It's a shame to be a Symmetra main

Honestly though clever use of her turrets is like 80% of her gameplay. Even her level 3 beam doesn’t do much in a roster full of escapes/stuns/armor/self healing. Her turrets, however can be difficult for certain heroes to shut down and can almost always net a kill if deployed at opportune moments and against comps that lack certain counters.

Also nobody cares about a Sym that shields herself with full charge. With all the burst damage in this game, she will lose most 1v1s despite charge level. They do care about a shielded turret bomb, which under the right circumstances can delete half of a team if they cannot get to it quickly enough and draw a lot of attention away from a Sym herself.

True, being a Symmetra main is pain BUT It’s worth it for our beautiful Indian goddess


People throwing the second they have an attack torb/symmetra are part of the reason they can’t rank up. I was matched with a symmetra+torbjorn one trick in my masters placement matches, was in a 3 game losing streak and saw them. Worked with their comp and ended up breaking my losing streak and winning even though everyone else might have said its a lost game and gave up.


Me: kills Ana and Zarya alone
Team mate: “Can we report the Sym for being uncooperative and not switching?” as he dives alone onto a widow with a soldier next to her, dies, and the cycle repeates


I know right? No matter what you do there are always those people who will just never get off your back for daring to pick Sym.

Pretty sure this is what the developers and Symmetra’s hate club wanted.


Maybe I’m lucky since I don’t really encounter hostility when I play Sym.

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An intelligent Symmetra sister switches when needed

Unfortunately, that’s just the life niche characters lead. I don’t mind them, and don’t condone laying into people that play them, but can also understand where people come from with it.

They still shouldn’t though, let people play what they want lol

i wouldn’t say i main symmetra but i give her a fair amount of playtime, and i think she is doing well. they have given her a lot of attention and i like the changes they have made.

do people really still say that sym can’t aim? lol she needs like the best tracking for m1 and prediction for m2

i guess her 3 turrets?

I heard some user here once said that she is even low skill than mercy like seriously? cant be more obvious of a troll.

New Sym is only effective if you CAN aim. People need to learn this.
Also I never get crap for playing Sym, I can usually wreck with her, But I am also the type to say what is on my mind if someone has an issue with my hero pick.


I know a guy on Discord who thinks that Sym and Moira are the lowest skill characters :joy:


you cant stop the hive mind for thinking you cant aim if you are a symm main,
they will never change.
heck my third most used hero is ana and widow is my sixth.if i cant aim why do i bother with the two most mechanical demanding hero.


My most played is Pharah, but I play mostly every hero including the heavily aim dependent ones.

To me new Sym is so good. m2 is much like Pharah’s projectile, maybe a hair slower, but hitting even another pharah is like A2A from the ground. (and the projectile is 3 times bigger.)

And now with the m1 charge speed buffed (on ptr), it won’t be long before the “Sym OP” threads when it goes live.

I have not even been playing Pharah as of late due to the soldier buff, I mean yes I will go to it, when we need the win…but it rarely comes up.

Sym has just been so great to play lately. And it is rare that I finish a game without gold damage and gold elims.


But then when you kill the entire team and get PotG guess who isn’t going to take any appreciation? I feel you sis


Hey, gurl, I appreciate you


The greatest shame is seeing alleged sym mains slamming other sym mains because they value other skills than aim.

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sadly, even torb is still struggling with him being considered a throw pick, despite his massively higher skill ceiling and better versatility.