Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw a tumbleweed float across that pane… It’s a desert…

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I will say this though: Symmetra is good for keeping hacks at a minimum from Sombras, and keeping the Hamster from getting up to full speed for his rolling attacks.

That’s not a counter though, that’s just an inconvenience :smiley:

I have a thread from 9 days ago that initially got a lot of traction. Title was Devs: “We’ll see how Sym’s beam plays out”

I can’t Rez it because I was last to comment. Might help having that floating around again to remind people

Link it here. It’ll get more traction.

Although, calling the Devs out specifically in it might get it unwanted attention from the forum police :smiley:

How do I do that? If I could I would

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Never got bad attention to start with. Besides. That’s how they finally addressed the state of Tanks the other day.

Sym needs better Primary-Attack(the discussion above about M1 being not total crap…lol c´mon man)
And her old Ults back.

No, they’re using secondary fire because it’s so good.

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so a hero that isn’t meant to be played from just a design standpoint? gotcha.

The difference is mcrees LMB is so good that he doesn’t even need another mode of fire. His LMB is good all around in almost all ranges bar long range. He has no need for a secondary as his primary is already good

This is not the case for symmetras orbs

You think that her primary fire is so good? Fine. Geguri has an average of 57% accuracy (according to her LATEST overbuff stats.) Sym has a Max potential of 180 DPS. 180*0.57=102.6 DPS. A 17.4 DPS NERF from her old primary. How bout them apples?

Oh honey I pioneerd the old sym megathread with over 6000 posts along with it’s creater and a few others

You want my services in keeping a post alive then you sir are in for one hell of a ride


I would love to help too. :wink:

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Thanks, pal. I appreciate it. Sym mains need to stick together. Our community has become too divided but we all want the best for her.


Facts. We got so excited for her rework but it turns out she’s still bad

Terrible survivability really vulnerable not good in close range duels hard to move around a fight can’t pressure the enemy team

The list goes on and on

We need to fight back


I knew it would be awful. I did the math as soon as it was pushed to console servers. Before she was even on the PTR I knew she would have a terrible, no consequences ult.

Same. There is a post going into great detail about syms primary called sym 2.0 vs 3.0 this is a nerf! It’s a very good post

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That’s not wrong, but the general definition of a primary fire is that it should be your primary - as the name suggests - method of damaging and your reliance on doing damage.



you wouldnt tell a torb main to never use his single shot ever, and only use shotgun because secondary is primary. why do that to sym?

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