Gameplay sabotage is not: Simply making a mistake, playing poorly or an unwillingness to switch heroes

Because Blizzard’s definition isn’t actually the correct definition.
Not intentionally switching to counter, is counter-intuitive to the swap system of Overwatch.
Might as well allow bans if you believe that Junkrat is a good counter to Pharah because you bought the game, and that’s why you won’t swap.

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Picking the right hero is the most important decision to winning or losing in solo q. When others disregard that and pick one hero regardless of situation it’s a kin to throwing my body off the map repeatedly, because “this is how I have fun”.

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Because Blizzard upholds the punishment for it rather than ban the reporters.

They SAY it isn’t for people not switching, but they will ban people for not switching.

So people use the reporting system for it.

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No, not-switching has never been considered gameplay sabotage considering it specifically says so since day 1 of that category being added in.

Blizzard updated their report system and intentionally added that part. Because people like you kept making up your own definitions under the old report categories, which appears you are still doing.

Blizzard’s definition is the correct one because they make the games so they make the rules. If you disagree with Blizzard’s rules and definitions then don’t log into the game, because you agree to follow those everytime you click launch.


We have to admit that everything Blizzard has said about this is always contradictory. In the report section, it says playing poorly or playing a certain hero is not reportable. Which I agree 100%. But then Jeff states that the game was designed with swapping in mind if you want to outplay your enemy.

So Blizzard wants people to swap and work with their team when things aren’t going well originally, but then also say it’s not bannable to refuse to switch.

Honestly, we just need an official response on it because it’s obvious based upon people getting reported, and the claims they make, that Blizzard does believe it is gameplay sabotage to refuse to switch off a hero that isn’t working.

People gets banned anyways because they get mass reported for not doing anything good to the game.

Doesn’t matter what the section says, the banning system in the game bans people who reach X reports on their accounts.

Another official response? Would it make a difference if they came out and said “Totally should NOT be used for people who refuse to switch, and off Meta heros are super fine”

and then they go back to banning people anyway who are reported for not switching?

They need to change their handing reports behaviour if they don’t want people using/abusing the system this way.

Designed a certain way =/= required to play only that way, especially when Blizzard says it is acceptable to not play as designed.

There has already been official responses saying not-switching/one-tricking is acceptable and not reportable under any categories.

They’re getting mass reported by people like you who ignore the rules and abuse an automated system.

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Gameplay sabotage=Throwing

Feeding is throwing, missing shots is throwing, not blocking damage is throwing, poor cooldown use or tracking in throwing, bad ult or not ult tracking is throwing, wrong skin is throwing, getting picked is throwing, getting the wrong pick is throwing.

Face it, we all sabotage our games everytime we play.

I’m saying they need a response, like Jeff gave, but then also do something about the system. OR acknowledge they like the current system and don’t plan on changing it because they think it’s working as intended.

Right now, we have multiple contradictory things happening. Two different things Blizzard has said, and then bans that are evidence to back-up one claim they made.

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Are you accusing me on public about something ? because that’s defaming me and that’s against the COC.

I don’t know but you should watch your words before pointing fingers in a public forum.

can’t deny unwillingness to switch is actually in a grey area.

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If it’s not reportable then why are a bunch of people getting banned for sabotage then?

My point is, SOMETHING needs to change. Is it reportable or not? Blizzard says it’s not, but then say it’s important to switch when things aren’t working, but THEN people get banned for not switching.

Do you see the discrepancies I am pointing out?

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I can start a company and call racism the act of being under five years of age.
By my definition, all toddlers are racist.
But is my definition correct?

No, it’s wholly incorrect.
Sabotage means you’re purposely doing something that causes a negative flow in productivity or efficiency, or to do something with the intent to cause harm to an otherwise friendly situation, to paraphrase.

deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.

Refusing to switch off something that’s being hard-countered after it’s been brought to your attention that it won’t work, by the entire team means you are purposely harming your team’s chances of winning.
If no one speaks up for whatever reason, then yeah, that’s on the team for not calling the offender(s) out.
OTPs are atrocious for the health of this game, and if you think otherwise, you’re absolutely part of the problem. There is no value to gain in one-tricking a character in a game that has deliberate flaws for other characters to abuse.
And strong-arming the devs by crying over the forums is the only reason they’ve allowed it. Sorry that you might think you’re the god of your own world because you bought the game, but so did I, so did the other 10 people in your game. Don’t be so obnoxiously selfish.
If you’d like to be the god of your own world, pick up a single player game and do whatever you want.

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You admit to ignoring Blizzard’s rules here with your first post, and you’ve admitted to supporting and submitting false reports for the exact thing I’ve stated:

Also, lol, sue me.

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Typically selfish people don’t think they’re selfish and won’t acknowledge it.

That’s why people who refuse to work with their team and try to lone-wolf it think they’re doing nothing wrong.

I just don’t understand why people can’t go hog wild in arcade with this attitude. Have at it! I honestly don’t care what people play, even in Competitive, BUT I like winning my competitive games and I want to work with my team. It’s impossible to work with people if they’re unwilling to make adjustments with you.

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A broken enforcement system doesn’t mean the rules have changed. A cop not giving you a ticket for speeding doesn’t mean speed limit doesn’t apply or have changed, it just means you didn’t get caught or punished for breaking the rules this time.

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So, I apologize, but that analogy is confusing and almost looks like you agree with people who get reported for not switching?

No I don’t agree with false reports.

The rules are clear. The system in place to enforce the rules are broken. The rules have not changed.

People should not be getting reported for not-switching, because it’s not a reportable offense.

People submitting false reports are the ones breaking the rules, but they are getting away with it because the enforcement system is broken.

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It’s almost like Blizzard’s actual stance is different than their official stance so they can garner more people to buy their games.
ActiBlizzard suckered another lot of fools again!

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