Quit dissing my baby. Symmetra's primary ROCKS

Let’s not talk about what a hero “is” when Blizzard doesn’t know what good game design is anymore. They’ve botched every rework just like they botched every initial design.

No. Roadhogs is 100 percent situational.

Actually, yes, they are. A technicality, but hey, everyone else is insisting on them.

Clearly Symmetra’s secondary is meant to be her core weapon. It has reliable upfront damage while her primary has several situational limitations. The Devs probably just didn’t swap the buttons to avoid confusing Symmetra players. I do not believe it worked.

“True” or standard DPS are Heroes whose entire value is in maximizing their damage output, such as Reaper, Ashe, Hanzo, and McCree.

Symmetra, Mei, and Sombra are utility DPS. They are picked for their utility first and offer supplementary damage. They also have higher damage potential that is gated behind unique mechanics: Sombra’s effective damage against barriers and shields with EMP; Mei’s freeze which makes Heroes easier to target; and Symmetra’s primary which requires her to forgo safety to charge up. Without gating their damage potential in this way, there would be no reason to pick standard DPS who offer little to no utility.

And by the way, Mei is very effective at mid range. In fact, going for two-taps with a head shot and body shot is often better than taking the time to close the distance and freeze somebody first. Close combat situations usually force Mei to use her defensive abilities, which she’d rather have in reserve. The primary is much better at punishing dives and flanks, especially by tanks.

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it’s her secondary

No, it’s semantics much like roles in OW.

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Semantics or not. It’s her secondary. I don’t want to be using her secondary fire as a primary. I always make a point of using primary. If you’re not using it you’re not getting value out of her kit.

Semantics is the art of teaching people how to use words correctly :wink:

Yes, which is why “primary” is the one you use in most situations while “secondary” is the one you use situationally. What the game says it is does not matter.

I personally don’t think it’s garbage. I usually charge it up on shields before going in and causing chaos with it. With good spacing, I can also render Brigitte pretty much useless too, which is always a good thing.

You may think it’s garbage, but don’t force your opinion on to everyone else. If your gameplay style can’t make use of the primary, that’s on you, but don’t you dare drag other people’s opinions through the dirt just to stroke your own ego.

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Okay, sir. Sorry sir.

i placed my tp behind them so i can zip around so ill be harder to hit and wont get hooked. i still didn’t do enough damage cause of the rein’s armour and even with my turrets slowing them down i was still only a few hits from being dead while they had plenty of hp left (not to mention our moira wasn’t really healing anyone)

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that’s the issue. her only value comes from her teleporter and in most cases it’s not enough to justify her taking a dps slot :\

Personally I’ve found PP to do more damage than EB. Could be the barrier busting mechanic, could be the clip size, could be just zipping the laser over fast targets still deals damage. But regardless, PP is phat. I love it, here’s my Symmetra-related wall of text now.

Symmetra has Fixable Unfun Mechanics Boom.

yea if you want her beam to be less situational… give up some dmg from the orbs and turrets.

Her primary fire is alright, not great. Its better than old lock on beam in my opinion but her beam against goats kills nobody, even max charge.

therefore you run goats vs goats to have a chance…

I’ve honestly never seen an ability so useless as Symmetra’s new primary fire. It has horrible DPS thanks to its tickrate, you need the tracking of an aimbot to actually charge at max speed, and even with an aimbot good luck surviving at close range with 200 HP long enough to charge to full.

Symmetra makes me wish I could have a separate set of keybinds for each character. I’d rebind M1 to something more impactful, like the emote wheel.

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I’ve actually proposed this idea before.

Bring back 6 Sentries but revert their damage to 25 each so that we have quantity > quality.

Add some power to Photon Projector in the form of a buff and then add a unique interaction between M1 and Sentries where if enemies are in range of Sentries and Symmetra uses her M1 on them, all Sentries within range will prioritize Symmetra’s target.

Would have been an incredibly fun mechanic to have with her old lock on beam.

Honestly the only buff I’d give her weapon isn’t even a buff it’s just fixing the freaking tick rate from 20 to 10 or 5.

I feel like 10 would be balanced but y’all haters seem to think that “Sym is fine you dumb sym players just need to GIT GUD LOL”

Sigh, freaking bullies

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tbf this OP reads like this

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