Now no one can leave a Quickplay match by saying:
“Oh, there were 5 DPS!”
Now when you leave QP, you’ll be exposed as a person who outright betrays their team mid-match, without any excuse to cover it up.
Now no one can leave a Quickplay match by saying:
“Oh, there were 5 DPS!”
Now when you leave QP, you’ll be exposed as a person who outright betrays their team mid-match, without any excuse to cover it up.
If they were to introduce role queue I can almost guarantee you that it will not be a quickplay feature.
Maybe they could make a new game mode similar to comp but with no SR gain or loss just so you could get the role queue experience without the “stress” of competitive
Exactly, Blizzard is foolish, but not that foolish to introduce 2/2/2 role queue to QP… oh wait, it is Blizzard…
People forget they have an LFG system… I suspect you will see more people using it in QP after 2/2/2 actually if they don’t enforce 2/2/2 in QP. This will be because people want to practice with that enforcement outside of comp. This in turn might actually make people more aware of the extent of losses due to rando comps that don’t work.
Truth is a lot of people just want to plink heads and should be in death match. I still say a rando skirmish accessible from the main page would satisfy all the wants and desires of 20% of the player-base…
Why does anyone give 2 thoughts about winning in Quick Play? I only use Quick Play to practice heroes or play heroes I can’t play in comp matches. If your goal is to win while playing, that’s what Comp is for.
Actually QP should stay how it is right now.
Comp should be 2-2-2 or whatever else.
That makes no sense if you think about it for many people.
If I play a pick up game of basketball, why play if winning isn’t at least part of the goal? I dont have to get a reward at the end like SR or money, I would like that feeling of satisfaction of winning in itself. For a very large part of the community QP is the game they play, they don’t care for comp.
If you play pick up games, I’m sure you try to balance who is on what team instead of all the all stars being on one side, and a bunch of people that tie their shoe laces mid game on the other…
Comp literally balances the teams. That is all it does.
Putting restrictions on what you want to play in Quick Play defeats the purpose of Quick Play.
Role-Queue for QP would be detrimental to the game, IMO.
Considering they said role queue even as an idea is likely years away, I wouldn’t get too excited just yet. I definitely wouldn’t expect to see it in quick play, which by design is intended to be one of the more relaxed game modes.
Not following, you don’t think the MMR system does the same thing?
So without any goal/object in place (SR/climbing), you want people to play their hearts out, with the best comp possible just because “winning?”
That doesn’t make sense in the context of what QP is. Which is designed as just a mode to enjoy the game without added weight of expectations.
Just like in a pick-up game of basketball. I’m not looking to win as much as I’m looking to just make some plays and have fun with my friends. I don’t think we would even “keep track” of score.
If you want people go to HAM, then have them do so in comp-- where it is expected.
But no one’s asking for the “best comp possible”.
And therein is the problem.
One group looks at QP as a sort of joke, a playroom if nothing else, while for others its actually a game.
I liken the attitude of QP and winning to this:
A basketball pro shows up on Sunday to the local court, where a regular set of average guys gets together to play and have a good game. he instead sees it all as a joke, and just half-#$@ plays and screws around. His team loses, and they ask him what is up, his response is “There’s no money in it”… how respectful is it to the people who wanted a good game?
MMR is in the back ground, but your MMR is not shown. Just because you lose in QP doesn’t mean your MMR goes up or down.
In Ranked, your skill is shown, you understand what makes it go up or down. The absolute goal of ranked is to win, as that is the ONLY method of raising your skill rating.
In Ranked, I see how my skill has improved with a rating number, and I have an understanding of where I am with that skill. In QP, it’s not shown, it’s hidden, and and probably is not based on your win loss ratio.
So to me, anyone that dislikes rank either doesn’t like being shown their assigned skill number, or can’t handle playing as a true team.
So to me, anyone that dislikes rank either doesn’t like being shown their assigned skill number, or can’t handle playing as a true team.
Third option. They don’t play ranked because they don’t want to feel like cr*p if they lose SR.
It doesn’t mean they don’t try their best to win, however.
MMR is in the back ground, but your MMR is not shown. Just because you lose in QP doesn’t mean your MMR goes up or down.
In Ranked, your skill is shown, you understand what makes it go up or down. The absolute goal of ranked is to win, as that is the ONLY method of raising your skill rating.
In Ranked, I see how my skill has improved with a rating number, and I have an understanding of where I am with that skill. In QP, it’s not shown, it’s hidden, and and probably is not based on your win loss ratio.
So to me, anyone that dislikes rank either doesn’t like being shown their assigned skill number, or can’t handle playing as a true team.
Limited view, but it is what it is. I can assure you MMR takes wins/losses into account, and its probably for the most part not much different that the SR.
Regardless, you should consider and respect that others see it differently and at least try to play like winning matters.
The pro goes to a pick up game to have fun, not play sweaty matches. That is what QP is for, having fun, playing what you want, how you want, and just doing it because it’s fun.
The pro goes to a pick up game to have fun, not play sweaty matches. That is what QP is for, having fun, playing what you want, how you want, and just doing it because it’s fun.
Again, its a team game… act like a teammate who wants to win and respect the others… its not all about you… if you want to practice or screw around, there is arcade for that.
FWIW, even Jeff K. said that QP is not “practice”… just keep that in mind on what Blizz’s view is.
Others should consider that I go there to ONLY play a hero I want to play, and no other reason. If I win with that hero… cool, if I don’t… cool.
And QP only does one direction, not both ways… so you can’t even say you “won”.
But those same people would probably be a bit upset if he went full tryhard and got toxic about the fact they aren’t using professionally designed plays, and running a meta zone defense.
People should try to win in QP, but should be able to have fun while trying to win.
Versus Comp, where people should do everything possible to win, regardless of how “fun” it is.