šŸ’” Bastion ISNā€™T being forgotten, heā€™s being ignored

Or maybe they take an eternity to do anything. Theyā€™ve reworked 2 heroes since then and made another and are likely making another hero for the next release.

Noā€¦ They should have listened in the first place, when told that removing her ultimate without even attempting to rectify the issues it was indirectly causing, was all around a bad ideaā€¦

But did they? nop.

Blizzard doesnā€™t listen when it matters it seems.

We arenā€™t talking about reverting but how players complained about nerfs that were beyond warranted.

My point is, if enough players complained about these things Blizzard would do something about it, but theyā€™re not, they clearly donā€™t care and neither does the community.

If it mattered to them or the community, they wouldā€™ve done it for the sake of their game.

Poll for non Bastion players for what changes they want

Poll for Bastion players for what changes they want
Both polls have the top 2 voted changes wanted as reducing sentry spread and getting back headshots

Poll on the old forums for reverting sentry.
Mouse over the number of likes to view total likes and downvotes
Post created by GrantMan in which he tested Bastionā€™s actual dps vs dps on paper
One thing you have to remember while reading it is many heroes kill even faster than these numbers at ranges in which Bastion is supposed to work as well as theyā€™re smaller and moving so his actual dps vs a real player will be much lower ingame. The tests were done on the training dummies which are massive compared to all 200 hp heroes so the TTK is even higher in a real game.
Bastion megathread #1
This one can only be asumed to have been uncapped because it didnā€™t lock at 5k posts
Bastion megathread #2
Same with this one

The polls have over a thousand voters. Obviously people care.

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An average of 500 max players voting for spread reduction, wow, such care.

They nerfed rez as much as they possibly could, and she is still the most picked healer. How exactly does any of that scream ā€œtheyā€™re not addressing issues caused by it indirectlyā€?

The point Iā€™m making is there are over a thousand people who care enough to vote at all there. The majority of voters still believe reverting sentry and headshots is the way to go.

You were saying nobody cares, Iā€™m showing that they do.

Oh and itā€™s still the majority.

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I didnā€™t say that no one cares about Bastion in general, Iā€™m saying that these changes that we believe are the best for him is clearly not in line with the majority of the players.

Iā€™m saying that most people think Bastion is okay right now and that he has his niche spot that is okay, we disagree with that, we hate that people see him this way, but that doesnā€™t change the reality of the situation.

Then why are they the top voted changes? Thatā€™s how a majority works, when itā€™s the majority of votes :stuck_out_tongue:

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And it wonā€™t hurt people to try changes for him. The PTR is for such things. USE IT BLIZZARD.


Yeah I guess that if the non Bastion players started voting for the changes we agree with then Iā€™d stand corrected. But how exactly is it hard proof? 60% of the players couldā€™ve easily just voted on both threads and you wouldnā€™t be able to do a thing about it.

A change being added to the PTR 9/10 times means ā€œthings to expect in the live gameā€

Blizzard is so slow on communicating and working with the players that it has become the norm in this community now, they couldnā€™t utilize the PTR for balance testing to save their lives.

Dear god itā€™s 100 degrees out and Iā€™m stuck at the beach please send help


heat stroke inc

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why would they TBH,.

I donā€™t know, maybe theyā€™re just so deprived of fun with Bastion that they resort to being lowlives.

Beaches haveā€¦ water! It could be way worse?


Here is a hot beach survival guide: