Big balance patch coming soon to PTR

Pretty much, if it happens, it’ll be a bunch of nerfs and buffs that nobody is really expecting or desiring. The heroes which need changes won’t get changed in the way that’s hoped, if at all. They daren’t buff Mercy either or the forum will most likely have pitchforks at ready.

More Sombra and Brigitte nerfs.

One torb killed me with shotgun, pls blizz nerf it again :upside_down_face:

Don’t forget mercy. She hasn’t been nerfed in awhile. She probably due for another to keep her on her toes.

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D.Va matrix nerf, Mercy nerf

I hope they nerf sigma and Orisa so Moira won’t be meta anymore so all the plat Moira 1 tricks who got easy climb to master cause of this meta can go back where they belong :wink:

I always feared a Moira buff would make her Meta… little did I know a new shield hero would trigger it instead lmao.

My guess, they’re replacing Ashe with Bob and Bob with Ashe. ASHE…DO SOMETHING!

and they will delete Doomfist and Moira (no they won’t but a man is allowed to have dreams :smile: )

Lots of Sombra nerfs for that huge buff that makes her a Sigma counter /s

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My prediction: no matter what happens, Sombra and Sym players will find a reason to complain.

Brig is going get 5 more nerfs just cause she is still breathing


Where ? Link ?

Dude I didn’t know that site. Thank you very very much.

I mean they’re straight throw picks even in a shield meta, sooo…

Then the rest of the patch will be a mix of much needed changes, unwarranted nerfs, and furthering the power creep.

Besides balance changes let’s hope there is some general game performance optimisation in the mix too, the menus are atrocious on console.

Bastion will be left Unacknowledged

We don’t talk about The Unbalanceable.

nerf orisa nerf doomfist nerf mei nerf widow
(might the reasonable thing they would do)
nerf reaper nerf sigma nerf rein (by making cc even stronger) and buff a hero that doesnt need a buff and make it so orisa is still number one tank and doomfist roaming free

And they tried buffing Moira 2-3 weeks ago when there wasn’t double barrier meta yet.

It means nothing that Moira is meta. She still deserves something. Once double barrier meta is over people will come back to play Ana and Mercy.

My guess is that they will do these balance changes:
Buff Brigitte ( put on my clown music please )
Nerf Sigma and possibly Orisa ( double shield meta duh )
“Buff” Symmetra ( aka nerf her becuz she is too “OP” )
Nerf Mercy ( isnt that obvious, they are still traumatized by the moth meta )
Nerf Doomfist ( since people complains about him so much )
Nerf Widow ( who am i kidding, this isnt true )
Nerf Ana ( she dominated the support meta as the strongest support until now and still havent changed )

They’ve already nerfed Sigma on PTR, like the Sym/Zarya changes it hasn’t gone liive yet:

It honestly seems like a lot of folks just don’t read the patch notes…

Maybe they rework shield deploying, fix some bugs and drop hints at Blizzcon Hero (remember this time was when the R66 payload opened ingame)

You just perfectly described the OW teams balancing process. Nice.