🐟 Bastion Change Suggestions? (Doomfish Edition)

Kinda bummed I missed Jeff this time.

But if you guys keep track, I work at Fedex and I make sure your packages go to the right place on time.

(So you know… alot of masks, Medical test stuff… and strangely alot of Swedish modern side tables. Seriously.)

But anyway want to ask what Bastion changes should be tested?

(Honestly trying to figure a way to move her to support. To solve alot of common issues, like Que Times and Lack of utility Based Close Range Support. Aka currently debating about instead of a minigun, give her something more healing plasma minigun kinda working like Moira in a way.) (Currently gonna debate a kit with myself later.)

But what do you think Bastion needs in the upcoming ExC?

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Wait, is Bastion a girl?


Yes this was confirmed awhile ago… by Chu if I recall.

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Really? I didn’t know, honest to god, can you link to a source?

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There is this: 👸 Bastion is a woman! Confimed by PvE?!

Can’t find the ye old Chu link though… unless it was there and I missed it.

Anyway this wasn’t what this topic is about.

What do you think Bastion needs in the upcoming ExC?

I’m not sure I haven’t thought about it much. I do think that Bastion is a character that deals in extremes. He is very strong in low level but weak in higher levels and this is because of his fundamental design. I think before a rework they might try a rebalance. Make him less powerfull but also less vulnerable, because those are the reasons he is both good or bad depending on the level of skill, if they literally balance those things out it becomes less of a problem IMO. I don’t know exactly how that would be accomplished, I’ll think about ideas for that and post later.

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Currently for replacing the minigun for something more… Futuristic?

Some type of energy minigun which we can add more beneficial function.

Not sure about that, changing his artistic design could be problematic as they would have to remake a lot of stuff.

Personal barrier, tighten spread on turret form, headshots return as well.

To balance it, ironclad is removed, transformation takes longer so Bastion can’t spam it, 50 less health.

Essentially Beta Bastion (When he was good)


Just thinking of the long run not the short dash.

I’m posting my response thread tomorrow, but here is what I’ve got so far:

  • Recon to sentry reconfigure time reduced to .75 seconds
  • Sentry to recon reconfigure time reduced to .25 seconds
  • Ironclad removed
  • Health increased to 350
  • Tank now gives an extra 100 armor

And possibly: new E ability, personal barrier

  • Only available in sentry
  • 50 health
  • 1.5 second duration
  • Regenerates in recon mode

The point of the barrier is to block certain abilities or bursts of damage, like hook or D.va bomb. However, the Bastion player needs to manually activate it, and the recon regen means that he is encouraged to swap forms.

I was honestly not expecting Jeff to respond I didn’t have this prepared.


Think CC reduction was a hint in the direction.

I am still going to stand by my “Generalized rework” for Bastion, as i believe it would solve a lot of issues, and leave the hero playable at almost any rank.

What does this do?

It gives Bastion versatility, preserves the hero, because removal of Configuration Sentry, or her ability to deal harmful damage, is removal of the hero itself.

And most importantly it gives reliable use across the hero, with no “Crutch” that either works or loses you the game, based on whether or not your enemy knows what they’re doing.

This sounds like a great new hero!

This doesn’t sound like Bastion.
At all.

I’m all for Bastion having some kind of healing ability, that would actually be kind of nice for a Tank hero with a small bit if utility on the side… perhaps through Ganymede being used in-game, for a targeted heal similarly to Zenyatta’s.

But outside of that… Bastion is a deadly minigun.
And changing that, removes Bastion.

Do we really need bastion changed? How about power creep nerds please :slight_smile:

How about you go and try to play Bastion in Comp and come back.
I’m 100% sure you would never do that, and even if you would, you’d find that you’d lose every match where the hero is picked.

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Let him allow to have headshots while in turret mode again.


Bastion should use all his moves more dynamically & reward a player who is constantly transforming more, maybe modify his passive? increasing his speed in & out of forms? It would be so sick to see a pro bastion switching up constantly.

He needs a better infantry mode & tank mode. He is only viable as a turret right now some times it is even a bad decision to switch from turret to tank, the turret takes that much priority.

Technically that makes Bastion non-binary conforming, like myself.

It’s simple.

Exactly you have a niche character that sees little gameplay and an overall problem with general gameplay that would make the game better for a higher oercent