Doomfist fixes/buffs when?

They better not buff him.

At this point, if you want value out of him, you better just utilize his kit the way it is similar to how us Reaper mains have been trying to make this character work for years now.

Any slight buff makes this CC addict hero borderline overpowered and god forbid we go back to that era.

I wont be satisfied until Doomfist gets a “Why are you running” voiceline for his Formal skin.


for any skin, just voiceline

Is there a list of bugs he currently has?
I would love to read it.

400 damage in the middle. heaven forbid he can have an ult that kills one target. Also damage just outside the inner should be 250-275… for outer max, but steep falloff out from there so still ends 15-30… I mean a melee punch is 30?? idk what they are thinking now, and no one is gonna get a pick on a single tank, let alone sextuple like there’s an achievement for… I hope they buff it back up somewhat at least like they did for mercy (40, up to 50hp/s?)


Thats the only one i know so far

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I get how gms df mains feel, I think… the amount of prediction and an enemy trying to juke you just means that you are aiming so off and they are trying to dodge it, that it feels like you are just throwing your ult to give yourself the worst positioning afterwards … and it becomes useless… and the aoe splash is like a slap…lol… once again giving him no ult, but being reliant on basic abilities only to do anything … feels super weak ult, having a hero with no ult?? tt free positioning in a 1v1 can be a nice ult, like infrasight doesn’t rely on dealing dmg itself also, but, I mean… its a freakin meteor strike… need better splash and center damage somewhat… as for cc, couldn’t they just nerf it to a decimal like uppercut instead of make it 0? and uppercut feels over nerfed even… 0.6???

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Playing Doomfist at this point is just painful, simply not worth it

Yea his abilities/kit need a good look at imo, especially with all the beefy heroes and stuns in the game.

Have you ever seen Fist of the North Star? We could always make the flurry of punches Doom’s Ult? Other than that, I still think the idea for making it basically into Thundercrash from Destiny 2.

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Ora Ora Ora Ora!!! xD

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I suddenly picture Doomfist doing 100 rocket punches in 2 seconds.


You know me so well, except that’s Jojo. :joy:

Same premise tho

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Buff him back into easily 1 shotting everyone? Pass. He was broken at release and even after one fix he was still crazy broken.

Blizz should never have released a one shot hero like him, esp. after the community had been having enough of one shot bug hooks from hog for far too long. Like, they nerfed hog’s hook then shortly after released supreme cheese one shot DF. Lel.

Let him remain trash tier.

Except tanks, characters that have better mobility and snipers far back from the action.

Also news flash his rocket punch hasn’t changed. His combo has though, due to the slam distance change and uppercut not registering sometimes.

doomfist mains are hypocrates

you did not complain when he was overbuffed but tell everyone to get good. now flooding the forums when you need to adapt.

Doomfist was never ‘overbuffed’, he had some of his bugs fixed.


The only buff he got was movement speed on the Ult and extra 5 gain to Shields.

I know, I just found a better gif with Jojo hahaha

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That’s fair. jojo is a fantastic show.

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