Blizz devs want to keep some of the card changes

Let’s just hope that before the end of the year there will be one “nice” experimental, just one.

I think the ones that improves mobility should stay or at least be considered for ow2.

Mei skating, dvas boosters, etc.

But please don’t buff McCree anymore.
I don’t know why he keeps getting them but he doesn’t really need it.

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Fourth turret Fourth turret Fourth turret Fourth turret

:eye: :lips: :eye: :sparkles:

It shouldn’t be questioned even as possibility imo. It was clearly stated that those changes were a joke. It is like spitting on the balance of the game just by considering adding changes that have nothing to do with improving the game.


I have a favor to ask. A few years ago during a developer AMA, a question was asked about Mercy and her superjump. The subject involved potentially making Mercy’s superjump an actual ability, in which Geoff responded that it would be something that he would look into. Since then we haven’t received an update, I don’t believe.

If the opportunity presents itself, can you ask him if superjump’s current implementation will stay as is? Or will it be changing going forward?

doesnt matter really. I’m sure there wasnt like… a whole section of the community that was gone that came back for it.

Lucio’s ult was pretty fun. Also some Rein buff is needed Rein feels like :poop: right now.
I’d even go ahead an say heck buff Monke Ult’s HP too.
About the other changes… Most are random buffs nobody needs.
Maybe Reaper could use some kind of shadow step buff and Moira could use a buff too.
Otherwise, the whole patch was just supposed to be silly. Most of the changes were super random and most probably won’t make it through and we all know we wouldn’t like if some of those changes made it through.
And some were really fun and creative, liek Hog and Mei, but I’m not sure if that kind of changes would be healthy for the game balance, although Mei was pretty fun.

Some other changes please never see the light of day again like Bap and Ball. I actually love the normal gameplay of those heroes and changing them like they were in experimental would ruin them.

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Mei getting a little speed from the spawn isn’t so bad, and chasing down tanks can be fun.
Torbjorns might as well have a 2nd turret with such horrible damage. Needs a faster rivet projectile speed, and like hanzos arrows, should come with better drop.

Please no, besides Lucio getting a small buff most of the other changes are terrible

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I don’t know about that. The turret lost 20 DPS but Torb got +40 DPS to LMB - and that’s in default state, not in Overload. I felt like a menace, even on maps that didn’t allow for fun with the hammer buff.

I don’t know why anyone’s surprised at the possibility of changes coming over. We’ve been here before, as there was stuff from the OWL Exp and the April Fool’s Exp that went live. And rightly so! Cool changes shouldn’t be denied simply because they were on an Exp that wasn’t 100% serious.

Screwing up the balance isn’t the only way to make fun stuff for this game. just saying.


I didn’t talk about damage per second though.

The priority is that the game’s fun for as many people as possible, not balanced. If balance is out of whack for a bit then so be it. For example, the D.Va squish change was worth the growing pains.

I know, but you seemed to be saying that Torb would need more compensation. I’m saying that he already got a good deal, and I brought up DPS to demonstrate how.

Could we ever get an overwatch Classic Server launch day 1.0 mode … pleeeeze :stuck_out_tongue:

Watching with great glee as this topic turns into a storm of misinformation and assumptions.

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I’m glad for the clarification andy, you’re the best… but that coming from geoff honestly feels as disconcerting as him giving us dva mains the quote “just escort riptires and genji blades” after dva got her matrix nerfed twice and blasted with the nerfhammer…

Yes I am concerned that a single one of these experimental changes might go through. None of them were well thought out changes, with little to zero developer feedback (cough mercy nerf feels like nobody even looked at it cough)


Again: the game can be made fun without having to ruin the balance even more.

but even if so, do you really think these are the changes that deserve to go live instead of something that has been more well thought?

Some of them would have to be tweaked - something like 10% instead of 30% for Lucio ult reduction? - but yeah, there are things that could be brought across.

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To provide some additional clarity: in our discussion, even a small amount of consideration was heavily caveated by the phrase “we’d need to really test the numbers to even consider it”.

What I find particularly cool about these kinds of discussions is more of an acknowledgement that creative and interesting ideas can come from anywhere.

Even Flats

sorry Flats. I still love you


It’s okay we know you love him, which is why y’all have NDAed meetings with him instead of giving the community any sort of roadmap / blog post / dev update or anything at all during a time when community trust in the OW team is at an all time low
