DPS Q times are the reason the game is dying, lets face it

I have no problem with the que time. I do something meaningful in that time. Review my matches, take a little break. Its pretty heatlhy for me.

Especially when the DPS balance is ā€œDPS Y is dominating, and DPS X has not been played in a while, we need to buff X to reach Y levelā€, while Tank balance is ā€œTank Y is dominating, and Tank X has not been played in a while, we need to nerf Y to open space for X to come backā€

Also there is the issue that turning tanks into brawlers while still allowing your playerbase to think tank role is ā€œsupposed to protect meā€ is very counterintuitive, and lead to a lot of player frustration. People right now hate Hog and Ball because, despite being great brawlers and frontliners, they donā€™t protect the team directly like the other tanks.

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GOATS never exist anywhere but the top tier level so that is no excuse

As for Double Shield people donā€™t coordinated so it has never been that hard to break it in fact & get kills

Shields were never an issue & never have been an big issue the issue is with bad dps who think they have a god given right to kill me as a tank without an hassle or to delete supports


If tanks do not protect, what is the point of them? You can shoot enemy from comfortable distance, instead of going close and personal, like brawlers do.

You had your chance as DPS main to play fair you then picked 4 & 5 dps leaving meas the only tank main, then i got abused & called a thrower because i donā€™t want to play Rein to shield you.

But wait you chose 4/5 DPS chose who you wanted to play but then think you have the right to tell me to who to pick. How does that work?

2-2-2 is just fine like i said DPS are the issue they dont get kills

Keep them protected, until they get those kills, eventually. Though enemy tank is likely to have same ideaā€¦

I think youā€™re missing the forest for the trees here. If people are picking 4-5 DPS in a match on a routine basis, then 2-2-2 is objectively not ā€œfineā€.

Queue times are horrid because the game isnā€™t balanced around what or how people want to play. Thatā€™s all there is to it.


The way I see the tank role (which Iā€™ve been complained that should had been called Brawlers from the start) is that their role in the team is to 1) Hold your grounds and prevent enemy invading your space; and 2) have the tools that allow you to invade enemy space.

IMO, Roadhog is a tank because even without shields, he have a lot of HP and means of self-healing, while scaring people to stay away from him out of sheer intimidation from his high damage shotgun, which allow him to peek into the enemy team and survive to tell the tale. At the same time, he scares people from getting too close because of how disruptive to a team formation his hook is on the poke phase. You hook anyone from the enemy team, you have a high chance to get first blood. So the enemy team either keep distance beyond his hook range, or ensure their tank get hooked and then start the actual team fight.

Every tank have means to do both things: Ensure their own survivability and invade enemy space somewhat safely. Someone like Mei, have high survivability and can hold her ground, but lack the tools to properly W into the enemy team. Someone like Bastion is great to scare away the enemy formation because of how fast it melt tanks, but lack the tools to survive in the fray, and need to play at mid-long distance instead of holding the point.

I can work with brawly tanks. I usually incentive the Reinhardt in my team to use more hammer and less shield. Iā€™m just saying that the community donā€™t agree with me on that front, and that my personal power fantasy on the tank role is becoming the big bear parent that donā€™t allow anyone to touch their children or else.

And long dps ques are in no small part caused by tanks sucking and nobody playing them.

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Double Shield was never a problem before role queue, because the easiest way to deal with multiple shields on ladder was to add more cowbell DPS. Even stacking the old 2k Rein + 1800 Orisa shields could hardly last long enough if you had 3-4 DPS shooting at them at the same time.

Once you start hardlocking only 2 DPS per team, stacking two shields became much harder to overpower. Sigma didnā€™t helped with his ability to recall and reposition his shield pretty much at will at the same time role queue was imeplemented. Thatā€™s why double shields ā€œsuddenlyā€ became a problem.

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Course it is cause those same people are the ones shouting at every one else to switch & then blaming tanks & supports so no iā€™mnot missing the point you had you chance to play nice didnā€™t now you live with the problems you cause with you toxic behaviour

not at all

Blizzard created this problem by adding 222 to the game

this problem did not exist prior to the introduction of 222

Blizzard knew there would be a bottleneck - they even pu in bribes to try to ameliorate that problem

Despite knowing of the bottleneck 222 would create, Blizzard added 222 to the gameā€¦and of course, a bottleneck ensued, and wait times for dps became (and remain) excessive

soā€¦Blizzard created the problemā€¦not the playerbase


Double shield isnt a problem never has been it is your team thats the issue it was always & still is easily beatable

They canā€™t fix it.

The whole game (run speed, gravity, maps, modes) feels like it was built around Reinhardt.

Iā€™m not even sure OW2 will fix things. The idea of allllll DPS heroes running faster doesnā€™t sound fun for supports. And nor does it sound fun for tanks.

Slower targets are easier to hit; thereā€™ll be less shields to protect the team; Widow will still one-shot (only easier); the game will be a nightmare for Tank/Support.

So the ONLY solution I can see, which has kinda been obvious from the start (maybe), is to make every single hero a DPS character with ā€˜someā€™ hybrid flavour (maybe 30% max) where appropriate.

Maybe OW2 is going to be mainly PvE, so none of this matters. XD

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Which is fine. The problem persisted because they kept trying to balance the game like having 3-4 Tanks on a team was a real possibility in 2-2-2.

Devs should have been putting 200% more effort into Tank design than they had been.

Instead of


No DPS mains caused it so its a DPS problem open queue was full of toxicity towards tank/support main when they decided to wander from there role

Why should i as the tank main not play dps without being questions why iā€™m not tanking

DPS mains have caused the issue & 222 sorted things out maybe if theyā€™d switch now & again there would be as big an issue

a rare reply from Greyfalcon.

a pleasure, sir

that said, no, it is a problem.

a big problem

as the former US president might have said, ā€œYOOGE!!ā€

a for profit company tries - or should be trying - to produce a product the customer wants.

True of this game, true of smoked jalapeno oyster vinegar, true of cheeseburgers in paradise, and etc etc etc

what the customers demonstratably want in this case is to play a team game where the vast majority of the customers want to play a dps character.

This in turns means that the teams must be composed of mostly dps characters, in order to satisfy the want of the paying customer

Blizzard chose to not meet the customer need, but instead put in 222, which they knew would create the bottleneck that it has created and is still creating as we speak

This is most certainly not okā€¦or to use your chosen wordā€¦not fine

not at all

I covered this item above

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The reason that queue times are so damn high is because literally 99% of the playerbase are dps

not at all

I believe that the mix is roughly 75% dps, 15% support, and 10% tankā€¦but thats just my guess

In any case, I think it is fair to say that you and I agree that the vast majority of the players do prefer to play dps characters

that being the case, Blizzard (the seller) knowingly chose to add 222 to the game. In 222, this vast majority of players would be funneled into 2 match slots while the two minority groups would get two slots each

I emphasize ā€œknowlinglyā€ here.

Blizzard knowingly created this bottleneck for dps characters, who are by far the majority of their playerbase and customerbase

In doing so, Blizzard created this problemā€¦not the dps players

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222 is easier to balance