Doomfist Community Patch (Discontinued)

Explanation of where these change ideas came from

I’ve compiled this set of ideas built from personal experience in playing Doomfist (300+ hours), analyzing why I died in specific sittuations, coupled with many discussions with other users, all of which when combined together will allow Doomfist to be on par with the other dps heroes.

This list has gone through multiple iterations, but this is it. The true final product of it, no more edits. I look forward to what people have to say about it.

The aim is for blizzard to give a response to the list, to give their feedback on what we are asking for. If we can’t get that, that’s fine, but I seriously want them to give their opinion–Doomfist needs these buffs, his bug fixes aren’t going to make him viable, most will agree on that. Even if blizzard disagrees with the list, I want them to let us know what they think of it.

All of this would be implemented at the same time.

Here it is:

Patch Notes

Let me know what you think of it. (Please comment on this to keep the thread going) I won’t be changing it from this point forward though.

It is greatly appreciated that you actually leave a comment, to make sure the thread continues to gain traction.


Good stuff here. keep it up :crossed_fingers:


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. Hopefully the devs won’t ignore this like every other buff/nerf suggestion thread that has been made… oh wait. :slightly_frowning_face:


I would love to see some Doomfist in OWL. He was such a hype character to be brought to this state.

The guard suggestion won me over on it’s own. That’s brilliant.


I won’t take all the credit for that… Most of the credit goes to a poster named watyll, who like many others with a similar idea proposed it to me. I thought about it and tweaked it in a way that would best fit doomfist without being too big of a deal.


The idea is what matters. Here’s hoping he makes it to a more formidable state this year. He’s a blast when you get him going.


And I too would seriously like to see doomfist in OWL. He’s such an exciting hero to watch, especially when things go in his favor.


That’s a very interesting concept, especially considering how much of a sitting duck he is when all of his abilities are on CD. The 50/s drain also ensures it isn’t abused to artificially increase his health pool before engaging.

With this change he’d have a bigger chance to survive during a teamfight if he doesn’t oneshot his target, rather than hopping around and hoping he won’t explode immediately.


The ol’ exploding frog technique.


Thanks. I feel like it’s the kind of thing he should’ve had from the start, you know? Also, anyone like the formatting I gave the summary? It’s almost like official patch notes. :smile:


I’ve always felt that he should get twice as many shields for ability damage that decays twice as fast. He’s a hero that needs to be so close to everyone but he has no damage reduction and his only disengage is at the cost of a damaging ability. We only need the shields to get out of the melee and cool down, this would give him way better survivability. The guard ability is nice too.


That would be a bit much. 60 per person hit is even more than it was before, and it was 50 originally. That got nerfed. Thats why that would be too good.

Interesting ideas. I definitely agree that he needs some changes, and I like the Guard ability. Personally though, I think he might need some more drastic changes to make him more Doomfist and less Doomedfist (I posted as part of one of my topics some suggestions for adjusting Doomfist; the main changes were giving him a 1-2 punch on his left-click and a finishing move on his E instead of the current abilities for those keys, alongside other adjustments such as damage mitigation while charging Rocket Punch and Best Defence being based on damage dealt instead of foes hit with abilities).


I really like that Ult buff idea. Changes to its AOE size and giving it a mini-Stun.


Hold up right there, I’ll alter the buff to the shields. :slight_smile:

* The Best Defense…
* Now gives 25 + (Ability damage dealt *0.20) shields for each enemy hero damaged.
* Shields now last 2 seconds before they begin to decay.
* Shield bonus that goes over the max shields will stay for a second but then begin to decay at a rate of 25 per second

[edit] this is old.

Nice change. Admittedly, I haven’t played much Doomfist (seems like combo between sniper and melee, and I am woeful at the first and variable with the second), so I am not sure as to which would be better for The Best Defence (and what changes should occur alongside it to improve its potential if needed; I know there were some recommendations by those on the old forums for reducing some of the ability cooldowns).


Great post, especially guard ability but sadly, bliz team don’t care about your oppinion.


I wokld love an extra ability for reload
But it needs to be easily animated ifbwe to be included soon


great idea, doomfist is pretty bland when his abilities are on cooldown and this new ability is great solution


While i like a lot of the changes individually, i think its a bit much combined. I dont personally think that giving him a set spread pattern, which for all i know only Orisa has atm, is necesarry. And while i really like the idea for Guard, i think it should be counterable by CC, and he shouldnt be able to shoot while its up. And i also personally think that it shouldnt cover a third of the screen, it seems unnecesarry. :slight_smile: