The second slam “bug” is just the way the engine processes slam/shatter, if you look carefully, you can see there isn’t a straight line of sight from the origin of the slam to the tracer( the hitbox of te slam stops at the frame of the door, but the animation goes around it), therefore, it doesn’t trigger the dmg.
The Fourth rocket punch bug is indeed you missing the McCree, if you play back the video at .5 speed, you can see that you released your rp before aiming at the McCree.(And the clip you showed where you punch the mercy instead of the zen is explained by the fact that mercy was right next to you when you punched.
For the Uppercut bug #1, you either were too far, or you can hit someone with it unless it’s the first frame of the animation, because if you look carefully again, you used the uppercut while not looking at McCree, then you turned around, therefore it couldn’t have touched him.
The first 2 clips shown in rocket punch #8 do not represent this bug, because it may look like they took damage from hitting the wall sideway, but in fact, they are sliding off of them and hitting pieces of geometry behind them( widow got pushed back into the “ceiling”(I don’t know what to call it) behind her and doomfist got pushed into the doorframe behind him) though zen/hanzo probably should’ve died.(although I think hanzo got saved because of the rocket punch bug#7, since I can assume that the person that got punched behaves in a similar fashion to a punching doomfist)
Punch bug#9 might be like that because it stuns the target, you should try to do something similar with McCree, Reinhardt or Brigitte to see if the same result happens.
Punch bug #10: You hit the doorframe
For uppercut bug #2, I think it can only hit a target on the “first” frame of the uppercut(though I don’t play enough doomfist to know that) so if you hit something while you are going upward due to the uppercut, it won’t register.
Also, the situation with the rein and the hanzo is quite different from one to another, the hanzo was walking away from you, while on the second clip, the rein was falling toward you because of the slam.
Uppercut bug #3 the hanzo used lunge(hinted by the great amount particles around him) as he was getting pushed into the air, therefore he kept his momentum and flew in the air.
Uppercut bug #4, I think mercy’s gardian angel overrides any knockback abilities, since I can say the same thing happens when she gets booped by Lucio or Pharah
Ultimate bugs are explained by how OW geometry registration works.
Passive bug #1 is explained by the fact that you died before the ability hit them, since slam works like shatter, it’s as if rein uses it then dies but still manages to stun the people that killed him
Unknown bug #3 and Slam bug #5 are most likely related. I think it happens when you try to do a direct slam, but you “can’t” land anywhere since you don’t have the “cursor” to indicate where you’ll land.
Unknown bug#4 you still had a bit of momentum of the punch and you got stuck in a piece of geometry(Aka a slope in the wall) it the same for the slam bug #6
Unknown bug#5 is the same as Slam Bug #2
Thanks for reading this and sorry for any mistakes.