Big balance patch coming soon to PTR

I’m gonna need a link or source to this

They have buffed meta heroes many many times in the past.

My guess? Cool.
Hero changes:
•Dva’s defense matrix has now reduced to 5m.
•Baby Dva is now the default character. Her ultimate changed to call mech for 6s.

•He can now deal 500 damage with rocket punch.

•Speed boost reduced by 50%.

Lifesteal increased to 80% from 40%

Blizzard so far has done nothing but pander to the turret builders im expecting they will take a big poo on genji again like they always do, cause I can stop shootinng at his deflect wahhh.

In addition to Sym nerfs I hope its a doomfist and reaper nerfs too.

They are definitely going to nerf Sombra.

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If Mercy doesn’t get any changes, there will be a reckoning.

And by a reckoning I mean we may complain on the forums, but most of us will see it as further proof they don’t care.

More Mercy mains will likely leave the game.

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I’m guessing shield nerfs.

I’d also like to say some Dva buffs but let’s be honest… Blizzard and players hate that character so they’d rather she remain in the trash bin so we can harp about double shields instead.

I know what’s not gonna be thre - Mei nerfs. She’s gotten only buffs since release and deserved none of them.

Also, since for PTR, means it’s gonna take 3 weeks befor it goes live and by that time some new broken meta is gonna pop up.

I actually agree with reworking Bastion. Even after the buffs he got back in early 2018 or whatever, he’s still got one role - sit in one spot. Not only does he have more shields to choose from than ever, now he’s also got bunker with immortality. I know that’s his main thing, but I’d almost say get rid of sentry mode (at the very least make it timed, no matter if he’s shooting or not).

DPS to support? Wat? Are we gonna revert Symmetra now?

Confirmed where? I only see one link in this entire topic and didn’t anything in there that confirmed this.

/thread lmfao

I would like to point out; the only way to get healing as high as it was in 3 Tank meta is to run Ana/ Moira or Bap/ Moira

Healing overall is roughly the same when you run two of the highest healing supports to what it was at the height of just Ana in 3-tank

DPS has gone up; Barrier’s have gone up
Healing is about the same since 2016
Tanking has overall weakened

Junkrat buff pls

Edit: as well buff Brigitte and reduce shield bash CD

I’m not sure how that’s reasonable in orisa’s case. she’s a victim of circumstance rather than being op. The reason she’s played is because everything else sucks.

You must be crazy Orisa is totally borked

I’m kind of hoping for a reconsideration to how armor works, since it’s no longer possible to stack tanks. That could possibly make the more mobile tanks more viable without having to trash barrier tanks.

Armor revert does nothing for tanks as all heroes which profit in damage by the armor nerf are bad and not used anyways.

You just make off meta heroes with sustained damage even weaker than they already are, while the same heroes with burst damage still blow tanks up like always.

Probably orisa and sigma nerf, Winston buff, brig buff(really small), doomfist nerfs(maybe? He needs it tho), reaper nerfs as well