Ez way to fix Mercy

Is it really a Meta change though?

Mercy was struggling with her falling winrates since July, when the 60hp - 50hp Revert/Nerf of her main healing was announced. We are now in the middle of November, almost 5 months in, and she’s still struggling with her winrates. She was getting negative winrates in every rank but diamond (which was hovering around 50.61%).

Every the other support besides Mercy is a viable pick in just about every rank, even ranks where Mercy is supposed to be strong from Bronze to Platinum. Now, she is unable to even fill her prior role of a main healer, and many consider her to be more of an off-healer - without the utility to back it up.

Ana was also strong in the triple tank meta, and Mercy had really low stats back then, while having mass res. So… I’m curious. How this is healthy for the game as a whole again, and what was the point of the rework in the first place if Mercy has ended up where she’s started statistically, and arguably made less impactful, less engaging, and less rewarding to play with her ultimate? Maybe I’m missing some key details there, so do inform me. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Apologies, I may have not made myself clear.

When you say:

in regards to the inital rework, but then request a revert it comes off as hypocritical.

Especially since if we are truly after balance, a revert shouldn’t be an option, much less with the proposed changes to the ultimate. If mercy was bordering a throw pick before, how bad do you think these changes will make her?

Hence, the basis for a revert isn’t based on the ideal of balancing mercy, more having what you view as the subjectively more fun ultimate back.


Mercy is still viable at those ranks :man_shrugging: I play in Gold and she’s still plenty good here. And Ana had a really low win- and pickrate too when Mercy was meta.

Current Mercy is healthier for the game,because she doesn’t force a certain playstyle around her. With both her team and the enemy team. And she has counterplay. Only Mercy mains like you enjoyed Mass Rez,nobody else did. And I don’t get how pressing a button and having instant results was more “fun” then Valkyrie where you’re actually able to do more stuff. Even though,you guys love to talk about how Valk is a “do everything for you button” when Mass Rez was the same.

Mass Rez caused a playstyle the devs didn’t like so they got rid of it and reworked Mercy. Rework was overtuned at first,but the devs decided to take their time and nerf her bit by bit. Because nerf-hammering her immediately would’ve caused more complaining. And besides,when the devs tried to give her single rez for the first time,people complained so she got the double rez charge which cemented her must pick status. She’s the most balanced she has ever been. Fun is subjective. I still enjoy her plenty.

Thing is,she’s not the best healer for every situation ever anymore. She has her niche. Which is dive teams. and highly mobile heroes in general. Not to mention Pharah,Widow,Hanzo,McCree.


Just take Res out of cooldown. Where it’s going, I don’t know. But it should not be on cooldown.

Well, you shouldn’t resort to trolling, it never works.

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Valk reduces to 10 seconds
Rez becomes an AOE Rez while Valk is active and Rez is off CD.
Ta da fixed.

What sort of discussion would work?

I would say one where you try to understand the opposing side without trying to antagonize them and come to a compromise.

I’m pretty sure he’s tried that. A lot of us have,but we’re just tired at this point of people always asking for the same things when it comes to Mercy. It’s always Mass Rez. And if Mercy doesn’t have Mass Rez,she gets called “boring” and “unimpactful”

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Well, I’ve only seen you go after people who find Mercy to be less fun, so pardon me if I don’t really want to have a conversation with someone who only has one talking point.

All players of OW have heroes they don’t find fun. And but what do most of us do? Don’t play the heroes we don’t enjoy. or don’t play the game if we don’t enjoy it. it’s not a hard concept. but people would rather demand something that will never return instead of moving on and playing something else

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It’s almost like Mercy mains are already doing that by moving to Ana. It’s almost like just because we’ve learned other heroes, it doesn’t mean we still don’t want the best for another hero we like. And that doesn’t mean mass rez needs to come back. So why don’t you get off your high horse.

And yet,mains of other heroes who moved on from a previous main don’t post threads every day asking for their old mains to be “fun” again. I have close to 50 hours on Lúcio and I find him boring after playing him for so long. And yet I don’t post threads asking Blizz to do something

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The difference is you find him boring after playing him for a long time, whereas some Mercy mains find her boring because of her ultimate. But please, keep introducing false equivalencies.


And my most played hero is Widowmaker with over 100 hours and her ultimate is just lame. But I don’t post threads about it

But my point is you consider the cast time to force Mercy to hide now.
You’ve said this numerous times.

So, by your own definition, wouldn’t hide and res be just as prominent as it is already? So your changes would solve nothing as far as “eliminating hide and res” goes. In fact, it’d arguably be more prominent than last time we had Mass Res since you’d have to hide for basic tempo res’s, just as you do now.

This is why I’m asking, it just seems contradictory to me.

I don’t.

Not only am I not a creative person, but I also enjoy Mercy for what she is currently. My only gripe is the recent healing nerf, but she’s getting a buff from PTR soon, so I’ll wait to see what happens with that.

Doesn’t stop me from sharing my views or problems with someone else’s opinions, though.

Then don’t concern yourself with it.

I’m free to state my opinion on someone’s stance, and you’re free to ignore snide comments.

Which is why I asked.

If someone finds the current Res unfun due to the cast time, then adding a cast time to Mass Res wouldn’t solve anything, we’d just have Mass Res just to have it.

Of course, if your problem is instead just that the cast time is too long, then feel free to clarify what you’d prefer more often, since it’s understandable for one to just assume you’d want the exact same cast time we already have with Mass Res.

I mean, with 4K responses, I don’t think I’m “updating you with most of my posts”. I also don’t do anything special for you, I respond to other people in the exact same way.

But hey, if you want to feel flattered, more power to you. Who am I to deny you that?


good post friend :ok_hand:

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Well, I think I have a pretty good understanding of what types of goals Mercy players are after.

I just think the methods being used to try to achieve those goals are counter productive and border on harassment towards the devs.

Why is it so hard for Mercy players to accept this? - #14 by GreyFalcon-11737


Assuming you also reverted her healing rate, this would almost certainly make her overpowered since you’d be giving her a very strong E ability in return for a fairly minor ult nerf.

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In gold, she has the lowest winrate among all of the supports there, being beaten only by Ana. Her winrate is at 49%.


I mean it’s fine to believe that she’s good, but the reality is that her average winrate among all ranks is below 50%, which is currently hovering around 49.36%, and is lower than last month at 51%. So, how does this translate into her being “viable” when her stats literally say otherwise? :thinking:

I don’t think the issue is “Ana having low win / pickrates.” I believe the issue is that unless there is compensation for her weakness, Mercy is falling into the role of an off-healer, when she doesn’t have the kit to do so properly.

I’m sorry, but I believe you have contradicted yourself there when then say…

How is Mercy “niche” but not a hero that people have to play around? Not being good in every situation by default, would mean that when that hero is picked, your team has to play around it. That is exactly what Mercy is when people suggest her to be a “pocket healer” right now for a limited pool of 4 heroes. If the team isn’t doing dive or comps that need mobility, and you pick Mercy, would they not be playing around her at that point? So, how is being niche “healthier” for the game and “not healthier” at the same time?

Subjective opinion. Not based on fact. :blush:

Okay once more, I believe you contradicted yourself there. Because this statement:

and this statement

You are essentially making the argument that “Valkyrie did more stuff even though Mass Res was the same.” I’m sorry, but how does one do more than the other when you are saying they both “do everything for you?” I’m confused there…

Also did Mass res really “do everything Valkyrie did?” Because I may need some clarification if we’re talking about the same hero:

  1. Could you heal the entire team with Mass Res?
  2. Could you damage boost the entire team with Mass Res?
  3. Could you fly in to the skybox with Mass Res?
  4. Were you granted infinite ammo with Mass Res?
  5. Are all of your abilities enhanced for 15 seconds?

From my experience, Mass res did one thing, resurrection. You brought your team mates back (and most times only parts of them back and died) and that was it. There was no added “gimmick” that made Mercy any better for 15 seconds, and the most she’s gotten was invincibility for the instant res itself, which wore off after a few seconds, and the high risk high reward of that where 9/10 times, still resulted in her being killed beforehand. So please, elaborate on how Mass Res does “everything” Valkyrie can do again? :blush:

I disagree I’m afraid. The playstyle of “hide and res” has been proven to be subjective opinion, not based on fact. And with later statement from the devs who claimed that they actually have no problem with Res, as long as it is counterable, further cements that truth. Mass res could have been made counterable with LOS and / or a cast time while being vulnerable to CC. They merely chose not to. :blush:

Oh, I assume you weren’t around during Mercy’s sledgehammer nerfs then? Mercy being OP for 5 months is a bit more than just being “overtuned” in my opinion. And she stayed a must pick even after her “second rez charge” was removed, so uh sorry, but that statement of “2 rezzes cemented her as a must pick” is false I’m afraid. So while I agree that “fun is subjective”, I also will have to agree to disagree with your opinion. I don’t enjoy her at all, think she was even more balanced back in 1.0 prior to invulnerability buffs and I still will vouch for a Revert + The tweaks. :slight_smile:

It’s time to bring Mercy back to being engaging, impactful, and rewarding to play again, and with the devs applying many reverts to her kit already, I’m hopeful for her next revert in the future. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.