The game is in grave danger with bad queue times, and no end in sight. Devs better start digging themselves out of that hole, well in advance of OW2 launch.
These changes I am suggesting, clear the path towards future Tank desirability.
What this post covers:
McCree and Hanzo get worse at killing Tanks with bodyshots at range
Mei, Bap, Brig can’t bodyguard against Dive for DoubleBarrier
Orisa and Sigma, get more barriers, weaker durability, but more lethality
Orisa+Sigma composition would be more vulnerable to EMP and GravDragon.
Winston and can farm their ultimate at range
Defence Matrix
10% of damage absorbed converted into Ultimate charge for
Absorbing an enemy Ultimate grants 50% Ultimate charge (exactly when the Voiceline would activate).
Results: can use her Ultimate more often (Exciting), but she can do it in an “earned” way. Also the ability to gobble up a Graviton Surge, and flip it back into a bomb, would be beautiful. And would provide a really solid sence of impact and playmaking, when combined with those “Ate an Ultimate” voicelines. Another benefit of this, is that similar to a Zarya bubble, it makes the enemy team more cautious to just unload all their supressive focus-firepower at for whenever the matrix is up, so that when it drops she’s gonna get hit. It’s also just a fun gameplay mechanic for users who aren’t in the enemy’s faces all the time.
Rightclick charges up a power-shot on her Blaster, similar to the default pistol in Doom 2016.
Shift is a Roll ability similar to McCree, but… just a roll.
When has 100% Ultimate charge and is in the spawn room, she can:
Exit MEKA to Pilot at will by pressing Q
Re-enter her MEKA from Pilot at will by pressing Q
When exiting her MEKA, she is granted 100% Ultimate charge for “Call Down Mech”. And she maintains this ultimate charge if she then leaves the Spawn room. Allowing her to “Call Down Mech” whenever.
Self-Destruct Ultimate charge is unaffected.
Results: These changes are in here purely for making the hero more fun to use. Especially for the portion of the fight where both teams are poking at range.
I log into OW on 3 accounts, see that queue times using a PP are under 5 minutes for every one of the accounts (all at different rankings) and I can see this thread for what it is: someone who wants to go from playing the strongest role in OW to having the only role that matters be the tank role.
You want to know how to kill a game quickly: rather than waiting 5 minutes for a game, instead having a game in 3 minutes but having that experience be “oh sorry you dont get heals because you arent the tank. In fact why are you doing anything but help the tank? You are not relevant or important so just stand in the corner while the important role decides the game”.
That kills the game overnight solving a problem that does not exist. PP solved the problem (which I said it would a year ago to the OP before it was even proposed). This is not about queue times, this is about OP wanting to go from strongest in the game to completely busted and using DPS queue times as a boogieman to justify it.
So you don’t even adjust Mei’s height to accomidate her ‘tank’ status?
Baptiste and Brig get the hard garbage treatment. Bap maybe worse because we know how a reduction field does thanks to the April fools experimental. It’s not well.
A nerf to McCree that feels weird. It’s an alt fire, not an ability.
An ok Hanzo nerf lower storm arrows but Jesus Christ he doesn’t need that much projectile speed.
You gut Fortify and give Orisa a more frequent barrier.
You made grasp near useless for defending others. Turned Accretion into a pebble. Also his barrier cooldown on live is 2.0 seconds, not 2.5. You also increased his barrier strength so you just enabled double barrier comps more.
Gave Winston his uber buff from the April Fools patch? Are you high?
Made D.Va a self destruct spammer. Made her remeching weakness nulified. Throw in an Echo copying her and your now nigh unstoppable. Gave her pilot form abilities when her whole point was to be vulnerable. She a gamer girl, not an athletic agent like Sombra.
So I’ve said this before but I think putting an internal cooldown on FtH will be a bad idea because it affects the fluidity of his kit. Instead, I would revert the HP buff and either nerf FtH damage to 45 or revert the reload speed.
Honestly I’m all up for it. I do think with weaker Storm Arrows, Hanzo should get some sort of revert on his normal projectile speed (maybe 110 to 120?)
I would also add Damage Falloff to make sure she isn’t OP when she shifts to tank (because remember unlike the other tanks her CC is on her primary fire)
No idea how powerful that will be. Regen Burst buff sounds unnecessary. I would also nerf direct healing impact from 70 to 60.
A bit iffy about this. I think it’ll just make her too OP because her healing numbers overall isn’t nerfed to compensate for the durability buffs.
Yes sir.
Not sure about this. I think Winston will have primal just about every fight.
Absorbing an ultimate shouldn’t grant up to 50%. Probably 25% or 30% at most. Also, I’m assuming you mean the big ultimates and not like Soldier’s bullets in Visor or Bastion’s shells in his ult.
Great post man! I’ll just quote the things I do not like and we can continue a discussion from there.
I like these, don’t get me wrong, but it’s definitely not enough. I know you said “bare minimum”, but I feel like she needs a couple of other things
Larger hitbox, about 15 - 25% larger.
Large cyro freeze for body blocking
Always 400hp. That should be the minimum on a tank.
Far too niche, they would never create an ability which is literally useless against certain types of damage. How about just a dmg reduction field, similar to on april fools?
OR a cleanse field? CC reduction field? I think there are other options.
Nah, you’d at least need some sort of silencer.
Definitely not. Makes her way way easier than she should be.
Maybe just give him 65dps to compete with all the healing.
Would make her absolutely broken in OWL/GM but barely change anything in lower ranks. Realistically, the opposite needs to happen considering dvas popular casual fanbase. Really though, she gets plenty of value eating ults, she doesn’t need more.
McCree/Hanzo - Both dumpstered. Their ability to dump damage onto tanks is a large part of why they’re even remotely decent, let alone good as they are now. They’re basically the only DPS left in the game that can even threaten tanks after the reaper nerfs. McCree would probably be better than Hanzo, but it’s hard to see why you’d use either of them over Soldier or Widowmaker respectively.
Mei - Will probably see more play, but only because there are fewer tanks to pick from. She’s objectively worse as a tank. Icewall just isn’t a good tanking skill, even if it’s superficially similar to other barriers.
Brig - We’ve been over this before at a higher level, but the end result is that we’re only going to see her as a meme pick on booping KOTH maps due to the whip shot change. Not being able to stun with shield bash means that even with the damage increase she’s not actually going to be able to kill anything, and the lack of stun means that most DPS are just going to faceroll her through inspire. Maybe if you gave it a 3m knockback on top of everything else it might at least be useful as a peel, but at the end of the day inspire can’t really function if she doesn’t have a stun to chain between her attacks and project actual threat.
Not sure why Winston’s knockback is being treated as pointblank when it has a 5m AOE. Is this an oversight, or do you just figure that it’s close enough that it can be lumped up with the actual melee knockbacks? EDIT: I just realized you might be talking about his ult and not his jump pack knockback.
Sigma - Accretion’s stun is important as it’s the only ranged stun that goes through projectile eating abilities, which we sorely need.
Winston - Why? Just… why? Winston’s ult already charges really fast. We already saw how hilariously broken it was on the april fools ExC. If we really need more self-sustain for him (I don’t think we do), just convert some of his health to shields or give him an out-of-combat regen passive a la Mercy (probably with a longer delay and lower heal rate).
D.Va - She also charges ult fairly fast. For how impactful it is to the match (yes, even when it doesn’t kill anyone) it doesn’t need to charge faster. If we’re trying to reward agency, then her base ult cost needs to go up to compensate by at least some amount.
Brig stun should not be removed.
Who will stop Tracer, Genji and Sombra?
You can’t fix balance by nerfing/power shift supports, buffing tanks but leaving dps like Tracer the same
But you’re only assuming masters/gm, not taking into account all the brig players in mid ranks who love her current playstyle.
Plus, I actually think brigs still an easy hero, it’s just everyones used to frontlining with her, so they suck with her in lower ranks. They think they can 1v2 a rein zarya. I’ve seen it happen.
Plus, this isn’t even her meta on ladder. Yeah in OWL it is but that’s because they’re running much more dive.
Really tired of seeing terrible idea’s such as moving Mei to tank.
She does not need to be moved as her purpose is not full tanking. Her abilities only allow for pseudo tank assist. The changes required to make her viable in the tank role would be as much that she would not longer be her self.
Which pretty much means you might as well have created another tank entirely and just left Mei alone.
She is a Hybrid DPS/TANK with emphasis more on DPS. Her purpose is to serve as a choice for DPS when the tank role is suffering and/or the support role needs help with sustain.
Removing hybrids is a sure way to increase in match frustration while not solving any issues with tanking.