Fix doom bugs day 22

The 2 forum posts show doom bugs that need to be fixed
and below are videos that prove these

Although he is playable it is painful for example punching a sombra at max punch charge for them to slide while you get hacked and then die

Where is the bug which shows that Doom is unkillable if he fly around?
Really, play against him and try to hit him with some arrows if he carry you in the air.
Its obviously a bug but blizzard simply dont care.

It looks like “no hit registration”. Even if youre low ping you can get this problem. At the time the servers have “some” problems with Packet loss and client communication - it can cause things like showed in the videos.
Also if you or the servers dont have any packet loss or client problems, you can get no hit registration.
So blizzard dont need to fix doomfist, they need to fix their servers.
I dont know if its caused by those 63 tickrate servers but it can be the problem.
Oh and I tested it. I simply called my provider and he tells me my connection is more than fine. Then I contacted the support, a few days ago, and they telled me that they have problems with some servers.
Well, a few weeks ago, where the servers runs fine, I had also a lot of no hit registration as hanzo. I tested my connection and had no problems.
So better hope that blizzard will upgrade the tickrate.

And to say its not ping related is impossible in Overwatch! Do you know the ping of all showed players? I dont think so, so the problem can caused by those guys! They can have massive packet loss or even a really high ping! (The servers dont care about high ping players - so there is no kick or ban for that).
Please mind that if you (Or your enemies) have packet loss or a really high ping, then you trigger FOR YOU and FOR OTHERS weird behavior too.

yea honestly its really easy to kill him like REALLY EASY you go mcree or sombra and stun or hack him I played mcree against doom you just stun him and m2 not that hard and I know where doom comes from cause I watch a lot of doom streamers and play him i just stun him when hes falling from a 125 slam and then he cant do anything