Thanks for that, niceness in the last place you expect it.
I am ok now, so am climbing back up. When people talk about autoimmune disorders causing problems with being able to play FPSs, I can attest to it.
But I’m back now, and using my new found bad SR as an excuse to DPS my way up. Mei is a blast to play, so I’m all happy.
I still remember the problems playing support, and I have a lot of empathy for them, but, holy cow, the DPS are fun to play. I can see why there are so many more DPS than support players.
As a person currently down in silver they WORSHIP the holy 2-2-2 comp.
Man, oh man, they HATE off meta picks. (not… meta, like… the meta, but 2 standard DPS, a shield tank, hopefully 2, and a main support, hopefully 2. Not mercy
You take a sym, and they all lose their minds, UNLESS, you have a plan which you can explain to them. Like… Get to choke with the shield up, and we tele to point - everyone take something good at close range fighting. We beat them there, and move to point b, up on Ults.
Then, and only then, can you Sym (or Torb, or Mei or whatever)
Of course, you get them on board with this, and you my friend, have won yourself a game
Do you like going to work and having to take someone else’s shift on top of yours just because they didn’t decide to show up today?
almost always played by bad players who literally grief their teams. they just pick the hero and play it without any kind of strategy to win at all and feed the entire match.
like bro you know your reaper is dead weight when he is chasing a reinhardt instead of a support or building ult off roadhog. And then they won’t even play him on control, a game mode he is good on.
sometimes they don’t even make it to the barrier they’re trying to shoot at.
i want to understand what goes through another DPS players’ head. I want to know why Hanzo & Ashe = Sniper and Reaper = Shield Break to people. like bro man duderino the hero is a flanker, you cant just sit in mid shooting a barrier broseph that’s not what Reaper does
it’s like being understaffed during rush hour having these people on your team. you have to do so much unnecessary stuff to secure a win condition because they’re completely clueless. it’s so tilting. if they weren’t trash, it wouldn’t be. but they are, so it is.
they pick the hero and play it from a position of weakness, don’t have the skill to justify it and just irritate everyone who is trying their hardest to win and act like those people are the problem lol.
Like legit lol that is how pathetic comp is as a platform.
She is TOTALLY underrated. You can carry as a Mei, no doubt about it - AND she is the most fun to be had in this game, I am sure of it.
Well, most fun for you, I’m not sure how the other team feels, unless they message me to tell me - usually the word cancer is used when they do
I am sure I’ll get back, but It will be hard going, I am really scary with her right click, so I gain ult REALLY quick, but, I’m getting my ult timing all wrong.
I’m up the front in their faces, causing chaos, and throw it out to end the fight, walling off their exit, but then I find no one else has pushed up with me.
It is totally my fault, because I should check first, but in the moment it is hard. In plat, you’all would be there, and you would push on it, but, lower? You can ask if they are all ready, and you get silence.
I know the problem, and I am working to get better at it.
Forced 2-2-2 results in QP: Impossible to get a good match because you have endless Leavers who are just looking for a match to insta-lock DPS in. QP isn’t great at times, but anything that will increase the chance of Leavers is a bad idea.
Forced 2-2-2 results in Comp: Issues regarding leavers/throwers, etc increasing because the system is so open to tilting and manipulation. Lack of flexibility because of locked roles. Comp becomes even more miserable.
So please tell me, aside from the oh-so-prophecised “insreased balance” that may not even happen, what are the good points of forced 2-2-2 again? All I see are negatives that will be manipulated, and a decrease in player base because it sure won’t bring nearly as many people back as those that choose to leave.
It wouldn’t be a soft lock where you are locked out after they are already in game. The role queue will hard lock you into whatever you select before you are put into queue. No chance to even select the other classes.
Everything else you said was fine, I just wanted to clarify.
Not enforcing 2/2/2 is worth it to have people like you to cry and whine instead of forcing people to play how you want them to play because you seem to think only your definition of fun is what matters, OP.
The game literally tells you “not enough tanks” “only one healer” “low team damage” etc. It’s intended to be 2/2/2, that’s just a design flaw that 3-3 works better.
That’s… a good comp tho. Behind GOATs, TripleDPS is the strongest comp.
Play what’s most effective (which, granted, typically isn’t TripleDPS. But it’s generally better than Rein-Zarya 2-2-2, which seems to be the only comp ladder players want to play).
On paper it’s good. Problem is, many DPS players don’t aim and position well enough to be effective with only one healer/tank especially if the tank is a D.Va or a Zarya. Thank god GOATS didn’t become a thing in low ratings just because they’ve seen it in OWL but honestly, I’m more biased towards forcing 2/2/2 or 1tank/3flex/2supp because they keep nerfing otherwise balanced heroes just because they work too well in GOATS.