Rework immortality field possibly?

They call out sleep/nade just to let people know they can get aggressive against her without that worry. They aren’t letting the entire team know it because she’s going to block 2 ultimates by herself.

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Well there is this::


In some cases, they are, though. Nade completely negates the effectiveness of multiple support ults.

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True, but getting the nade in a position that effects those specific ultimates is FAR more rare than Bap just tossing IF at his feet to instantly negate Grav/Drag/Pulse/Self-Destruct… I could go on.

Not comparable at all to me.

Yeah, it’s fine. Quit trying to ruin supports.

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Actually this would give room to buff baptiste, that’s kinda why I suggested it in the first place. Higher ranks find it really oppressive.

Plus, lower ranks need a nade counter.

Well, there’s this::

Interesting - I want changes for that same part of his kit but I’d go the opposite route. Change regen burst to be a self heal only; something like a personal bubble that absorbs enemy bullets for a couple seconds and turns it into heals.

That way, Baptiste provides way less aoe heals for his team and like Mercy/Zen, he’ll have no “increased heal” outside of his ult. His strong utility would be there to make up for the lowered team heal

I think it’s a poor idea to have ultimates be a free win whenever a team decides to pop one off. Baptiste’s lamp isn’t perfect but I think we should have had stuff like that in the game ages ago so that every comp doesn’t just boil down to whatever ult combo is meta atm.

Symmetra’s teleporter was touted as a tool that a team could escape grav with – as a utility, I wish it felt nearly as fluid as Bap’s buildable.

I think the whole “Bap throwing it at his feet” problem is really just an overwatch problem. Everything in the game keeps trying to push teams to clump together (aoe heals and barriers). It looks like an MMORPG at times when the whole team is stacking on each other for added effect. If you want Bap to get less value from his small aoe lamp then push for changes that makes teams want to spread out more. (I mean, the only tank that can support a far away ally is Zarya – the devs need to design more mid-long range tank/support heroes. Our “sniper support” shouldn’t be most effective dancing in the same position as Moira)

I hope the new heroes help bring those changes. I pitched a DPS idea before where someone could shoot a crossbow bolt on someone/something and it would shock nearby enemies like a mini winston gun; something like that would have helped weaken Pharmercy without outright deleting them. An enemy tagged under lamp would mean a dead team by the time it disappears. :thinking:

We had that – ultimates that countered ultimates (classic examples are Zen/Lucio ultimates). Having a multi-ultimate counter on regular ability cool down is just absolute garbage design, you are going to be hard pressed to convince me otherwise.

I need them to buff his gun again so I am not forced to one trick Zen.

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Those bring the same issues though. All future supports end up needing to be able to counter ultimates just to pass the bar. Either you pick a support that can save you from a team wipe or you lose – same way some people feel about barriers.

We can’t just keep creating clones of the same heroes - different heroes should bring new utilities to a fight. The tank role kept asking for more “anchor tanks”. Now we have 3 barrier tanks that no one knows what to do with because they all play so similarly and the devs can’t figure out how to balance that (why I’d like to see more heroes who can shoot through barriers. Keep them strong but create counters that go beyond just breaking them).

On top of all that, I think it is refreshing that the support role gets some agency in a fight. Too many people want supports to be heal bots - erasing damage and erasing more damage. Suggestions often just revolve around making them heal more or in an aoe…

Like with DVA’s DM, Baptiste has an ability that makes a team stop and consider their next move. Gamble it now in the moment or take care of _____ first? I think stuff like that is healthy - heroes in all roles should feel like they can change the flow of a fight. (It is why players see Damage as a fun role and why so many want to avoid Reinhardt or playing support.) If Baptiste “countered two ultimates” then that should be seen as a bad play, like High nooning into a Mei wall, Reaper getting flashbanged or firing Dragons into Defense matrix. Support heroes stopping an ultimate shouldn’t trigger players any more than the other stack of heroes that do it every fight.

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They tried something close to what you’re saying in the April fools experimental and it just felt absolutely useless. As a Baptiste main, no thanks​:wink::+1:.

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I felt like it was really strong, but Baptiste mains were still treating it like immortality, or, in other words, misusing it.


Those aren’t issues – that’s picking ultimate versus ultimate and managing them from hero select to when you use them. That’s how this game was designed for a long time.

Now, we have heroes like Baptiste who can just casually counter a well executed double/triple combo of ultimates with a regular ability.

That’s garbage, sorry.

We’ve had heroes like that since launch. The only difference is now a support hero can make that decision haha

Ult charge is free in this game - it just ticks up slowly whether you play or not. I don’t think players should just be rewarded with a win-ult after a period of time despite them lacking the game sense to bait/play around the enemy’s abilities. Abilities like DM, Ice wall and ImmoField just add an extra layer to the fight for enemies to out-think.

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I’d give the cleanse effect to Moira, to her faith to add her some utility.

But I’d gladly change immo field for damage reduction field

And then there’s me, who had no idea how good it actually was. If DR IF is to come back, it really needs some sort of feedback. It would no doubt get a stat to replace the “deaths prevented by IF” one, but something that told us how each IF did would be a good idea, imo. Such as text that appears in the bottom right telling us how much damage the current IF is warding off.

I like these ideas, I wonder how it would be on the live game

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Honestly immortality field should be an ultimate, and amp matrix should be a cooldown

Nah. Imort is fine tbh