Bastion is being forgotten

lol Amazing idea, yet absolutely terrifying.

would give him attack capibilities and take some heat off healers.

cause now that genji/tracer needs to kill the bastion in the backlines before he shreds their team .


FUN FACT : Bastion is the biggest None tank character. Think about that.


The most and least drastic change to Tank Mode is changing its duration from time-based to ammo-based.

Keep in mind, with Ironclad being a joke, there’s really no significant benefit to Tank Mode. You don’t become faster. You lose quick melee attacks. You become louder when you move. Your weapon has numerous trade offs compare to your normal weapons.

If Tank Mode only ends when you run out of shells, you can use it much more defensively. You can offset the loudness of your treads and your lack of chasing mobility by laying in wait to blast enemies who run around corners.

Enemies cannot wait you out. They cannot predict exactly when their two-second window will arrive, because they don’t know when you’ll shoot.

You have plenty of time to use rocket-jumping to reach better ambush positions. Using rocket-jumping makes your duration more unpredictable.

Also, to further increase unpredictability, Bastion should be allowed to cancel his Ultimate early like McCree, by pressing Shift to reconfigure directly into Sentry Mode. This still has the two second vulnerability, but it happens exactly when you want it and it ends with you in the form you want when you don’t want Recon Mode.


It’s more accurate than Soldier’s gun but does about 10 less dps but I’m pretty sure he cannot tap fire anywhere as good as Soldier because of how the recoil resets.


Don’t let this thread die!


Bump of Immortality!


Bastion should never me meta

Why is it always the Widow/Genji mains who say this? Being slightly triggered aside, I don’t want him meta, I just want him out of F tier. Basically I want him to be about where McCree is. Not sucking but also not in the meta.


I think they need to take away self-damage in tank mode.


This rings true for me. Like McCree and Widow, he was so strong at one point that any thought of buffing him sends shivvers down everyone’s spine. I’d really like to get more value out of recon mode but people have an innate response to focusing down a bastion and he sounds exactly like a giant murder robot when he runs. 76 he is not. I’d trade off some of the value of his sentry mode if it made him a more playable hero in recon rather than an installation the rest of the team protect.

But hot damn, I do love a pirate ship on junkertown. I even get joy out of fighting against one.

Effectively, in practice, Soldier is more consistently able to hit what he shoots at, even without his Tactical Visor.

I don’t care what hairs you or anyone else want to split on the words used to sum this up.

Either Bastion needs a return to Sentry Mode’s long range accuracy, or it needs a bigger buff to its Recon Rifle.


my tho
1.Recon mood: healing, shopping everywhere.
2.Exchange sentry and tank mood!
3.Tank mood: what a damage dealer!
3.Sentry mood: make all enemy die!

I’m all for small changes to make Bastion a little more viable. For instance, why not make his Recon gun fire at the same rate as Soldier’s? If I’m not mistaken Soldier’s rifle fires at 9 rounds per second and Bastion’s fires at 8. I’m pretty sure they have the same spread and do about the same damage though. I could be wrong.

I don’t think a change like that would take value away from Soldier because Soldier is more mobile and has a smaller hitbox. Just thinking out loud.


When I started playing Overwatch, as my first FPS, I seethed with hatred at how easy Bastion was. Positively seethed. And the internet supported me in this thought with all the PotG memes and collective hatred towards him.

Now, a couple years since, my positioning and game sense have improved. He stopped being such a real threat about a year ago, and now I really don’t worry about him. He only appears here and there as a shock/surprise corner meat-grinder, and once everyone knows about where the desperate Bastion ploy is, it ceases to be a problem. On longer maps, like the end run of King’s Row, he lasts a little longer.

He could use some buffs, for sure.


They already did though.



I mean if he could be played as someone who could get the jump on you, not someone you can hear from spawn while he’s walking across the objective. I’d take something like a slower mode change into sentry for a better chance at getting somewhere undetected. Recon is just reload/run to fixed position mode. The sentry change would still be loud and then the animation would be long enough, but he’d at least get to play angles and sneaking.

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I just wish they made him powerful enough to warrant the footsteps. It’s supposed to denote a powerful killing hero but recon is kind of mediocre for that and sentry is pretty bad right now.


C’mon now, sentry is more powerful than most ults. Sentry is more powerful than Tank mode, bastion doesn’t even need a Q.

Yeah but 76 cannot change into a giant gatling gun and provide massive mid range area denial except with his ult. AOE is just bastion’s pastime. It would be great to make bastion like 76 but then it would be like reaper vs. roadhog (aka fat reaper before he got nerfed). Bastion’s problem will always be that he is the other team’s Bastion and must be destroyed. The more I think about it, the more I think he’s fine. So what if he doesn’t get much pro play? So what if he only works on certain maps and so what if he only works as a surprise that ruins the other team’s comp? I guess he’s more of a static chess piece than a hero you can really use, but that’s also his charm. Bastion gets ruined by good positioning and punishes bad positioning, that gives him a place in some but not all matches.

You’re in bronze where people don’t know how to deal with it. Once you hit gold and especially once you hit Plat it falls off hard.