about 40 servers, ran for about 2 years in Tournament play with about 30 teams.

Then I bugged the devs for PlanetSide enough that I got about 40 of my ideas into the game, including the exact structure of about 40 warpgates. I then took their 7GB FTP file installer, and built a 1mb installer off of it by taking the bare minimum from the launcher to replicate itself, and put a bunch of registry fixes in there. Then that installer was used in a community marketing campaign to get about 30,000 downloads. The devs later copied the installer with a 10mb version. Got to the point I was routinely messaging back and forth with their Community Manager and Executive Producer.

I’ve guessed the near exact details of a surprising amount of features in Overwatch. Including asking for variables-only balance changes using serverside variables to bypass console recertification replying directly to Jeff Kaplan and WyomingMyst/Craig/Kaedi that this should be a feature in the game. And then it was a feature in the game 3 months later. I also did a comprehensive balance change post on the Overwatch 2 PVP beta, about a week before they announced it, just before the OWL team owners were heading in for a conference with the devs.

I’ve also personally probably spent more time on Role Queue issues than the entire community combined.

But sure, “I click heads gud” is better than all that, huh?