Yes picking torb and REFUSING to switch needs to be considered throwing

Well this is what some people would call soft throwing. While you cannot get punished for soft throwing basically soft throwing is: refusing to swap you are getting countered, Auto locking DPS and then being out damaged by the tanks (rein/DVA having more DPS than you), or basically just playing poorly is soft throwing.


So soft throwing is being bad and stubborn? Then 80% of low rank players are throwers.

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I am in silver and admittedly not a great player.

My relatively poor ability to play this game does not make me a thrower

and etc for all other players

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Yes that is exactly what soft throwing is.

Let me ask you have you ever played a comp game and had a guy who absolutely refused to play anything but DPS but he just gets out damaged by the tanks? Or have you had a Moira who went DPS Moira because she was genuinly bad at the game?

Sure, it’s called being silver ranked. I don’t like it so I’m trying to get better and leave silver :slight_smile:

So we have to play around you every single game? yeah, that’s explain why your people gets banned over and over.

If you refuse to COOPERATE with your team then your team have all the rights for report you for gameplay sabotage.


I was playing on my smurf a few days ago because this account is too high to play with my friends in bronze. The 2 games I played not everyone was “Soft throwing” some were actually kind of decent, but f you want to get out of silver reflect on what you could have done better.

Yeah, I’m doing my best. I have like 30 hours of comp from all comp seasons put together so it’s not like I’ve hit a rut or anything. I’m chill :slight_smile:

yeah 30 hours aint much, just keep putting more time in and you will get good enough to get out

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Yeah, I never spent much time in comp. Always felt I had to go mercy because everyone else went dps. With LFG and the possibility of having a balanced group I decided to switch to Rein and am now having quite a bit of fun with him. I’m good at keeping track of ults, shotcalling, positioning, etc but still bad mechanically so I’ll keep practicing.

Thank you for the positive attitude.


Firstly - no, thats not gameplay sabotage, as defined by Overwatch themselves

Secondly - yes, I know you will (falsely) report it as such, and further, because Overwatch is (generally) punishing people based on the number of reports rather than confirming the reported behavior, yes, players who dont bow to your demands will eventually be unjustly punished, and you will (probably) not be punished for the false report because again, no investigation is (generally) done

Third - I pay out of my pocket for a game. I pay even more money for a subscription. I practice to get better, using up my time. Come time to actually play, YOU get to decide what character I play and how I play it? No sir, you do not. Period.


Typical excuse from someone so selfish.

I still wondering why people like you are the one that infests cooperative games like this one, you have tons of off line games to play whatever you want but yet you still come here without giving a cent about others " I play whateaver I want How I want because I paid for the game, I don’t care about you"

I’m glad every day people like this guy gets banned over and over until the point they even buy 2-3-4 even 5 accounts to do the same and get banned again.


Bold words when your argument is that you get to decide which heroes your teammates can play in addition to your own.


No, these are facts, not excuses

What I am hearing is that (somehow) you are more important than me and you get to decide how what character I play and how I play it

You may want to check the definition of selfish, because yes, you have described it well, but not the way you think you have

That aside - I get that a team working together is optimal for success, but not everyone can play every character well enough to contribute to that success. And they’re not required to do so, either. If a player tells you they cant play any other character, adapt - find a way to make that work.


Playing torb = not throwing
Refusing to switch = not throwing.
Intentionally feeding ult and dying to the other team = throwing.
getting countered but still trying your best to win = not throwing.

“intentionally” is the key word here. Just playing Torb and refusing to switch is fine as long as you try to win.


People who refuse to switch off and communicate when it’s clear that they are not getting anything done should be reported, whether if they’re a torb or tracer one trick. On my alt account, I’ve started playing a lot more McCree. Today, my aim was off point and I couldn’t do much as my pick wasn’t optimal against the enemy’s comp. So what did I do? I switched to something else that was more viable. And what do you know? We won since my switch enabled our team to stay alive longer and win the brawls.

People should have the game sense and awareness to know when they should switch off or not. There’s no point in having gold elims if you are constantly dead, which feeds the other team, or if your healer keeps getting dived. If I am a McCree, but I can’t aim or deal with flankers properly, then I am essentially throwing since I’m hindering the progress of my team. Likewise, if a Torb is constantly dying and not able to build and sustain his turret, then the Torb is throwing.


Correct, people should know if they should switch off their current character. OTHER players have 0 right to dictate that or even ask them to switch to a character they don’t want to play though.
I’m a D’Va 1-trick, I play D’Va, Period.


This is when you know they aren’t a great Torb. I don’t play much Torb but even I know that you can ult and hammer it quicker!

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There’s nothing wrong with asking. Dva doesn’t fit every situation. Communication is never a bad thing. If you refuse to switch though, then you’re within your right as long as you do your best to overcome the disadvantage you’re putting your team in.


This part really confuses me. Where and how was this happening? Who was spawn trapping him?