Brig defenders in a nutshell

Players: Brigitte is a bit overpowered
Brig defenders: no she isn’t pick her counters!
Players: we tried nothing really counters her much
Brig defenders: play reaper or soldier!
Players: they are actually hard countered because of armor/shield

Players: her winrate is 57% she is clearly overtuned
Brig defenders: it’s because she is niche like torb used in certain maps so her winrate is high!
Players: no she isn’t, she is one of the highest picked heroes and she works on almost all maps
Brig defenders: it’s because you don’t swap to counter her!

They just repeat those claims even though everyone have tried countering her and her winrate is still so high

Some brig defenders will even claim she has high winrate because she is good againts lower ranked players

Isn’t that because she is too strong for them to handle?


Seriously, it’s not hard to counter her. And I don’t even play her.


No one says this. Her counters are range and burst damage, her biggest counter is Pharah, her two other biggest are Widow and Hanzo, and Junkrat if you can actually land your shots.


I honestly feel the same talking to Doomfist players.


I really hope no one has said this, because they are probably some of the worst heroes in the game at killing Brigitte!


said no brig player ever lmao what is this plat chat


Pharah and junk are hard countered by Hanzo and widow though who are still very much meta. So her hard counters are actually easily countered.

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Pretty much everyone says it on these forums

I always read reaper, soldier, road etc when they are terrible againts armor and shield


Those aren’t Brigitte mains telling you that then, and if they are, they’re bronze.


Brig defenders not brig mains

Private profiles makes it impossible to know anyways

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You can pretty much tell by who they tell you counters Brigitte.
If they say anything other than Pharah, Junkrat, Hanzo, Widow, and three swings from a Reinhardt, they’re wrong and do not play Brigitte. At all.


If someone says that Brig cannot be countered or defeated in 1v1 situations then i have a hard feeling they havent played against Pharah, Bastion, Mei or Roadhog


3 Brig post in the same day …


I honestly think for the people who struggle against Brig, if anything, Plat Chat is overestimating their capabilities.


You can say that about anyone in the game though, Reaper can be countered when he’s countering tanks, Tracer can be countered when killing supports, Junkrat can be countered when countering Bastion or Torb, Soldier can be countered when he’s countering Pharah.

That’s why there’s counters to every hero in the game.

Because if Pharah had no counter, she’d be overpowered. If Tracer had no counter, she’d be overpowered.

p.s you’re not gonna be finding any decent Widows or Hanzo’s that can consistently shut down a Pharah anywhere below diamond lmao


Pharah and junkrat does not counter Brigitte

Sure if she is alone but realistically a junkrat and pharah cannot choose to kill who they want when everyone on the enemy team is alive

They just do damage, I agree that snipers counter her to some extent but they died out when mercy got nerfed

Honestly I can win against Brigitte in a 1v1 ten times easier than against a Mei or a Bastion :roll_eyes:


What? She’s the second lowest picked support, only slightly ahead of Lucio. Fricking McCree has a higher pickrate right now. MCCREE.


ohhh honey you’ve never played Brigitte either have you :frowning_face:

Pharah does splash damage so she can hit Brigitte when she’s holding up her shield by shooting to the side or behind her, and also a few direct rockets will take care of her shield, she can also use her concussion blast to move her out of position.

Junkrat does a ton of damage and can easily smash her shield up in a few seconds, as long with his concussion mine, and god forbid a Brigitte steps in his trap.


So why does heroes like lucio and mccree have 50% while she is well above that even though their pick rates is the same

You can’t tell me that she is as balanced as them