Gonna start maining Torb
Her TP is a fantastic ability, if only your teammates would use it.
Lmao ngl he is rly good now like honestly he out beats Symm in building and so much more.
His playstyle has changed from bunkering down and babysitting his turret to being a lot more proactive and being able to deal damage offensively more easily, so I vastly disagree.
Not to mention that comparing two different reworks isn’t going to change what the fact that reworks can be in different forms, all intended to change how a hero or their abilities are used. The hint is in the word “rework”
No i dislike it, its team reliant. You see YouTubers use it with a party coz they are talking to one another, her current one is just purely relying on the team. Her rework failed, she is still map reliant, reliant on her turrets, no survivalbility since her loss to old shield and team reliant on when to use her tp.
Hm keep in mind she was suppose to be an off support, now she is just a mess. And yes ‘rework’ working no there current abilities not ‘redesign’. I am not saying Symm 2.0 was perfect, it wasn’t and she did need a rework but they went badly about doing it. Symm 3.0 is just all over the place. Honestly if u want the best rework read the “What i would do with 2.0” down the bottom of https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/comprehensive-symmetra-rework-analysis-warning-wall-of-text/231652/66
Please show the source that states reworks only change a hero’s current abilities and specifically not how they’re played. Literally every previous rework disagrees, but still I’d like to see your proof.
I also disagree with the notion that it is a failed rework. She’s worked a lot better for me and I find her kit feels a lot more synergised than her previous kit. But that’s just my opinion.
I feel like they need to rework her damage values
take some damage away from the turrets and put it more towards her gun
Disprove it, prove to me that a ‘rework’ means to change every single thing within there kit.
Added that for you
Rework literally means rework the hero and their playstyle to fit better in the game. If that means changing the playstyle through changing how their abilities function, then so be it.
So I’d say she’s a little under tuned because her kit is mainly disjointed. Like her primary and secondary don’t interact and if you’re charging her primary and switch to your secondary your punished as it powers down.
If I saw a change I’d like her primary toned down on the higher end slightly, toned up slightly on the lower end and then have it interact with her secondary by allowing her to charge her balls more quickly or have them cause bigger splash or more damage ect
what do you think they should do to sym, that would keep her fun and balanced for her players and those against her?
didnt that used to be 100?
you missed, • you need to have good team communication for her to be effective
What thread do you want me to share? I have lots:
The one where I beg the Devs take a look at her again where I state all her issues?
The one where I focus simply on the tick rate?
Or the Sym main Mega thread that we’re all building our case with?
No, the shields didn’t stack like the shield gen did. The only reason you ran a second Sym was so they could shield each other, but even then it wasn’t completely necessary.
just rewatched an old gameplay footage yeah Symm’s shield give used to be 100
Gotta love that Freudian slip.
I don’t even think that’s the beta tbh idk what that is. The most I’d ever heard of it being was 75 before the beta, but never 100.