This Tracer Nerf is unfair

Damn… That is a HELL of a good argument.

I think she needs a nerf. Her pick rates are too crazy and she crowds out the rest of the heroes up there.

People want to be able to aspire to play their heroes up in GM if they practice hard enough.

But you are right. The pulse bomb only hurts the wrong place. It is so obvious when you put it like that.

Pirate ship doesn’t scare me, but I play a hero which defines off meta. You just put a wall under him so he isn’t behind shields and shoot him.

But damn, every single game? I do not want to face that.

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you can point to your hours all you want, but you can’t say that because you’ve played 10,000 rounds of mini-golf you understand the game played in the PGA. The games might have some overlap, but are dissimilar enough that it’s not super transferrable.

I have maybe 100+ hours in QP. The number of times I’ve been on a team that’s had any semblance of team play and coordination was in the single digits. I’ve never seen both teams have this at the same time in QP. Hence, they’re different games.

I’m sorry dude, but everything you’ve said makes it clear that you don’t really understand how the competitive game is played.

And I have way more then 600 hours in this game in comp.

Sure ya do bud…

(I am Genuinely Glad that i don’t understand that GOLF Reference.)

I have been playin a Long time, And if anyone tries to Convince me that Bastion Of all characters is a “Strong Pick” Right now, i’ll have a Very Hard time believing it.

Especially in Higher Ranks.

Those players define the meta, also, there are more then 72 players in OWL

The point I’m making is that your experience in QP doesn’t give you a working sense of the game in comp.

I’m not making that argument. Never have I made that argument. Bastion is generally a pretty weak pick at the moment.

The argument I am making is that this change will make it impossible for Tracer to counter pirate ship. With this, you will see a lot of pirate ship crop up, especially at low ranks. Pirate ship has few other reliable and consistent counters and is incredibly unfun to play against. I think it will be a bad thing for the game to see more of it.

Yet again, you’re just theory crafting. How would you know? You have literally no experience playing the game at high ranks.

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Tell that to this guy, if you want.

(He’s just a nobody, Low rank player anyways…)

They need to keep the original damage and only reduce it for tanks.

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I like how every time I counter one of your erroneous points you choose not to address them and instead go off on a tangent.

And whatever man, write me off as a low “low rank” player. I’m Masters, I’ve made GM this season. But I’m sure your quick play experience is much more insightful.

I never called you a low rank player.

Quoting a high ranked player is going off on a Tangent now? ok…

And Yea… I have experience in this game too, Even if you can’t see all of it… your point?

Now, Lets get this Topic back on Point Like our genji should be.

Tracer needed this change.
It literally helps every other annoying aspect of playing a Tank or higher health character… And, She finally won’t be able to force Bastion players to switch, just by picking the character anymore! Yay! :smile_cat:

I see this change as Productive, and all around better for the game.

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+1! Would be absolutely fine with this. Like I said, my main issue isn’t “Zomg qq I iz nerfed.” It’s about how cancerous the low-mid tier games are going to be because of it, without it really doing much to change T500 / OWL play. >.<

And with the Junkrat nerf on top of it … yep, this is officially low-mid tier’s theme song:

[Beeps in Omnic language]

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give it 350 dmg it can still 1 shot most heros except for tanks except zarya and the fall of dmg isnt that bad problem solved

Uncalled? There are soo many people that asked/called for a nerf

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You can still kill any hero with the pulse bomb except for tanks. It is not hard to stick it on someone Lol. There are already a problem with main tanks and especially rein is in a very bad place right now, it was a small nerf and her ult still charges up as fast as before so why the f are you bltching about it?

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Yeah, yeah but the fact is that the only thing which was ever nerfed from Tracer, was her ult and honestly it doesn´t even matter much, since you can still jump and kill around

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This is not true, the skill ceiling of Brigitte is not that high in comparison to tracer. maybe you just feel this way because you’re maining tracer, and a counter to your main was added.

Not true either, pulse bomb really was too OP for main Bastions like me, if i picked Bastion and there was a good tracer in the enemy team, i just couldn’t play him because of the NON STOPPING pulse bombs that are EXTREMELY EASY TO HIT, and THIS is unfun - not being able to play your main hero.

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the 300 dmg pulse does not counter bastions - a standing bastion will be left with 5HP and a sitting or ulting bastion will be left with 65HP (because of the passive) btw im so happy about that :grinning:

Armour – makes every hit = hit - 5
295/10 = 29.5 = 10%
Ironclad = every hit = hit - 20%hit
29.5*2= 59
295-59= 236
Bastion’s HP = 300
Bastion will have 64 HP after a direct pulse bomb, the calculation is based on “if the armor is reducing the -5 dmg before the ironclad”

It was needed to nerf her tank buster ability but her lethality to squishies remain the same. Yeah it lowers her kill potential due to her damage fall off being affected but sticking the bomb remains unchanged. If a Tracer player can reliably stick on squishies, he/she is not affected by the change. Just practice her sticking in custom games with bots. Eventually you’ll know her blink range precisely and you can ult to start the throwing animation and blink to the enemy in front of you for insta sticks. Practice is the key to becoming a better Tracer player. As a Tracer main, this nerf is justified.

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Grow up? Having my own opinions means i have to grow up now? It’s a fact that it’s the Tracer mains the ones crying that she finally got nerfed a bit.

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