Bastion is being forgotten

There’s no point to a weaker tank mode. Anything a weaker tank mode could do, Recon Mode should be doing.

Reconmode can’t rocketjump.

also it doesn’t have splash damage.

It also doesn’t have burst damage.

all of the above will help for vertical mobility to get into better places for sentry without having to walk all the way around to get there or places he can’t normally reach. It will also help deal with smaller heroes because of the splash damage and the ability to rocket jump to disrupt their aim. The burst damage means you only have to land 1 shot for a ton of damage whereas landing one shot in recon isn’t as powerful.


Not gonna lie, i would be driving the tank only cause it looks like a beast.

Plus when you die you at least know that you looked cool!

neat idea :white_check_mark:


Then what is Recon Mode for?

Could we get some Devs to weigh in here? Please?


I mow down dva’s all the time. Far more than they kill me. The only time I’m gonna die to a dva is when she spams defense matrix in my face AND has team members following up behind her so that I’m simply overwhelmed. At which point the dva aspect is pretty much irrelevant. If you get overwhelmed by a few heroes yer gonna die anyway. Dva just makes it easy cause she can negate his damage.

accurate hitscan shooting without sentry. It’s harder to land projectile rockets on a Phara than accurate hitscan. Recon is still better at range than the rockets because it’s undodgable. It also has a much higher dps because it can get headshots. If you land all headshots, like you can on an Orisa, recon does 320 dps.

My favorite thing to do vs an Orisa is to just face hug her in recon because you basically get free crits and she can’t kill you fast enough.

Basically they all have strengths and weaknesses.

pro: butt loads of damage
pro: hitscan
con: can’t move

pro: can move
pro: hitscan
pro: accurate
pro: similar damage to Soldier
con: gigantic target
con: large head hitbox

Mini Tank:
pro: burst damage
pro: splash damage
pro: rocket jumping
con: lower dps
con: lower firerate
con: projectile.


She used to combo Bastion with missiles+DM and if that didn’t kill him her armor allowed her to just shoot him to death after the combo. The missiles had their damage nerfed so she’s going to counter him less but she will still be incredibly annoying.


I hope it’s Bastion! Then again everybody probably hopes it’s their main too :stuck_out_tongue:


Me too, Jeff is probably not saying who it is at this time because It’s probably going to be many months before they get to doing that hero.


I hope to God that He is talking about Bastion.


Hopefully if it is Bastion they can put some thing up for it sooner then later. I hate not knowing…

But still Bastion Buffs would be cool. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Getting out of spawn, most of the time :smiley:


I bet that someone else is actually a Winston, they will give him 50% more dmg reduction from bastion bullets so now monkey can 1v1 him better.

balanced :white_check_mark:


That would be armor. It’d cut Bastion’s dps vs Winston to about 350 assuming Winston has enough armor to withstand one second of fire.


So is the general consensus to bring back head shots and reduce spread while reverting iron clad and tranformation time while give tank back 450 hp?



This post has 272 likes and 40 dislikes in favor of those changes.


Yes, and the only flaw with that is that Blizzard doesn’t do reverts.

That’s why I’ve had to come to the agreement that IC will never go away, so we cannot fully revert his sentry nerfs, just decrease the nerfs enough so the 20% IC is compensated, that way he’ll be near-identical to how he used to be.

Since IC on tank got gutted but he used to get 150 extra armor, he needs the 30-35% IC on tank mode.

Also ran out of likes for today :confused:


While I would love that. Wouldn’t that make Pirate Ship more of a thing? Which would lead to people complaining and then to more knee-jerk nerfs like bastion before and sombra?
My personal opinion would be to make him more adaptable. Maybe that goes for all “niche” heroes.
I just wanna make sure if he gets buffed it isn’t one thats gonna get removed.

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In my honest opinion, “Pirate Ship” Already Isn’t a problem…

It’s SO Easy to counter nowadays…
Even With a Bastion buff, I don’t think It’ll Be a problem…