Refusing to swap and cooperate in competitive should be explained on game sabotage


80% of defeats in Competitive isn’t because the enemy team is better than yours is because there is always someone in your team that leaves you 5vs6 and sometimes 4vs7 ( His pick feeds enemy DPS all the game)

Sadly this game is so poorly balanced in terms of Tanks and Healers (extremely poor to the point that you need X in order to play Y or GG the enemy team will win every single TF by just picks and nothing else)

For example if the enemy team goes ;


You the one who is reading this I’m pretty sure the first though in your mind is that your teams needs urgently a defensive ult like Lucio/Zen but you have a one trick Mercy-Moira who never talk to each other and refuses to cooperate/swap even when asked for straight 5 minutes meaning you lost a game because there is nothing to do against so many wipe ults ultimates unless you can perform 200% better than the enemy team (Which never happens unless the enemy team starts throwing /griefing)

Sadly these kinds of players who never swap/cooperate plagues the Competitive mode specially in high-plat/ mid diamonds there are tons of players who prefers to lose the match at any cost than swapping and play as a team. Me as a player I always ends up reporting these kind of behavior because they are obviously throwing.

And please don’t excuse yourself with " But they are trying so " no, you are not trying to win if you don’t try to work for your team. and that means swapping and eat your ego when your team are getting demolished because your pick doesn’t work.




Tell me the truth… did you type this with a straight face? Because I can’t help but LOL everytime I read it!


But they are not throwing.
Not playing what YOU want them to play is not throwing.

  • Just because you are getting demolished doesn’t mean that x player must switch (most likely they are the one playing off-meta).
  • Just because they are not playing what you want doesn’t mean they are not trying.
  • Stop expecting a Mercy (in this case) main to just pick up a Zen and be just as good at him, they are different heroes, this also goes for everyone.


  • 80% of the games are lost because the enemy team is simply better than your team.

Then you as a player should be banned for repeatedly false reporting.


It is already explained. As something that is NOT reportable. You reporting them is an abuse of the reporting system and YOU should be the one banned. <3


to OP:

quoting from the report screen in Overwatch


The thing about asking for swaps is that it is almost always asked for by the people who have no idea of what they are talking about.

Furthermore, it doesn’t solve issues with a lack of braincells. No amount of switching is going to fix the issue of the team walking in one by one like lemmings. It won’t solve the issue of Reinhardt charging in by himself the moment his shield breaks. It won’t solve the issue of him standing around at the choke point all day staring into the enemy Reinhardt’s eyes. Switching should be a last resort. Your approach should be looked at first and foremost. I will bet that not changing how you play is the game that loses games the most.


You can’t report people for not playing what you want them to play. They bought the game, they have access to play any hero they choose… yes even in comp


Learn to read before using a forum to be honest.

I didn’t say I report people who doesn’t play what I want to play, I report them after everyone notices that his pick doesn’t work and is doing nothing for helping the team to win.

You do? because having a private profile with a gold border doesn’t help to sustain your aguments about trying to call a low GM " she doesn’t know anything if she ask to swap".

Being an full time non-cooperative teammate in Competitive mode leads to suspensions, you should read the email that the support system/GM gives to your email every time you get banned, sure you finally will discover with maybe this game isn’;t for you.

“Didn’t understand anything about OP I’ll just say ban ban XD.”

Same as above.

Enemy team has a Genji destroying everyone, our tanks are Road/Orisa one of them Switches to and the other one stick with Orisa sitting in a corner shielding herself. Where is the Winston? why having an non-cooperative guy who is mid Diamond and refuses to listen to his teammates?

And that’s the problem with your kind of people, the ego of " man if I switch even for first time on X hero will make me look a like a sore loser !, everyone is the problem except me ! you don’t bought the game for me but here I’m sabotaging your competitive experience meanwhile I could stick in QP doing what I want without consequences"!

You don’t even play competitive, why are you giving your opinions about a mode you never touch or play ? keep playing QP or whatever this post isn’t for you and sorry if in some way I hurt your non-competitive feelings.

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I know what you said. You said you report for not-switching. Not-switching is not a reportable. It’s not conditional. There is no “if this happens then yes you can report not-switching.”

Jeff says “ban”

Jeff: False reporting is bannable. Don’t misuse the report system.


exactly it is explained in the game, as not being something you can report for.


Not switching when you are throwing the game with your pick is called "Disruptive gameplay " talk to any GM/support and they will give you the same answer.

You dont get banned for picking Torb and destroying everyone but if you are not playing as a team ( I know, people like you always tries to justify themselves even when the system already punish these kinds of people in competitive)

Not Switching
Not cooperating
Not trying to help
Not trying to at least do the minimum effort to apply counter play
Not communicating

All of these circumstances packet on the same player in competitive leads to get reported and suspended.

There is no “disruptive gameplay” category in reports.


Rank means nothing here. There exist idiots in every rank, as high IQ isn’t the only way to climb. So, no, just because you are GM doesn’t make you infallible. Nice try trying to rank-shame your way out of this instead of using logic. I also liked that you intentionally didn’t address the rest of my post.


even seagul admitted that every match in comp is a coin flip

Seagul said whether he is having fun or not in a match is a coin flip, not the game itself.


no that is not what he said he said that in terms of team mates its always a coin flip

So if we have a Symmetra one-trick and the enemy team is running GOATS, the rest of the team is at fault and not the Symmetra one-trick who won’t switch and is also not in voice?

Yeah, no. It’s disgusting how in denial this community is about players who won’t switch. You’re literally a liability to your team and not being a team player by doing so.

Will keep reporting since that’s gameplay sabotage.

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It’s too bad admitting to false reporting on the forums isn’t taken more seriously.