Ana brainstorming thread

I wish Ana could stab herself with a dart for some healing instead of having to use the nade. I wish for that and for the healing darts to be able to pierce targets at full health. I also like the idea of the target of a sleeping dart should be sluggish for a little bit after being awoken.


~ Never stop fighting for what you believe in.

I’m going to bed soon, but I’ll look it over sometime tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I don’t like that either, since pre-healing is often really useful. Perhaps if it was a toggle option?

The Problem i see with the wall climbing is that even though that may help her with Tracer, Ana will still not really be able to defend herself from Widow, Hanzo and high vertical mobility Heros and if she doesnt get something to heal herself exept for the grenade would make this feature useless in almost all cases because it wont change her playstyle

I think that amount of self healing would be too strong honestly. Yes, Mercy regens hp/second but only if she doesn’t take damage - with Ana there would be no way of interrupting it, and Mercy can not heal herself through any other means while Ana can use the nade in a pinch. I think what annoys most people is taking a random 30 damage and feeling forced to use the nade to heal it because it’s too much to completely ignore while not so much that it feels great using your strongest ability for it.

This is why I’ve really grown to like the idea of shields - would be a great way to not allow chip-damage to influence your decisions too much.

I’ll add these thoughts to the OP.

Ana isn’t bad, just moira extremely op and better at ana job, meanwhile have more surviveability

This is someone else’s idea, but if she had heal boost on a passive, she could heal herself for 150 with Bionade, and would be easy for other supports to heal.

Increased ROF and increased clip sizes would help a lot. Also increase how quickly people are healed/damaged. This would up her over all impact per second while still requiring she land the same amount of shots.

I’d also like changes to Biotic grenade. Right now it’s insanely powerful if used properly, and only OK if used as a burst heal. I’d be OK with the purple effect only reducing healing if the grenade received buffs in other areas to compensate. I think it’d open up design space to make the grenade more interesting instead of just a once-in-awhile thing.

Really I don’t think she needs much. I find success with her regularly. I also HATE the aim bot idea as it’s completely antithetical to the idea of her kit. I like that she offers her own set of challenges.

Her primary problem is survivability.

First she was hard nerfed to break her contribution to the Tank meta. Then the Tanks were nerfed for the same reason — that hurt their abilities to peal for her. Then dive movement ranges were increased to allow the high mobility heroes to cross the tank line. Then two extra dive heroes were introduced into the game (Sombra and Doomfist) which gave her more hard counters than she needed. Then shields were either added to the game (Orissa, Brigitte and Symmetra) or shored up (Winston) to deal with all the added burst damages. This severely hurts her ability to properly heal.
All in all the game kept incrementing forward step by step for a year but Ana stayed mostly the same — nerfed.

Now if an opposing team fields just one Winston or just one D.VA or two of any other dive hero (one to absorb her sleep and another to take her out) she’s hard-countered. Today’s Ana is a hero with too many counters and no mobility to save herself.

Firstly with Ana being a sniper and her daughter, Pharah, a rocketeer the tech for vertical mobility already exists for her. I’d let her borrow a pair of Wrist Rockets from her daughter, bind them to the unused swap weapon key and after a 12 second cool-down when clicked it would allow her to boost jump onto a ledge or balcony above.

That helps fix most of her survivability issues. At high ground only the heroes that can get there or shoot back can attack her. This immediately filters out much of the ground pounders right there.

Up there the ground (the floor) IS her shield. If she’s being shot at she can step back a few paces to protect herself. If she’s being dived on she can drop down (then return up) — same as widow does today. If all else fails she will still have that klugey dart to buy her some added space.

Vertical mobility offers Ana a way out when there is a rush. Simply go up and out of the way.

She won’t need pass through healing either. From high ground she can see everyone’s heads and simply shoot them to heal them.

Further, with Hanzo getting extended movement abilities added onto his already existing wall climb, Ana having vertical mobility of her own will still leave her behind him in capability. In power placement terms she won’t detract anything from him. So I say let her use it an escape mechanism too.

Lastly, I’d give her a 25 hp heal each time she reloads her biotic rifle. It’s a small self heal that would go a long way to alleviate her need to constantly grenade herself instead of her team. It would also give her need to reload some space for self utility.


This idea is probably stupid, but what do you guys think about giving Ana’s shots “splash heals”, meaning if Ana misses her target and it hits the ground/nearby wall the shot makes a small splash that gives reduced healing (say, 25-50% of her normal healing) in a small radius? Not sure if it will make much of a difference for her, but I’m thinking it would punish the player a bit less for not being able to perfectly hit that Tracer/Genji on the other side of the map.

Personally, I like the idea that was thrown around that they should remove the tracer from Ana’s shots when she’s scoped. I don’t know if they’ll do it, since it would be kinda big offensively, but it would certainly give her a better opportunity to hide.

I also don’t think the shields would help her very much.

On a side note, I wouldn’t mind Nanoboost giving 50-100% heals on a target. Would certainly make it an ult to be reckoned with. It would be powerful for sure, but a good reward for playing a difficult character with a lot of counters.

I haven’t decided how I feel about this yet - sure, it would help Ana out a bit, but like you mentioned it would be a significant buff to her offensive abilities. To me personally that’s less important than some other buffs.

This would be too strong - a Roadhog would be given an instant 300 hp aside from also gaining 50% damage resistance and 50% damage boost. I prefer to cap it at somewhere around 100-150, enough to basically fully heal most squishes without making the tanks un-killable for 8 seconds.

Biotic Rifle

  • Healing shots can now pierce full-health allies while on Scope Mode.
  • Healing shots heal an additional 5 HP/s for 5 sec. Do not stack.

Biotic Grenade

  • Increase splash radius

Sleep Dart

  • Target wont wake up upon taking damage on the first 1 sec of the effect.
  • Disable movement skills for 1 sec after waking up. (OP idea)

Nano Boost

  • Increase duration by 4 sec.

Die Hard: Upon taking fatal damage, Anna will drop a biotic grenade and heal herself. Happens once per life.


  • If there is even a single enemy barrier tank in the game, Ana has a terrible time helping teammates. The entirety of her kit including heals is blocked by barriers.
  • If your team runs more mobile comps, you want someone who is mobile to run with them like Lucio or Mercy, or someone who’s abilities suit mobility, like Zen.
  • If your team doesn’t have a second healer, or your team doesn’t have many peel characters of their own, Ana is a foolish choice thanks to no mobility or reliable self heals, respectable damage etc to take care of herself if threatened.

Ana can be played well but in most cases is not rewarded enough for doing so. The effort-output ratio is what people want to be changed. Ana simply suffers from things that other healers don’t due to basic healer necessities/privileges that help them perform better. Whether it affects Ana or her teammates, she is alone in many of these things. I’ll list some for you.

  • Bigger, better heal over time that suits mobility characters whom are often in and out of LOS. If she got this it would reward shooting unique targets and not the same one three times. You know, like a sharpshooter.
  • Reliable chip healing. (can go hand in hand with heal over time)
  • A self benefiting ultimate
  • Big one- s u s t a i n

Ana and her kit have massive potential, we just need her healing game to be stronger and more flexible, some sustain, and in general more reliability here and there.

Personally I’d like:

Shots go through full hp friendlies
Lower sleep cd if it misses at least
Some form of passive healing
Gun projectile increased to the “smallest” hitbox size since it’s comparable to hitscan weapons against enemies
Large tank hitboxes a little smaller because they’re already easy to hit and the hitbox buff on them can be way too big

3-4 of these are qol changes. Wallclimb and passive healing would be the big buffs to help her be a sniper support not a grounded walk to health pack simulator.

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You know what, I’m inclined to add a small healing buff as a suggestion to the OP. Either as some form of over-heal as some people have suggested or just a straight-up healing buff; Moira should outperform Ana here, but I think she might be doing it a bit too well at the moment.

Does anyone have the brains to figure out a balanced way to add over-heal to Ana’s kit?

Over healing from shots could convert into barrier HP that rapidly decays over time much like Lucio and Doomfist’s barrier HP.

I’m not really too keen on the idea of that though. I think Ana needs more simple changes to bring her in line with the other healers.

  1. Increase magazine size from 10 to 12.
    Mei got 2 more icicle shots, why shouldn’t Ana get 2 more shots?

  2. Reduce reload time by a small amount.
    Just a quality of life change really.

  3. Nano Boost increases healing done to the boosted ally as well as applies a weak heal over time for its duration.
    This just ensures that the nano’d target is even harder to take down. I don’t believe nano should ever give speed boost again sorry.

Other than that I’d argue that Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade have their CDs reduced by 1 second but I feel like people would riot if she got all these buffs at once lol

I just wish she could heal more, consistently, all the time.

What if we increased Ana’s damage to 75, and gave her a passive that heals her for 1hp per 5 damage healed/dealt?
Per full shot, she would gain 15hp, highly increasing survivability.

Another idea I’ve had is make hitboxes less forgiving, but in turn, give Ana an altered crit modifier so that her shots, if they land as crit, deal about 1.4x the normal damage (still 3-shots regular heroes, but also can 3-shot 250hp heroes). This would also apply to healing, to help increase her output. That would incentivize better aim with higher burst damage, which would help not only against flankers, but also help burst down tanks.
If you run the math, a 1.4x modifier would cause her shots to deal 28 extra damage, making the total 98. Plus, her shots would deal better damage through armor. For a healed shot, the modifier would add 30 damage, making the healing shots heal for 105. This would change her DpS from 56 to 78 for crits, and her HpS from 60 to 84.
Just some random ideas.

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I think Ana may secretly be intended to be bad. It’s a niche that someone has to fill.