Gameplay sabotage is not: Simply making a mistake, playing poorly or an unwillingness to switch heroes

If accessing your service requiring people to accept your definition of racism, then yes your definition is correct while people are using your content/property.

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Racism is actually against the law, but good logic friend.

Also, my definition is most definitely not correct, regardless of services being accessed by Jane or Todd. Something that’s wrong by nature is always wrong, regardless of how you try to dress it.

Racism itself is not. Acts motivated by racism is.

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Ok, let me use a relatable example that may help explain the situation people don’t like dealing with.

Let’s say you join a competitive lobby, you get matched up with 5 other people, you all select your heroes, and the match starts. Someone on your team has selected Reinhardt, and your team now picks around synergizing with him.

But once the round starts and you blast out the front gate, Reinhardt is NOT shielding. Instead, he is Charging into the enemy, missing kills, trying to solo against 6 other people with little support, and is spending a lot of time dead.

You all give him the benefit of the doubt, and remind him to stick with you all and use his shield more often because Hanzo and Ashe are crapping all over your supports due to the lack of protection.

You lose that round.

Next round starts, the Zarya asks the Reinhardt, “Hey, can you swap off Reinhardt? I’ll play him for you and you can play something you want to play as.”

They say no, and don’t swap. Next round goes the same way.

You lose your competitive game because of one person’s actions, and because they had locked in a tank role that needed to be filled, but wasn’t playing that role.

What do you do in that situation? What do you consider that to be, if gameplay sabotage is not what you consider it to be?

I’m just curious because I honestly don’t know what else that would be other than throwing. And this isn’t a case of playing poorly, this is a case of someone not even willing to work with their team, or at least switch heroes around so that someone else can play as the barrier for that person.

I’m not going to argue hypotheticals because the thread is about the rules, and the rules does not have conditional restraints.

It says not-switching is not gameplay sabotage. It does not say “sometimes not-switching is not gameplay sabotage.”


Ah, so you’re going to ignore the question then. Got it.

The point is, people report based around those hypotheticals.

And as I’ve said, they’re submitting false reports and getting away with it.


But they believe they’re not submitting false reports because they truly believe this person is throwing. They’re not doing it maliciously, they’re doing it because the definition is vague and situational.

The definition is as clear as it can be. It literally says not-switching is not sabotage. The people submitting the false reports are seeing a giant red light at the intersection and just completely ignoring it.

I argue they are doing it maliciously, especially if they are aware the report system is automated and purposely submit false reports knowing it will lead to wrongful punishments.


But they’re reporting this Reinhardt for throwing because it honestly looks like he is. How else can you tell the difference other than lobbing your corpse off a cliff repeatedly? Good throwers are subtle with it.

Not switching also can be classified as throwing.
Let’s say you go into a comp game, ELO is around 4.2k.
If you know you have Cloneman16 (one of the best Reinhardt mains in the world) and you, a Zenyatta and Brigitte main, instalock Reinhardt on King’s Row (which is one of Reinhardt’s best maps), with 30 minutes total of Reinhardt experience, are you still playing to win?
How are you playing competitively if you’re not playing your strengths and trying to curb your weaknesses?

No. You aren’t. You’re fully aware that you probably are nowhere as good as Cloneman16 is at spacing and proper aggression, lining firestrikes intelligently, or lining up animation cancels+abusing map geometry to get huge shatters.

That is sabotage. That is what most of us are referencing towards it. It’s not that we don’t want you to always be on Mercy, it’s just that playing Moira right now means that flankers are going to have a harder time killing you.
It’s perfectly fine to do this stuff in QP, Arcade, customs, whatever.
But keep it out of competitive, where the goal is to win at all costs, and having a flexible hero pool drastically raises your chances.

If you cannot clearly establish someone is throwing, then you should not be reporting for sabotage.

No, it cannot when the report explicitly excludes it.


So what do you consider throwing or sabotage. Give me an example. Since you avoided that earlier.

if you play no-skill-rat against widow/pharah you are 100% throwing

If you are jumping off a bridge repeatedly, not-engaging the enemy such as AFKing in base, or placing teleporters at edges to lead your team to falling off. The same definitions Blizzard wrote in the report description.

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Except it is.
Go read some history books and tell me how many laws had to be switched because they were definitely wrong.
I bet it’s more than one. I’d put money on it.

Just because there’s a rule against something doesn’t make it just, correct, or even practical. You literally cannot come up with any type of rebuttal other than “Well the dev said so because reasons.” That’s basically a straw-man argument.
I could bring politics into the equation to easily get my point across, but that’s a really bad idea lol

And until the laws change, the law still applies and you’re suppose to follow it.

You can argue for the law to be changed, but you don’t get to ignore it just because you disagree.


What do you do in that situation? You chalk it up to getting matched with someone that doesn’t know what they’re doing, put them on your “avoid as teammate” list, and you move on to the next match and save your reports for people who are clearly showing intent to sabotage and not just something that “can be interpreted as” or “is akin to” sabotage.

For as much as this game triggers me, when I take a deep breath I know that I’ve benefitted from throwers and leavers and people who don’t know what they’re doing as much as they’ve screwed me. At least since finding a hero that works for me.

Whether or not Blizzard cares about any of this is another story.

You really can’t do that with teleporters anymore because it’s really obvious where they’re facing now.

AFK timer is like 15 seconds, so no one would even have time to report you before you got kicked, and good throwers aren’t going to be super obvious with they’re sabotage such as throwing themselves off a cliff.

These are a few examples, but not mutually exclusive ones. Give me your own example, not the three Blizzard provided.

Those are the only 3 I’ve ever reported for under gameplay sabotage.

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