Genji desperately needs his damage back

One support is a rile not for everyone so the more players to come in to the game the more people dont want to play support because they just dont like being a healer or dont fine the heros to fit their play style and no amount of buffs or nerfs will change that

It would make him worse, at mid-low ELOs where people are not that good at aiming.

But if you can’t comprehend the value of breakpoints with Genji, then why are you even talking about his balance?

So one mid elo players can aim but my point stands you take away half of the heros ammo his ult will cost more do to having bown time on reload im sorry this hero hurt you so bad you hate them with such a passion you dont want them in thw game i recommend changing games

Aw yes break point the only thing that you seam to care about brake point mean nkthing if you have no ammo to use them

Did you miss the part where I said to lower his Ult charge cost so that he gets an equal amount of blades per game?

And his ult is kinda mid immaging removing any hero in the games ammo by half any of them would be worse off in so many ways soldier couldn’t get more then one kill before reloading if he missed no shots reaper could be a sitting duck most of the game reloading junk rat would barly be a blip on the map pharah would be horrible to play ana would suck at her job bap would not be able to protect him self and the list coykd go on for a lmost the whol roster

I guess we’re back to the part where you talk about the downside and act like the upside doesn’t exist.

Okay lets look at sojourn then she had alot of down sides coming into season 2 yet the buffs were so much stronger the nerfs ment nothing

So what does that have to do with the Buffs and Nerfs I’m suggesting?

What? That’s completely irrelevant right now

You just want to make Genji S+ again with his 30 damage shurikens AND and blade damage buff :joy:

The nerf is so harsh the buff means nothing you would make him so unplayable only the literal top 5 best genji players in the world could play him and get value from him over any other hero in the game

Well, he’s the most picked DPS at every skill tier in Quickplay, and the 3rd most picked in Comp at every skill tier, behind Sojourn and Soldier.

Throw in a Sojourn nerf, and what you bet will happen?

Where are those numbers from

At 3%


Where are your numbers from?

And this is survival biyest at its finest good job

Recomend watching this video

I take it you have never taken a statistics class?

I have and looking at it this way is survive biest hes 3% of the roster of 17 making him bellow avrage pick even for being top 3 what are the other picks numbers because if he was around 6 then i would say hes picked mkre then other heros but hes not hes bellow the avrage pick rate for having 17 heros

Yeah…I don’t think you should have passed that class.

Since that doesn’t make any mathematical sense.

So for 17 heros if they some how made every heros pick rate balaced it would need to be 5.9% to be picked the same amount as every other hero of it is higher then they are pick to much if it is lower like in this cases genji at 3.7% if i rember my numbers he is nelliw what the pick rate of 17 heros should be know what are the precents of the other 2 heros above him

Sojourn isn’t even at 5% and you’re saying Genji wouldn’t even be above average unless it’s 6%.

Okay does this take into acount only dps or the hole roster becomes if sl that changes numbers