Brig defenders in a nutshell

Her pickrate is actually in the bottom 50% in the support category and overall compared to all characters.

She is the 10th most picked hero

Sorry but brig is a common hero, more common than lucio

The difference is she has a much higher winrate

You are right there, and she should be more common. Easy heroes are easy and therefore commonly used. Just as Mercy and Rein are (Mercy not so much anymore).

Brigitte however is still not even in the top 3 for supports across any rank.

The more her pickrate increases, the more her winrate would decrease.

When Mercy was overpowered, her winrate was 50% because she was picked in every match and would thus lose and win.

Brigitte is a character that is not picked initially but rather swapped to in order to counter.

In fact, her winrate should be higher considering that Genji is the most picked non sniper DPS right now and thus Brig has only really impacted Tracer.

With this statement… you’re very much not.

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Brig moans: hurr dive aint the only viable comp, hurrr this much hero diversity hurrr how dare traker have counter.

Normal player: do you even logic bro

None of this matters, her W/L combined with her pickrate show she’s still too good.

She doesn’t even need a big nerf either, her shield HP is just too high.

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“not hard to counter her”, yet she’s one of the hardest heroes to kill. Even the devs said that. And I hate siding with them. Idk why they sounded so concerned about releasing Brigitte, but didn’t really change her extremely tanky nature at all but only nerfed her irrelevant stun ever since her release. irony.


We bronze peeps aren’t THAT dumb.
You’re looking for wood tier.



When did devs say that?
Proof into the studio please.
Or is it another lie you pull out of your rear?

Sure, let me pull some made up lies out of my imagination for you real quick.

This list is mostly a ‘this might be OP’ list, but there are other things we really want to keep an eye on such as making sure her Inspire passive feels useful and powerful, and making sure her ultimate is worth using in combat instead of only outside of combat for the lingering armor.”


Shield Bash is Brigitte’s strongest ability, and its short cooldown makes it very difficult to play around. We’d like to keep her Shield Bash and subsequent melee combos powerful and effective, while just allowing a little more counter-play against it. We’ve talked about possibly reducing her defense somewhere, such as reducing her barrier health. However, her tank-hybrid nature is a core part of her kit and we want to make sure she maintains that feeling of being a difficult target to take down. Overall Brigitte’s win rate is still the highest of any support, despite dishing out the lowest amount of raw healing per second (ps: conveniently not counting armor given with armor pack, or her ultimate). This speaks volumes to how powerful her kit can be outside of her direct healing numbers."

what else would you like me to pull out of my rear?

This MIGHT BE OP, not this IS OP
Most of brig whiners are whining only because their “skill” is getting trashed by her.

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I don’t play him that often in Comp because I like tank and support, but in FFA, and the rare occasions I am allowed to play Reaper in Comp, you get close to a brig, you go wraith right as you know she’s getting ready to bash, and then then unwraith and get nice and cozy with her as you pump her face full of lead. He isn’t a hard counter, but it definitely is pretty even between the two of them who’s going to win in a 1v1.

The only time you really need to swap off Brigitte is if the enemy team plays double sniper or it’s a map with a lot of highground.
Most of the time, you don’t have to swap yourself if you are being “countered”, your teammates can do that and actually counterpick your threat.

If it’s Pharah, you just have a teammate swap to Widow if they aren’t already playing her.
If it’s Widow, just get your own Widow.
If it’s Hanzo, get a Widow.
If it’s Junk, get a Pharah, Hanzo or a a Widow.

And let’s be real. How often does a Rein really get the luxury of being able to swing three times at a Brigitte without getting dropped before the Brigitte goes down?

I don’t know about in lower ranks but in higher ranks, even a Brig stun is enough to get you killed as a Rein so forget about being able to survive the duration it takes to swing 3 times without getting absolutely destroyed yourself.

I have literally had games where the enemy team played Pharmercy and I swapped to Brigitte to put pressure on the payload. The Pharas have tried to focus me but every time my Widows have dealt with them while I was bullying whatever was on the payload.

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In case you didn’t know, that’s how they balance heroes. They release a hero with theoretical stats that should in theory make it fairly balanced, then let the community test it out in a variety of ways and finally after a long time deem certain aspects of it overtuned or undertuned and warrant hero changes according to healing/damage/pick%/win% statistics, etc. That’s why new heroes aren’t released straight to live competitive ladder right away. Time is devoted to troubleshooting on PTR, then live in Quick Play, and then Competitive; and sometimes a hero exists for a very long time before it is finally deemed to be overpowered by blizzard. That doesn’t mean that the hero wasn’t overpowered before, it’s just that now blizzard has suddenly decided that some aspect(s) of a hero is op (finally), and make some balance changes to the heroes. Because of this delay, I would think that the community has a more fluid and more updated understanding of current hero balance than the dev team does, with all due respect to the dev team. We as the community know what is strong against what, why/how, and how to abuse it using practical knowledge. The dev team can’t possibly devote the hours that we all put in to playing the game to also play the game, so their understanding of hero balance is more theoretical than practical, and is thus limited.

And that’s why the heroes that they initially develop end up going through major changes/reworks - because balance doesn’t happen instantly as soon as a new hero is released. But in Brigitte’s case, ever since her initial PTR release, the devs themselves were concerned of what she was capable of, but they released her that way anyway, and barely touched the thing that makes her op: a high amount of resilience by being a tank-healer hybrid, including her massive shield hp. Then the community split into Brig haters and Brig lovers, and the only change Blizzard made was an irrelevant one - to her shield bash. Why? My point is, if they were concerned about her potential and a community backlash that would follow, then why would they still ‘intend her to be a hard hero to take down’? and why do people like you exist who say that she’s NOT hard to take down, despite the devs’ own description of her.

Literally hundreds of posts can be found with evidence of her being overtuned in various aspects, but they’re left ignored and refuted poorly with something like “I’m a junkrat/pharah/widow/hanzo main and I have no problem killing her, therefore she’s perfectly balanced and you guys are all crazy” nonsense.

It’s just funny that the same people who play heroes that require ZERO mechanics tells you to switch to something they CAN’T play to counter what they ARE playing.

Dropping her Shield health is the obvious answer imo. Her weakness is supposed to be range, but she is really only weak at range from splash damage that can get around her shield. If her shield health was lower it would enable the mid range hitscans to be a more viable pick to counter brig, rather than relying on burst.

She would have to be more careful with her shield while allowing her to keep mobile heroes in check with bash. At the same time it would open up more option for counter play.


This is when I know all of your statements are probably over exaggerated


also rein
20 characters

yeah dont trust either of those content creators they give crap info