Symmetra was a better DPS when she was a Support

Oh the irony of it all.


She pumps out a lot more damage than what she used to but she secured kills a lot better before and died less.


No she wasn’t. You seen Seagull pop off with her? It’s unreal.


I’ll add this to the list :ok_hand:


Hum… Did you play her before the rework? Did you see Seagull play her before the rework? I can send you my highlights “poping off” too, both at old and new.

Symm was better at securing kills, now she is just a cheap Torbjorn, poping off hitting the ground and teleporting turrets didnt prevent him to get mass avoided.


she also was thought of as a bad hero and people reported and thrown whenever they saw her


I do better with her now than before the rework and with this recent buff, I’ll do even better.
Thank you very much.


Plus TP bombing is a gimmick. If you’re foolish enough to do that you deserve a 30 second cooldown.

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old symmetra was a total joke. she is 10 times better now when she actually have good right-click damage and stronger turrets she can set up easier. her ultimate is also extremely good, just requires brain-cells before using it.

Her strength is not in M1 anymore. It’s not as good as it was before but everything else she had got much better and is now much better off in total.

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How she is better?

Her gun? 120 DPS with 100% accuracy, 120 damage orbs that can hit multiple targets, or a 180 DPS that will be used only against barriers and orbs who are faster than before, but still the slowest projectile in the game?

Her TP who could teleport 6 people from spawn direct to the point or a wall who can be passed by freely?

A barrier who could be used to engage and block eminent death or a TP who you will be struggling to put on high ground?

6 turrets that die to a fart and gives you map coverage or 3 turrets that die to a fart but will give you gold damage?



More or Less depends how played.

and? We’re Symmetra players we do adapt, but we’re not afraid to speak the truth.

Which required them to die first at took 10+ seconds to return.

Her old orbs were definitely worse.

I don’t have a problem with it.

That took a full minute to get back and weren’t usable mid fight.

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LOL true. I would rather her as a support that supported than a DPS, since we have so many DPS and so few supports.


yes ,that starts with 30 dps and takes what ,2 seconds to get to 60 ? 2 more to get to a 120 ?

Which were laughably slow and easy to dodge.

Are we going to ignore that the tanks exist ?

And ? that doesn’t mean the projectile speed buff was worthless ,it was still amazing and made her able to use it as a ranged option ,especially considering the hitbox size on it.

And did we also forget that the charge time on it was buffed ?

The only problem in placement is railings ,which could easily be fixed.

The ‘‘3 turrets who die to a fart’’ have 30 health instead of 1 ,meaning reaper pelleting them from across the map will take his entire clip or more ,genji takes 2 shurikens to get it ,literally every hero who uses pellets needs to take time to kill them individually instead of throwing the mouse across the room and kill all 6.

They also have a MUCH better slow ,and them being 3 means you don’t have to wait 60 seconds to get all of them back

And have we conveniently forgot the ranged placement ,giving you placements and strategies that you could never do before ?

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No. It took 1 second for each allowing you to kill things more quickly.

The new ones aren’t much better. They are still slow enough for people to dodge and they are unreliable with randomly deciding to not register a hit, making the splash damage not happen either.

Oh no we don’t, it’s just that you die when fighting any tank because your too squishy, and do only half damage against armor.

It wasn’t worthless. It was pointless. The orbs are still pretty inconsinstent. Why pick Symmetra for a range dps when you can have Spamzlo or Overmaker who are 10x better.
The charge time was nice, but it makes it so you can’t hold the orbs aslong anymore, sometimes creating problems with precise aiming to orb slap someone.

Well isn’t that a laugh. The tp deploy is way to long for any movement ability to be actually decent. The thing will randomly implode on itself and commit suicide when it deems you unworthy. And it also has a way to small interact range, causing plenty of deaths that could have been avoided if you had picked someone like tracer.

They still die to anything. Instead of shooting them across the map people will just walk up to one and Punch it. People don’t even think twice because they still die to even breathing on them.

The slow effect isn’t that much better, and speaking of how there are only 3 and they do less damage than the old 6 combined it’s quite sad. Not only that but they still take 30 seconds to recharge when doing the tp3kez, that is now so predictable that people just mele the tp.

Throwing them across that map has its issues. For one people just shoot them out of the sky, they almost never land where you wanted them to go. And it ruins creativity and clear thinking when placing them.

This hero is literally a trash tier Zarya bot that was just created to make sure the games OWL roster had every character played once.
We’ve seen this as she was used once to test out a border line bronze strategy that made he team lose in the first 10 seconds, effectively making Symmetra not deemed worthy by the pros again.


Oh ,my bad ,confused 3.0 with 2.0

Regardless ,1.6 seconds (with ptr buff) to get from 60/120/180 with extra range is far better than the old one.

Depends on the range ,20+ meters yes ,less than that no (unless it’s an extremely mobile hero like Tracer)

That’s a bug ,I wouldn’t base things off of that.

Not with any sort of healing (zen orb included) ,then the only real threat would be roadhog

She’d still do more against tanks than old sym ,by a lot.

mentioned above

Because she has other uses ,like the teleporter and turrets ,and is able to bust shields better.

That’s just something you need to adjust to

It’s not meant to be used in the middle of a 1v1 like Blink or Swift Strike ,you’re supposed to have it setup before hand to use as an escape or set it up to get to a better position (like high ground that takes too long to get to/can’t be gotten to without vertical mobility)

Yeah ,that is annoying and needs to be fixed ,it mainly happens for me when 1-I place it on a destructible object that has some height ,said object gets destroyed ,teleporter falls and dies

2-the payload kills it

but again ,that’s just a bug that needs fixing ,not a problem with the actual design of the ability.

it could use an increase but it’s not that bad.

It’s by 30 dps less ,wasn’t it ? that’s hardly anything considering the upsides that came with this

1-better than a 60 second CD

2-that was always a bad strategy ,the teleporter isn’t exactly hidden ,not sure what point you were trying to make with that

You’re supposed to use that to setup in spots that 1-you can’t reach because they’re too far 2-they’re too dangerous to walk to

That’s just when throwing around corners ,which can get annoying yes but can be solved by walking a bit more to where you can clearly see the spot or just aim on a spot next to it. (Not saying it’s not an issue ,but there isn’t much the devs can do about it)

Was that a continuation of “doesn’t go where you want it to ?” ,or was that an issue with throwing ? if so then I don’t get it.

Oh I’m not saying she’s good ,I’m saying she’s better than 2.0


Shes better at dealing damage now, but she was better at securing kills before she would mow down agile enemies that were trying to escape with little hp left.

( i also miss Symmetra as a non-healer, too bad that this community thinks that Support is only healing )

I have to disagree. I clearly secure more kills with this iteration of her than before.

There is a lot more flexibility with her kit now. Before, the only way she could really get kills is if the team was dumb enough to ignore her. Average and very proficient players could easily make sure she had little to no value if she was on the other team.

That applies to almost every hero.