Brig defenders in a nutshell

I’ll give you that brig is overpowered in every rank except GM. Low mechanical skill in a hero with high effectiveness will always be overpowered in lower ranks, nothing we can do about that.

GM is where things get a little iffy. She is more or less only picked in either goats comp, or to specifically counter a carry on the opposing team. Her winrate is super inflated for this reason. I do think she is very strong for being very easy, I do think she is frustrating to fight, but I don’t think she is overpowered compared to the other supports. She is more or less right where an off support should be.

Honestly, she could use a rework at this point, there isnt a good way to nerf brig without making her garbage. Her kit is super flawed due to being so restricted to melee combat. It’s a hard spot for the devs.

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Brigitte is terrible against Junkrat/Hanzo/Pharah/Bastion if the enemies are running those I’m swapping off

Pretty much this, she is statistically overpowered undeniably, Torbjorn has a DECIMAL pickrate with his 60% winrate, brigitte has a 4% pickrate with an astounding 56-57%, all characters that are highly picked are around the 50% margin, more so than others.

You can say “crap content” all you like, but you’re in silver. You could maybe learn something from “crap content” creators. The majority of them are Masters and above. Now I’m not using your rank to bash you, but you’ve got a lot left to learn.

Yeah, i fail prey to this mentality as well. I know that to be a good healer, i have to beat the crap out of the other team, and to do that, i keep thinking that i have to hunt them down. Sitting in the back doing practically nothing on the off chance someone tries to take out our back line makes me feel like i’m dead weight.

I tend to use Brig as a flanker to harass their back line. Which, i know isn’t what she’s supposed to do, but i… just can’t help myself sometimes.

Reaper kinda melts brig. If you lose a 1v1 vs a brig as reaper you’re sad. While brig wins 99% of 1v1s, reaper is her only weak spot. She has to have her shield down to melee the reaper, which opens her up to getting shredded by his shotguns in like three shots.


This. Yeah, Reaper hurts so bad.

Now you want to hear an even harder truth?
She was designed to counter a “very balanced” hero.

Brigitte’s pickrate is lower than McCrees. Her pickrate is only relatively high because she’s a support hero. Reinhardt currently has the highest pickrate.

Yeah i am

You don’t know anything about me at all and I have no reason to lie about it. I can flex into pretty much all heroes

It’s funny when players like bri tell me to pick heroes like junk when it doesn’t actually work

I’ve also had great success against her as Symmetra. Turrets either eat her shield up or they eat her up. She has to lower her shield to deal with turrets. Then you and your team eat her alive.


Yet her pickrate this week his higher than zen and lucio while having much higher winrate

When will players stop using these excuses

Truthfully, if she wasn’t good at it, then you likely wouldn’t… at least not as much, any character can be played out of position. The real problem is how much her kit is responsible for encouraging it…

Swedish girls are just too much for this game’s community to handle.

It’s more about how i play Junkrat and used to play Sym when she was actually viable to play. I just picked up Brig and used her the same way out of habit.

Interesting - never thought of Sym as a hunter but JR I can definitely see-


How do y’all not see that Doomfist is a brig counter.

The entire team needs to focus her which is the issue. The entire team needs to kill 1 support. Let her live and you will die and lose.


Nothing really counters a melee range hero in an FPS. :joy: