I have a lot of fun playing as a tank.
I have a lot of fun playing as a healer.
But only in 2/2/2.
Aside from concerns about que times, the biggest complaint about the concept of enforced 2/2/2 role que is that it would “limit creativity” in team compositions.
But you know what? The freedom to build whatever team comp you want is doing more harm than good. Because in the live game, what that “freedom” really means is "freedom to pick a third or fourth dps."
If there’s a third dps, it means that someone is going to be solo tanking, or solo healing.
If there’s a fourth dps, it means that both the tank and the healer are doing their roles alone.
Solo tanking/solo healing in soloque is a miserable, stressful experience that takes a role that’s normally fun and turns it into a chore. Being stuck with that job also tends to make the player less willing to play the role in the future.
I can’t wait for role que, where I’m guaranteed to never have to suffer through solo healing/solo tanking for 3/4 dps comps ever again.
Edit, because there’s been a lot of replies that seem to not get it:
I can’t wait for ROLE QUE, where you are GUARANTEED to get the role you want because you PRE-SELECTED it before quing for a match.
I like solo healing, fun challenge
But I know I’m in the minority there
If they made RoleQueue for Quickplay, I could see them going for 3Flex-1Tank-2Heal.
Even if that tank is a Roadhog, atleast you got somebody to stand on the objective.
it’s kind of funny how you want enforced 2-2-2 because of 4 dps and nothing to do with the disgustingly oppressive 3-3 compositions that have plagued the game for close to a year now. all i see is selfishness.
Probably cuz its much more fun to heal or tank with 2 others than doing it solo. Also it is rarely played in most ranks, 3+ dps is much more common.
Most people aren’t actually playing goats tho lol
why would they care that OWl has goats but their QP/Arcade/Bronze-whatever has 5 dps comps constantly
i have a lot of fun playing 2 DPS
but not when my co dps is a symmetra, torbjorn, mei, sombra or reaper.
If people want to play DPS then they want to play DPS. In casual modes, people will leave the game if they don’t get DPS. In low ranked comp games, people will throw if they don’t get DPS. There is no point in punishing people for having boring roles that have to be filled.
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Well if you let me solo heal as Brig, there won’t be a problem…
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I have a love-hate relationship with it. I hate being forced into it, but if the team is still working together well then it goes from being a nightmare to the most empowering feeling ever.
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Dont remember to add those 5 dps comp games where everyone else refuses to fill and try to solo heal in those.
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I only recall one instance where we stayed 4-5 DPS the entire match. Eventually losing starts to get less fun and people switch. Also the fact that none of the 4+ DPS can dare say criticism against the healer or tank.
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Only if the forced roles rotate to force the one-tricks to pick another class for once.
A lock out system that prevents you from picking the same class until you played through a whole match as the other two classes in subsequent matches.
No skipping by reset or leaving. Your profile will be tracked as to what you played in the previous 2 matches.
It’s only fair for all.
Ohh, I like this idea a lot.
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Solo Ana healing is really enjoyable.
As far as the OP goes, going 2-2-2 will not only limit creativity, but it will also literally limit a person’s “toolbox” within a match.
Say I’m playing Zarya and I want to do a last minute switch to Mei to stall the payload, what do I do? I’m pretty SoL, right?
Well, I guess it comes down to which is more important to you: being able to make that last minute swap, or a guarantee that you’ll always have a second tank and never have to fight with your team over who will flex?
Everyone knows WB is the best stall hero
Now if you were a healer and you wanted to stall /shrug
Hope you were Mercy/Zen and want to blow your ult
If there’s a 2/2/2 lock, the devs will be able to make healers that can stall without worrying about it being op in GOATS.
In fact, they’ll have a lot more freedom in hero creation in general. The “but what if it’s used in GOATS” is holding the devs back from a lot of things.
Meanwhile every dps player ever;
Estimated waiting time: ∞
Idk about enforcing 2/2/2, that will make queue times 2x longer and I don’t like the idea of 15 minute queue time. It’d be easier and more reasonable to just limit how many players can be on each role (max of 3).