Are False reports serious

The algorithms are what ban you. No human being is involved. Even with an appeal, it’s incredibly rare to get someone who will even ctrl-F through your chat logs and paste that you said “idiot” (sarcastically to a friend, but they don’t care) one time in 249 games. It’s the extreme of crap customer service: they ONLY care about how many cases they handle per hour, not whether what they did was good for the customer or even if it loses every customer they “serve.” If they don’t put any effort into actually look into appeals, THEY DON’T CARE.

I don’t think this is unique to Blizz tbh.

I remember when I used to play Dota2 my friends and I got false reported all the time, and let’s just say it’s very easy to get punished in that game, you only need a few reports. Not to mention there’s behaviour score in that game, which is hard as heck to gain back.

Although at least the reports are limited to like 1-6 per week, depending on your account level / behaviour score.

Okay I will ask for another opinion here, do you think throwers and trolling is one of the bigger problems on Overwatch and Blizzard should focus on that more?

Ye obviously. It’s incredible to me just how easy it is to get away with throwing games in Overwatch. You do that ONCE in Dota2, you’re punished, and it’s very difficult to come back from that hole.

I find if me or any of my friends are toxic in Overwatch its not to people directly but its to throwers and trolls cause getting them multiple games in a row is very annoying. I’m guessing it is to everyone else as well.

Its very hard to keep your emotions in especailly cause nothing seems to really happen to them :frowning:

If you don’t want to get banned in this game you must follow and do what other people says (talking about competitive).

If your team demands you to be in voice chat, just do it even if you don’t speak.
If your team (2-3-4 people) ask you switch just do it or that mean at least 2-3 reports for sabotage or inactivity.

Yes but people get banned in QP as well for similar stuff, you’re not safe anywhere

I have a suggestion that would cost minimal manpower: add more serious report reasons that are automatically reviewed (or reviewed if they receive 2 or 3 of this type of report). I would suggest real life threat (including “kill yourself” or anything that is actually illegal) and throwing. With real life threat, you have chat logs to back it up (or give the option of a few seconds of audio recording like press F# to capture previous 20 second of voice chat). With throwing, they already have capture gameplay. So both of these would have evidence you would submit, and they’d be automatically reviewed.

To prevent abuse, if the claim is found to be in the gray area, the person sending the report loses that report type for a week. If it’s found to be a false report, THEY get the ban.

To clarify what this has to do with the topic, this would allow more serious offenses to be taken care of more quickly, and they could adjust the algorithm so the automated-ban offenses like abusive chat take more reports to result in action. When you can be ganged up on by 11 people and banned for one game, the algorithm isn’t working.

Someone is very salty that their account got suspended.

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I agree with that, thats a really good suggestion cause I have had really toxic people in comms which I find worse than chat tbh

Honestly, I’ve always held the view that automated report systems are just a bad idea overall. It’s like reporting people to the secret police - no evidence needed, only your word. There is no justice in it.

The only thing that should be ever automated is verbal abuse cases. Everything else should be reported manually. This would not only uphold true justice, but also discourage people from false reporting, since it would take actual effort to follow through on your report, so people wouldn’t bother unless it’s serious, like a real thrower or something.

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No not really I just want Blizzard to fix the throwing and troll problem more cause I feel like its the biggest problem on the game atm

Yeah team, let’s make sure to listen to the forums and personally review every single report that may come from an entitled audience (because the majority of the players are exactly this) of 40 000 000 people!

-3 months later

wHy iS BliZzaRd IgNOriNg oUr FeEDbaCk, wHAt ARe thEY pOSsiblY DoiNG wITh tHeir tIMe!?!?

Read my latest reply to this thread.

Theres not that many players anymore but I see where you are coming from

I’m sorry I read the entire thread and I don’t see anyone suggesting that. Perhaps quote it or stop making an appeal to the extremes if you want people to take you seriously.

My dear friend how would you feel if you were the poor employe who had the responsibility of personally handling reports from over 40 000 000 people?

Dude theres not 40 million people playing this game lmao

But did you read everything I said? The devil is in the details.

You just got angry that they don’t have people looking at reports.
