Ana brainstorming thread

What if we increased Ana’s damage to 75, and gave her a passive that heals her for 1hp per 5 damage healed/dealt?
Per full shot, she would gain 15hp, highly increasing survivability.

Another idea I’ve had is make hitboxes less forgiving, but in turn, give Ana an altered crit modifier so that her shots, if they land as crit, deal about 1.4x the normal damage (still 3-shots regular heroes, but also can 3-shot 250hp heroes). This would also apply to healing, to help increase her output. That would incentivize better aim with higher burst damage, which would help not only against flankers, but also help burst down tanks.
If you run the math, a 1.4x modifier would cause her shots to deal 28 extra damage, making the total 98. Plus, her shots would deal better damage through armor. For a healed shot, the modifier would add 30 damage, making the healing shots heal for 105. This would change her DpS from 56 to 78 for crits, and her HpS from 60 to 84.
Just some random ideas.

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I think Ana may secretly be intended to be bad. It’s a niche that someone has to fill.

I think I might have said it in another thread, but I’ll say it again here. I don’t think Ana needs a buff to the amount of healing her shots do. (maybe a slight modification to how fast like the OP suggests) Too much healing will make her too good to deal damage through. The problem with Ana’s healing is that aside from Anti-nade stopping healing in its entirety, Ana is the only healer whose healing can be effectively blocked by a large portion of the game’s character lineup. God help you if the enemy is running anything but Roadhog and Zarya.

The mobility and sustain are obvious issues, but I just wanted to throw my hat into the healing topic. If her healing (not even damage) could go through barriers or Def. Matrix, you’d see a huge bump in her healing capabilities.

I got a nice suggestion for Nano Boost that I’ve now added to the OP:

  • Nano Boost now instantly reloads weapon.
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Nano having a burst heal would be fantastic and really help with situations where you have to nano a tank to keep them alive on the objective. I’m all for it.

One of my PS4 alt accounts has mostly Ana playtime, I use it to practice her in competitive and I placed 3644 this season. She’s good, but she could use a little help to keep her relevant.

I was trying to think of a sensible passive for another thread but now that I think about it, it might be what Ana needs even if I’m not entirely sure I like this direction.

If an enemy has <=30hp after taking damage or while slept or antinaded, they instantly die.


Great to see you here! Feel free to look at the other suggestions as well, I like having the perspective of those who don’t main the character as well (unless of course you are an Ana main, I just got the impression you played Winston). :wink:

Personally I think that would be too powerful for Ana… but keep the ideas flowing! :slight_smile:

I love every single one of these

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Less interesting but far more plausible buffs:
~2 seconds off nade CD
~2 seconds off sleepdart CD
10~15% increase in nano charge rate
and #80damagerevert 75 damage

I think a damage revert might work, although I do remember Tracer players being unhappy that she could two-shot them. Nade on 8 seconds would not work as it has a duration of 4 seconds, meaning that in practice the effect would only have a 4 second cooldown. As for Sleep Dart… it’s a very powerful ability, and can be a game changer, so should it be readily available every 10 seconds? There are already a lot of complaints about CC in the game, so I fear once Ana became more popular people would just demand this nerfed again. I’m not necessarily opposed, just a bit… apprehensive.

Show Gale this thread

Isn’t Gale one of the most amazing Anas ever? I would be too scared to show anyone that good my suggestions, he probably has 1000 times better grasp of both the character and the game as a whole! :fearful:

If she got self nano and it healing 100 hp to the target she would be balanced.

Okay so here is my idea.
If Ana lands everything in her kit every time it’s available, she’s a damn strong hero and can rival any of the other supports.
Awesome, good work guys Ana is fine.

I’m just going to assume this is a joke and laugh! :wink:

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Tell that to Ryujehong from Seoul Dynasty, he lands everything with Ana and yet his still put on Zen, and for a very good reason.

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It’s a joke and I’m like 15% serious.

Because Zen normally gets better damage stats than the DPS in OWL?