If DF was moved to the Tank role and reworked?

Love to see Hanzo arrow like the old time but with REAL TREE

Eh, depends on the rework.
I really believe this game needs more off tanks. Peeling off tanks and not fat DPS-like off tanks. But then i dont want to go into a meta of unkillable supports thanks to briggs + peeler tanks


Before Doomfist was released, I always assumed he would be a tank. Big mistake IMO.


Honestly? No. I’d rather see more heroes added to the game that can support Doomfist’s kind of playstyle.

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I think if it was performed early on it might be acceptable, but at this point DF has too much of a fan following based on his current configuration.

Im of the opinion that he really does not need a rework anytime soon, but rather that he needs these changes. (by the way if you go to that other thread, my changes are at the bottom now in my responses… I can’t edit the original post anymore)

Patch Notes

You do realize DF is dying faster then getting eliminations. His elimination avg is as low as some Supports.

Isn’t that the exact point of my post. If new heroes are added that can both protect and enable Doomfist then he’d be in a much healthier spot.

Think of something like Pharah and Mercy. A hero that just works really well together with Doomfist.

Surprisingly enough, we already have that in the game. Brigitte. She works very well with doom.

They should just add a group with everyone who can act as a tank but isn’t. Call it the Faux Tanks:


Moira takes offense to that…

I always wished blizz went with the tank route and thought it’d never happen since they never switched character roles but now that sym is getting reworked it’d be awesome to see this happen…

as long as they don’t totally gut his kit and make him a completely new character

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The more tanks, the better imo. Granted I don’t play DF, but I know there are only three options for main tank in the game right now and I’d like to see more of them.

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Just trying to make more talk of this

i actually dont think they need to touch doom anymore

Would it be bad if worked more like Zarya?

that is my opinion. :slight_smile:


I would hate him even as a support if he keeps his ability to lift players of the ground.

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