Brig defenders in a nutshell

In all honesty I have never seen anyone suggest them as a counter to Brig before you said it. Usually Junk and Pharah are listed as her counters, and to their point they do a good job at countering her.


I’ll just quote something i said somewhere else to make this easier on myself

She does need some kind of change but she doesn’t need to be made unviable, which is exactly what a lot of people are calling for.

I think the hitting 2 people at a time is a nightmare scenario when it comes to implementation. You use Moira as an example, but it’s clear with moira whose first, second, and third when it comes to range, as the way the beam hits the enemy and how they are lined up, it’s clear who gets hit first with the beam on them at all times.

When it comes to Brigette…that’s a bit harder. what if the three are in a triangle formation:


So, the first person gets hit, and takes the damage. But then, who gets the second hit there? Whoever’s “closer” at that point? But how does that show easily via melee damage? I mean, it’s hard to see at times what you hit as a brig other then you’re hitting something, so to me it leads to more confusion for both the brig and the damage receiver on what’s going on.

everything u need to know about brig:
i never ever played her in my life, picked her up and swiped 3500>3900 with 68% winrate.

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Ugh I can’t even begin to tell you how wrong you are with at least half of those statements

It’s obvious you never play Symmetra, any Symmetra worth their salt isn’t trying to act like a flanker.

Sure, if you can’t land your headshots as Sombra reliably then fine, bring your other DPS with you or a dive tank when you go to the Brigitte, hack her and then stop trying to 1v1 her on flankers. (Sombra, I shall clarify, is a flanker)

Doomfist’s Rocket Punch does 150 with wall impact, 50 with uppercut and anywhere between 49-125 with slam, not to mention 66 per shot with his hand cannon, which can kill a Brigitte if you actually know what you’re doing

Your point? my statement stands.

You should not be having an issue hitting a shield with storm arrow, even Brigitte’s, if you are then you shouldn’t be playing Hanzo. Storm arrow is literally the easiest way for below-diamond Hanzo’s to do damage.

Junkrat is a character who can do maximum damage in small areas, Brigitte should be on a point of some kind, and you could always try i dunno not coming from the same angle as the rest of the team to give you some diversity with your damage placement as well as make the enemy team have to either turn to face you or hunt you down

In your elo you should know you’re not going to find any worthwhile Widows every single game, not to mention Brigitte can’t be spending the entire game looking at the Widow with her shield up.

If there’s a Brigitte right in front of you who just shield bashed your shield down (I’m assuming you’re not standing in the choke on your own like a moron and you have a healer with you) assuming you’re being healed you should easily be able to 1 2 3 Brigitte to death and whip your shield back up.

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I agree 100%… she is good for the game in her role, but her current design doesn’t drive her towards that. I agree with one person who said she isn’t performing in the role Blizz wanted, and that is a sure sign she will get a rework.

I couldn’t word it better myself, love you.

The point I went on with my Brigitte Fix thread was to lessen her damage but not to the point of her no longer being a counter to flankers, but to make her have to rely more on healing her teammates and being wary of her shield health and use of bash :smile: I feel like if Brigitte was less likely to be used as a flanker by idiots then she’d be in a better place :heart:

Again, we are of the same mind. I don’t think a rework is necessary, but I think it is likely down the road…

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A rework is completely unnecessary but people will continue to whine until it happens just so they can crush her just like Mercy and Symmetra. :roll_eyes:

Her kit is a mess though

Right now she is being used as dps rather filling off support on higher ranks. If this keeps going on overwatch league she will eventually get reworked

Again, agreed. I think it unnecessary, and perhaps it won’t happen, but Blizz… being Blizz, tends to be heavy handed at times… hopefully they will take the damage reduction approach, and maybe tweak her self-sustain in the process. Mei (who I main) is actually quite good in the anti-dive role, freezing and killing Genji’s, WB’s, etc. and for some reason is over-looked in this role. It’s not as if we didn’t have anti-dive in the game, it just wasn’t emphasized enough. Still, I really like Brig overall, and have hope to run her one day without feeling like I am using a game exploit.

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Ya this is kind of weird IMO that they were very specific to shut down Lucios ability with hack but brig still does not really have any effect other than no shield.

Because if Sombra counters brig then dive wouldn’t be stopped

They had to make a broken hero to counter dive alone

They could’ve just buffed Orisa and road

That’s why I included it in my post bc I feel that Rally really should react to EMP like Sound Barrier does :smile: I also do think Reaper could rlly use that armour buff tho poor edgy boi

Sombra technically does counter Brigitte already, Brigitte is useless without her abilities. Brigitte isn’t broken, she’s fully counterable, but again my thread is a reasonable set of fixes to make her easier to kill without being like… a Zen with a 6 metre range yknow lmao

Ya reaper is all around in theory the ideal hero to deal with brig. But that armor is rough on him. He needs some love in the dps department. A passive damage to armor would be really helpful to him.


People should REALLY stop asking for uncesessary reworks because unlike SOME heroes who’ve been in F-tier for SOOO long, they deserved it to make them playable. Stop asking for reworks to things that you dislike.

How about instead of reworks and nerfs we FIX other heroes first and introduce a new hero that coincidentally counters Brigitte that can be an indirect nerf to her.

People here have their head up their a&* too much that they forget that buffing certain heroes can mean an indirect nerf to certain heroes. And ACTUAL heroes that need help; Sombra, Bastion and Reaper are the prime examples.


she doesn’t

Most heroes need their abilities, doesn’t mean anything she is still a bad hero

Atleast brig has a shield she can use whenever she wants and block her hack

Also for some odd reason her passives still work

You lost this argument quite awhile ago.