Bastion is being forgotten

You’re in bronze where people don’t know how to deal with it. Once you hit gold and especially once you hit Plat it falls off hard.


Are you saying that his ult is good or that I can’t appreciate how good his ult is? I’m confused.

Sentry mode is literally the Opposite of “Fine” O-o

What did i miss? What is even happening here?

Bastion in fact, Needs either better Damage when in Sentry (Or all around, better damage output) Or Better self Sustain…

But let it be known, Bastion is NOT OK.

Also, Rank does Matter… In some balancing related Cases…

-ChibiFox :fox_face:
This is coming from someone with over 100 hours on the Character, Btw…-


No, I’m saying you can’t tell that sentry is bad because you’re in bronze. No offense but it’s the land of WM1ers there.


No no, I’m taking no offense dude and I do defer to your judgement. I just literally think Q is crap and would like someone to explain to me how it is better than sentry. Its super telegraphed, super loud and people hide like a bomb is about to go off when it happens. I don’t think sentry is super cool, I’m just saying its rare to think “oh wow I can tank now, who can I combo with” like most heroes get with their ults.


I like all the changes listed here, even I’m a bit nervous about buffing Bastion because it might break him but honestly increased value with turret is exactly what he needs rn. He’s not a threat hardly at all.

Hopefully Blizz looks into another balance change after all the stuff with Mei, Hanzo, and Reaper!


This is ALL Too true…

No one fears Bastion anymore, They use him as More of an Ult charge than Roadhog…


Don’t mind me, Just now realizing that i didn’t quote TerranGuard when i was half awake Earlier…

-ChibiFox :fox_face:


Because bastion is pretty unfun and requires a whole team to build around him. Not like soldier who you can just slap into any team comp.

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The Bastion master has spoken.


Yes, thats why we need changes.


You just described why he needs changes to be more like Soldier.



SO much this. Why do people think that we want him buffed to become meta? I’m fully aware that if he does go meta again everyone will hate-train him until Blizzard nerfs him back down to F-tier since no one likes him. I just want him to be viable ffs.

But even in that statement alone, he is not built for recon. If he was then he’d be competing against 76. He has too many drawbacks for recon to work. His whole kit is sentry.

If you want to use him in recon, you’d actually be more effective on Soldier.

Which will never happen, unless they make his hitbox scarier or make his gun more lethal. Route #1 would be good, but not the buffs he needs to be viable, and option #2 has the potential to make him overkit Soldier, since his gun is more lethal with sentry being in his back pocket.

Even with buffing recon, it’s too unpredictable compared to minor buffs on Sentry + Tank. We don’t know how good he’ll be or if he’ll overtake Soldier. That’s why I want to leave recon alone.

But it takes away from Bastion. If Soldier is still better than him, then what exactly did the buff so to his effectiveness? I cannot say it enough, recon is not his primary focus in his kit. It’s sentry. Sentry is currently hurting him atm, not recon. If sentry was fine along with tank, then I would be all-for recon buffs, but that’s not the case.

He doesn’t get any play at all, from any tier! The ONLY 2 ranks he’s not the least picked hero is bronze and silver, and even there he’s only just a few spots above the other F-tier heros.


But like dude, even your OG Bastion thread got ignored. It’s kind of sad to think he hasn’t even been acknowledged for a whole year now, up until they fixed his first shot bug, which if I’m not mistaken added another bug to his ult. Smh…

But glad to have you on board.


I don’t think tweaking Recon mode would be a bad idea. It’s simply not always effective to stay in Sentry mode most of the time. Sometimes it’s best to stay on the move. Picking off squishys and widdling down other targets with Recon and popping in and out of Sentry at opportune moments. Making the recon gun slightly faster and/or more accurate would simply make Bastion more effective as a whole entity. This is not to say Sentry and Tank shouldn’t be looked at as well though.


I wouldn’t ask for buffs to the Recon Rifle except that we’re probably never going to see a return to the Sentry Gun of old.

They won’t bring back headshots, and reducing the spread a little won’t be good enough for long range engagement.

Believe me, I don’t want to try using the Recon Rifle against snipers, but Blizzard will sooner buff the Rifle than the Sentry Gun!

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Welp, The king himself has Arrived.
(And of course i was dumb enough to Quote him without even realizing who i was Quoting, Earlier… :neutral_face:)

I Truly do hope they look into changes After Reaper/Mei…
It Was kinda Surprising to me that Bastion wasn’t Even Mentioned
on the Recent “F-Tier Buff List”


The centerpiece of Bastion’s kit; his most defining feature, and the entire reason to play him.

Whether it was actually overpowered before the nerf is debatable. It was the only reliable counter to Pharmercy, and nothing has taken its place in that regard since the nerf.

Currently, Sentry Mode is countered by snipers peaking around corners. Considering that Sentry Mode is intended to kill through streams of bullets and they are built around singular powerful shots, this doesn’t seem inappropriate. If a player in Sentry Mode finds their position being countered, the Bastion player should uproot and move.

However, it is curious that Bastion is so thoroughly countered by other Defensive heroes who outperform in terms of reliable long-range power and the ability to reach high positions. Even Genji can pretend to be his brother, climb atop a wall, and snipe a Bastion with his Ninja Stars of No-Fall-Off-Damage. Against an attacking force with two or more long-range characters (Soldier, Zenyatta, McCree, Pharah, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ana) it can be difficult if not impossible for the Bastion to ever find a location to assume Sentry Mode which isn’t suicidal.

Reducing Sentry Mode’s initial spread would help.

It would likewise help with the strategy of attempting to hide behind corners and ambush foes at medium range. Right now, this is also difficult to make successful, as Sentry Mode lacks the reliable killing power to make it work.

There’s also the problem that most of the tanks Bastion is supposedly intended to counter have abilities which hard counter Sentry Mode. Both Reinhardt’s Charge and Roadhog’s Hook force Bastion out of position. Also, out of Sentry Mode, thus denying him even the dubious protection of Ironclad, denying him the possibility of killing them afterwards with the Sentry Gun, whereas they are now in the perfect situation to kill him.

Orisa’s Halt is less dangerous, except that it further enables Orisa to out-Sentry Sentry Mode by pulling a Bastion into a slug-fest against her barrier and gun which he cannot win. And that’s when she doesn’t yank him into an environmental death.

D.Va gobbles up Sentry fire with Defense Matrix while half-killing Bastion with her rockets, then slamming into him with the force of her booster jets, then meleeing him or unloading her shotguns into him to finish him off. If he gets lucky enough to crack her mech, she steps back and forth across his position to foil his aim while pouring handgun fire into him to finish him off. If he uproots himself, he’s trying to shoot a much smaller with a much less accurate gun, whereas she can hardly miss him.

Charge, Hook, and Halt could at least be countered by a cool-down, short-duration E Ability that deploys anti-movement anchors. Bastion can still be stunned, but he cannot be moved or forced out of Sentry Mode. This prevents most Tanks from countering him when that ought to be the job of the Offense heroes… and is also currently the job of the other Defense heroes. And at least two of the Support heroes.

Basically, there needs to be at least one category of heroes that doesn’t counter Bastion.


It’s supposed to be tank but they “tanked” (bad pun I know) his damage super hard. They took the one class he was supposed to counter, and made him not counter it.


Here’s another idea: Give Bastion TWO Ultimates, like Symmetra.

If he activates his Ultimate in Recon Mode, he becomes a Tank. If he uses it in Sentry Mode, he assumes Siege Mode.

He can swap between Tank and Siege mode by pressing Shift.

Right now, Tank can’t properly counter elevated targets, or targets hiding behind walls. Artillery Mode would let Bastion rain mortars down on top of walls, or over them.

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Actually via rocket jumping, he can.

As for his 2 ults, I don’t think that’s necessary. I would be fine with tank and sentry being swapped but many microajustments would need to follow to give him high impact since his main mode is no longer the highlight of his kit.


I must have missed the part where rocket-jumping allows you to climb walls in tank mode.

Also, an ultimate shouldn’t require an advanced skill to deliver value, especially not an advanced skill which is totally useless when you’re not using the ultimate.